Position of the probe for paracentesis

Visualization of the needle (arrow) during a paracentesis. (Courtesy of Srikar Adhikari, MD)
Complications from paracentesis are uncommon but may include hemorrhage (0.93%), abdominal wall and mesenteric hematomas, bladder or bowel perforation, inferior epigastric artery aneurysm, vessel laceration (aorta, mesenteric artery, iliac artery), hypotension, infection (0.58–0.63%), and persistent ascitic fluid leak (5%). The clinician can reduce all of these with ultrasound guidance [2, 4].
Allowing the patient to move after abdominal fluid surveying and evaluation has occurred, possibly leading to a shift in fluid and resulting in a dry tap or bowel injury
Accidentally assuming a large fluid-containing structure like a large bladder, fluid-filled loop of bowel, bladder, or cyst is peritoneal fluid [1]
Integration into Clinical Practice
Ultrasound assists clinicians in the performance of abdominal procedures both by improving patient safety and satisfaction and by decreasing failed attempts. Paracentesis is frequently performed in high-risk populations with coagulopathies and in those who are at increased risk for infectious complications of the procedure. Ultrasound allows the clinician to identify vascular structures, both superficial and deep, at risk of being damaged during the procedure. It aids in prevention of accidental bowel and mesenteric injury by assisting in dynamic needle visualization. Ultrasound guidance brings similar benefits to diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL) and G-tube placement. With practice it is not difficult to become proficient with ultrasound-guided paracentesis. Inexperienced users can start with the static approach. As one becomes more accustomed to procedural ultrasound, they may begin to see the benefits of dynamic guidance and add into their clinical practice.
In 1 prospective randomized study where 100 patients were enrolled, 56 into the ultrasound-assisted group and 44 into the traditional technique, 95% of the ultrasound group were successfully aspirated, and only 61% of the traditional group were successfully aspirated. Key pathology was noted in two of the interventional group patients (a large left lower quadrant cystic mass and a ventral hernia). Of the traditional group’s 17 unsuccessful aspirations, 15 patients had a “break” in the study where they had intervention with ultrasound resulting in 13/15 successful aspirations; of the 2 remaining patients, 1 did not have enough fluid to be sampled, and the other had no fluid visualized [5]. Complications from bleeding during ultrasound-guided abdominal paracentesis are uncommon and appear to be very mild, regardless of pre-procedure INR or platelet count. Routine correction of prolonged INR or thrombocytopenia before abdominal paracentesis may not be necessary. In a 2-year study period, a total of 410 abdominal paracenteses in 163 patients were investigated. The pre-procedure INR for prothrombin time was more than 1.5 in 142 paracenteses; the pre-procedure platelet count was less than 50 × 103 μL−1 in 55 paracenteses. Only 2 out of 410 procedures (0.5%, 95% confidence interval = 0.1–1.8%) were associated with minor complications of cutaneous bleeding in the same patient (0.6%, 95% confidence interval = 0.1–3.4%) at different visits [6].
Key Points
Ultrasound-guided paracentesis is safer than the traditional blind approach.
Ultrasound-guided paracentesis increases patient satisfaction and procedural success rates.
Visualize the tip of the procedural catheter the entire time.
Do not let your patient shift position after the fluid contents have been surveyed.
Do not mistakenly attempt to drain an abdominal fluid-filled structure.
Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage (DPL)
In the setting of trauma, diagnostic peritoneal lavage has traditionally been fused in the assessment of intraperitoneal injury and bleeding. When practicing in an austere environment, physicians do not always have access to CT. Additionally, traditional trauma imaging modalities such as CT and ultrasound may yield equivocal findings.
Anatomy of the abdomen for ultrasound-guided procedures has several key elements: location of the stomach and other major organs, the epigastric vessels, mesentery, areas of dependency for fluid collection, and the layers of soft tissue leading to the peritoneal cavity. The epigastric blood vessels traverse the rectus abdominis muscles posteriorly and can be easily injured during blind procedures. The deep inferior epigastric artery and branches can come close to the umbilical area, and providers should maintain an awareness of the variability in apparent anatomy between patients, especially ones who have had prior abdominal surgery.
