Mohamed R. El Tahan A systematic approach should be accomplished through a multidisciplinary team to diagnose and treat severe life-threatening hemoptysis. Attention should be paid to awake tracheal intubation in patients with massive hemoptysis airway. Lung or lobar isolation can be established using a bronchial blocker or double-lumen tube. The roles of anesthesiologists are not limited to providing optimum lung isolation and safe intraoperative anesthesia but extend to improving postoperative patient outcomes, help in identification of the proper timing for surgical intervention and predict the feasibility of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery surgery. Recruiting the collapsed lung or lobes following pleural decortication should be accomplished with increasing airway pressures with ruling out significant air leak. hemoptysis; empyema; thoracic; anesthesia; airway managment Hemoptysis may present as mild or as a life-threatening condition. Massive hemoptysis, a major medical emergency associated with a high mortality,1 has been defined in the literature by several different criteria, ranging from 100 to 600 mL of blood over wide-ranging periods of time.2,3 These variations in definition are impacted by the difficulty in quantifying the amount of blood expectorated, which may be overestimated by patients.3 In general, any hemoptysis that jeopardizes respiratory function should be considered a life-threatening medical emergency.1 A 22-year-old male sustained several stab wounds to the back which penetrated into the right chest. He presented to the emergency department agitated and confused with severe hemoptysis, tachycardia, tachypnoea, and dyspnea. Physical examination revealed cyanosis, signs of respiratory distress, and absent breath sounds on the right chest. The arterial oxygen saturation was 83%, with a nonrebreather mask supplying oxygen at 15 L/min. Hemoglobin concentration was 7.5 g/dL and lactic acid was 3.7 mmol/L. Point-of-care sonography and chest radiograph showed a right hemopneumothorax. Electrocardiogram and transthoracic echocardiography showed no abnormalities. A chest tube was inserted to the right chest and a total of 1.2 L of blood was drained. Lactated Ringer’s solution 2.0 L and 2 units of type-crossmatched packed red blood cells were administered and was followed with improved blood pressure and the level of consciousness. Chest radiography and computed tomography (CT) confirmed the presence of right hemopneumothorax. Cervical and abdominal CT scanning showed no abnormalities. The patient was brought to the operating room (OR) for emergency exploration via right posterolateral thoracotomy. Routine monitors included five-lead electrocardiograph with ST segment analysis, processed electroencephalographic-based control the depth of anesthesia, and train-of-four stimulation of the ulnar nerve. Transcutaneous multifunction pads for monitoring, defibrillation, and pacing were connected to the chest wall. The radial artery was cannulated and connected to a fluid responsiveness monitoring system to guide hemodynamic parameters. An 8.0-F cordis was placed in the right internal jugular vein, and a urethral Foley’s catheter was placed. Rapid sequence induction was considered, a left-side double-lumen tube (DLT) was placed, and the proper DLT position was confirmed using a flexible 4.0-mm bronchoscope in both supine and lateral decubitus positions. Bronchoscopic examination showed significant bleeding from the right lower lobe, and the presence of major trachea-bronchial injury was ruled out. Surgery consisted of right thoracotomy and repair of the right lower lobe bronchial injury. The patient was extubated at the end of the procedure and postoperative course were uneventful. Several causes for hemoptysis are presented in Table 48.1. Table 48.1 Suspected hemoptysis must be confirmed, its severity established, the origin of bleeding located, and the cause determined.3 The diagnostic workup and management of severe hemoptysis is often challenging and includes chest x-ray (CXR), lung sonography, CT scanning, angiography, and importantly, bronchoscopy to identify the origin of bleeding.2,3 Detailed clinical history and physical examination should be emphasized on the initial causes and severity of hemoptysis to guide the diagnostic and therapeutic measures.1,4 Confirmation of hemoptysis is based on the direct observation of bleeding or as they are reported by the patient. Hemoptysis should be differentiated from hematemesis or bleeding from the oral cavity and nasal fossa.5 Endoscopic examinations, such as rhinolaryngoscopy, gastroscopy, and bronchoscopy, may be needed to confirm the origin of the bleeding. Location of origin and etiology can be identified and quantified during the initial efforts to control bleeding or when the patient condition has been stabilized. Diagnostic tests should include3,5–7 Antifibrinolytics (e.g., aminocaproic acid, tranexamic acid [TA]).3 The clinical benefit of using TA has mixed results in the literature. Tscheikuna et al. enrolled 46 patients with hemoptysis completed the study. There were 21 in the TA group and 25 in the placebo group. The placebo group had a tendency not to have underlying lung disease and more patients who had a normal CXR. The benefit of TA in shortening the days of hemoptysis were not shown in this study.14 Some investigators demonstrated that TA is effective in shortening the duration and volume of hemoptysis with low risk of thromboembolic complications. Moen et al. performed an analysis of 13 publication that represented the best evidence to answer the clinical question. Main outcomes included bleeding time, bleeding volume, and occurrence of thromboembolic complications after start of treatment. Based on results from the metaanalysis, no difference in remission of bleeding within 1 week was found between the TA and placebo groups. However, overall bleeding time was significantly shorter for the TA group. The authors concluded that limited research on the use of TA for treatment of hemoptysis exists. Because etiology of hemoptysis, as well as length of treatment, dosage, and form of TA