Trauma patient in a remote location or a location that lacks computed tomography (CT)
Hemodynamically unstable trauma patient who has a negative or equivocal FAST examination
Should be considered in patients who have an unreliable examination or those at high risk for hollow viscus injury (HVI)
Trauma where CT or ultrasonography detects minimal fluid or when the patient manifests fever, peritonitis, or both with concern for HVI [7–9]
Any obvious need for laparotomy is an absolute contraindication.
Unstable patient with a positive Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST) examination in the setting of trauma.
Unstable patient with an open wound to the abdomen or chest at locations with trauma surgery.
Relative contraindications include:
No training in DPL
Prior abdominal surgery
Morbid obesity
Second to third trimester pregnancy
Morbid obesity
Coagulopathy [2]
Equipment/Probe Selection
Gloves, gown, mask, and cap
Ultrasound machine
Ultrasound probe cover
Sterile gel (surgical lubricant)
Fenestrated drape
Suture tray and suture
Injection needles and syringe: 25ga, 22ga
Sterile 4 × 4 sponges
Scalpel, #15 blade
Peritoneal dialysis set
Intravenous (IV) pole, peritoneal dialysis tubing, and 1 liter of normal saline (NS) or Ringer’s lactate (RL) solution
Three-way stopcock
Tubing set with drainage bag or vacuum container/bulbs
Specimen vials (cell count, gram stain, culture) [2]
Preparation/Pre-procedural Evaluation
The patient should lie as flat on the bed as possible. The abdomen should be mapped with the ultrasound probe at one-third the distance from the umbilicus to the pubic symphysis (PS). Make note of any hernia, blood vessel, or cystic structure that should be avoided going forward. The depth of the peritoneal cavity should be recorded during this process as well.

Catheter (arrow) introduced into the peritoneal cavity under dynamic ultrasound guidance. (Courtesy of Srikar Adhikari, MD)
Local or systemic infection
False-positive results, resulting in unnecessary laparotomy
Intraperitoneal injury or hematoma, which can be reduced by assistance with ultrasound monitoring the tip of the procedure needle
Inability to recover lavage fluid (catheter into preperitoneal space, internal adhesions compartmentalizing fluid, internal contents blocking return of flow into catheter, diaphragmatic injury pooling fluid into thoracic cavity), which can be investigated by the use of ultrasound evaluating the fluid location and obstructive issues or by aiding in repositioning the catheter to recollect the fluid
Placing fluid into the preperitoneal space
Bladder injury secondary to neglecting to place a Foley catheter
Fluid testing producing indeterminate results
Integration into Clinical Practice
The ultrasound-assisted DPL can limit the invasiveness of DPL and can help guide catheter placement. Given the prevalence of portable and handheld ultrasound devices, this procedure can potentially be performed in any settings where minimum requirements are met. This can be especially helpful in highly remote or austere environment and in case where patient evaluation brings severe hazards and high risk.
Ultrasound may prove beneficial in returning the lavage fluid for testing as it can frequently be hard localize [7, 8].
Key Points
Ultrasound can make the invasive procedure of DPL less invasive.
Ultrasound can assist in returning fluid from the peritoneal cavity.
Ultrasound can decrease complications arising from DPL.
Gastrostomy Tube Placement
Traditionally, gastric tube placement has been confirmed with X-ray and injection of contrast into the newly replaced gastric tube. However, ultrasound can be used on a daily basis in the acute care settings to confirm placement of dislodged G-tubes decreasing time, radiation, and cost.
Anatomy of the abdomen for ultrasound-guided procedures has several key elements: location of the stomach and other major organs, the epigastric vessels, mesentery, and the layers of soft tissue leading to the peritoneal cavity. The epigastric blood vessels traverse the rectus abdominis muscles posteriorly and can be easily injured during blind procedures. Particular attention should be paid to the superior epigastric and superficial inferior epigastric artery branches given potential for variability between patients.