administration varied between the studies, strong recommendations are difficult to give. Current best evidence, however, indicates that TA may reduce both the duration and volume of bleeding, with low risk of short-term thromboembolic complications in patients with hemoptysis.15 Interestingly, inhaled TA (500 mg 3 times daily) can be used safely and effectively to control bleeding in patients with nonmassive hemoptysis.16 A coordinated emergency team response is essential to guarantee the best chances of patient survival.7 A systematic approach for definitive treatment of the patients with or without life-threatening hemoptysis has been developed from the previous reviews,2,3,5,19,20 as shown in Fig. 48.2. The main steps are as follows: Securing the airway by using the largest SLT possible (≥8.0 mm inner diameter) is the most important priority to enable passage of a flexible bronchoscope with a large working channel allowing extraction of obstructing blood clots and placement of bronchial blockers.7,19 The main goals of anesthesia include volume resuscitation, isolating the bleeding lung or lobe to protect the normal lung, and providing sufficient oxygenation.30 Rescue medications and equipment, including two rigid, large-bore Yankauer-type suction catheters attached to separate suction devices should be available.31 In addition to the standard monitors, including heart rate, noninvasive blood pressure, and pulse oximetry, invasive arterial catheterization and central venous catheterization are recommended. Large diameter intravenous catheters should be placed to allow for rapid fluid administration.30 The patient should be placed with the bleeding side down,7,20,30 until lung isolation can be achieved. Awake endotracheal intubation should be considered in emergency life-threatening hemoptysis with risks of airway obstruction, asphyxiation caused by flooding of the alveoli with blood, which might cause irreversible progressive hypoxia,32 or bronchospasm during rapid sequence induction of anesthesia.20,33,34 Massive hemoptysis, usually accompanied with the patient’s agitation, might preclude the use of awake fiberoptic intubation.30 The use of video laryngoscopes might offer new merits for awake endotracheal intubation in patients with massive hemoptysis.31,35,36 Moreover, the video laryngoscopes could allow awake endobronchial intubation using the DLT although it maybe more difficult than intubation with an SLT.37 Rapid sequence induction of anesthesia might be considered in nonlife-threatening situations with ensuring the accessibility of rescue equipment and medications. Short active muscle relaxants should be used only if the airway is reassuring. Any concern regarding control of the airway should be managed with awake intubation. The practitioner should never burn his bridges.33,34 Etomidate or ketamine are appropriate for induction of general anesthesia in patients with unstable hemodynamic status.31 There is no consensus on the best method of lung isolation for patients with hemoptysis (Case Studies shown in Fig 48.4). Bronchial blockers can be used for isolating the main bronchus or selective lobar bronchus blockade to allow control of the bleeding lung or lobe, respectively by tamponade. The bronchial blockers are usually available in 7.0 F or 9.0 F for adult patients who require tracheal intubation with a SLT with a minimum size of 7.5 or 8.0 mm inner diameter, respectively. That allows the insertion of the flexible bronchoscopes with a size of 3.8 to 4.0 mm outer diameter.38 The use of video laryngoscopes allows effective suctioning of blood and direct visualization of tracheal intubation with the bronchial blocker before placement of the SLT. Bronchial blockers could be placed through tracheostomy tube in patients with tracheostomies.39 Bronchial blockers are more expensive than DLTs may take longer time to placement, and could be associated with more frequent dislodgement.40,41 The use of bronchial blockers limits the effective suctioning of blood because of their narrow inner lumens. In addition, blood stagnation in the lung distal to the blocker’s inflated cuff has long-term side effects.42 However, if the patient is bleeding with the SLT in place and there is a concern regarding control of airways while converting to a DLT, it is best to use a bronchial blocker to tamponade the main bronchus of the bleeding side. There are several types of blockers as summarized subsequently and in Table 48.2. Table 48.2
Hemoptysis, Empyema
Key Points
Case Presentation
Case Management
Problem A: How Can We Reduce Risk by Intraoperative Monitoring?
Cause of Hemoptysis
Transesophageal echocardiography-induced injury of the bronchus
Pulmonary vessels
Vasculitis (e.g., long-standing vasculitis, Churg-Strauss syndrome)
Following the Fontan procedure
Pulmonary artery aneurysm
Pulmonary vein obstruction and stenosis
Arteriovenous malformation
Pulmonary artery rupture by pulmonary artery catheter
Tracheobronchial tree
Traumatic intubation (e.g., violent intubation, deeply inserted a bougie intubating catheter in a patient with underlying endobronchial pathology
Traumatic lower airway injuries
Acquired trachea-bronchomalacia
Tracheal bronchus
Bronchopleural fistula
Cavitating lung abscess
Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage secondary to negative-pressure pulmonary edema, cannabis, or sevoflurane anesthesia
Pulmonary aspergilloma
Intrapulmonary sequestration
Congenital heart disease
Mitral stenosis or heart failure
Intrathoracic rupture of hepatic hydatid cyst
Thoracic endometriosis (catamenial hemoptysis)
Preoperative Assessment
Therapeutic Options3
Airway Protection
Preparations and Monitoring
Awake Endotracheal Intubation
Rapid Sequence Induction
Isolation of the Bleeding Lung/Lobar (see Chapter 16)
Double-Lumen Tube Side
Fuji Uniblocker Torque Control
Arndt Wired Tip
Cohen Deflecting Tip
EZ Blocker
Coopdech Angled Tip
Right lung
Left or right
Right upper lobe
Tracheal bronchus
Right middle lobe
Left or right
Right lower lobe
Left or right
Left lung
Left or right
Left upper lobe
Left or right
Left lower lobe
Left or right
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