Pre-existing G-tube tract and tube was dislodged
Oropharyngeal, esophageal, or other mass obstructing passage of an endoscope to aid in G-tube placement
Uncorrected coagulopathy
Sepsis, peritonitis, and abdominal wall infection
Gastric outlet obstruction
Peritoneal dialysis
Equipment/Probe Selection
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube kit
PEG tube
Nasogastric tube
Surgical marker
Partially water-filled syringe, 5 mL
Sterile fenestrated drape
Lidocaine or anesthetic of choice
Needle and pigtail catheter assembly (can use one similar to the urology suprapubic pigtail catheter)
#11 surgical blade
Sterile 4 × 4 gauze
Sterile gel (surgical lubricant)
Suture kit with iris scissors
Supplies for moderate sedation
Preparation/Pre-procedural Evaluation
In clinical settings, the most common indication for this procedure will be replacement of a dislodged tube with ultrasound confirmation. However, for those with upper gastrointestinal obstruction, one may need to place a percutaneous sonographic gastrostomy (PSG) tube. One can use the ultrasound to identify the stomach, which appears as an anechoic pouch with a hyperechoic rim that is the gastric mucosa. The experienced sonologist may be able to make out the gastric rugae. The thinnest layer of abdominal wall overlying the stomach can be identified. Pay special attention to the location of the colon, and map out regions where it will be safe to place the catheter without damaging the colon.

Visualization of the gastrostomy tube (arrow) in the stomach
Peritonitis, infection, bleeding, and leakage
Colon injury
Oversedation leading to cardiopulmonary problems
Placement of tube into peritoneum or abdominal wall
The tube should be flushed and aspirated prior to completion of the procedure to ensure patency while the patient is still sedated.
Ensure that a slight jab or poke is used when introducing the dilator and pigtail catheter.
Ensure adequate sedation and anesthesia.
Integration into Clinical Practice
Ultrasound provides a higher degree of accuracy and safety when compared to traditional blind approaches. A practitioner can become reliant on the visualization of the tube in the antrum, aspiration of gastric contents, and the auscultation of air as reassurance of proper G-tube replacement.
Real-time ultrasound guidance and manipulation increases provider certainty and confidence. Ultrasound allows for real-time confirmation of tube placement [10–13]. The confirmatory gastric contrast confirmatory study can be foregone and the patient safely dispositioned with a new feeding tube [7, 10–13].
Key Points
Ultrasound assistance of the procedure is sensitive and practical for evaluating G-tube placement.
Ultrasound helps to confirm stomach aspiration versus aspiration of bowel.
Nasogastric Tube Insertion
Nasogastric tube (NGT) insertion is one of the most commonly performed procedures in the acute care settings. The location of the NGT must be ascertained immediately after placement or with the presence of vomiting, coughing, severe retching, or a drop in oxygenation. The gold standard for proper nasogastric tube placement is the upright chest X-ray. Other methods for assessing placement include auscultation, measurement of NGT pH, colorimetric analysis of NGT carbon dioxide, and the use of sonography for direct visualization of the NGT in the stomach.
Placement of a NGT involves passing the flexible tube through the nares, the nasopharynx, and the oropharynx, past the larynx, and into the esophagus. The esophagus begins at the level of the cricoid cartilage; courses behind or to the left of the trachea, behind the aorta and heart in the posterior mediastinum, and through the diaphragm at the esophageal hiatus; and ends at the cardia of the stomach just below the diaphragm. Once the NGT passes into the esophagus, peristalsis will carry it into the stomach. Having the patient flex their neck will push the NGT to the posterior oropharynx allowing easier passage into esophagus. Having the patient swallow allows for the epiglottis to cover the larynx, the vocal cords to approximate together, and the larynx to pull up and forward stretching the esophageal walls to create a larger opening for the tube to go into as the first part of the esophagus relaxes. The average distance from the anterior nasal spine to the tracheoesophageal junction is about 20 cm. The average length of the muscular esophagus is about 25 cm. Ideally the tip of a nasogastric tube should lie approximately 10 cm below the gastroesophageal junction, making the ideal length for nasogastric tube insertion about 50 to 60 cm at the nasal vestibule [14].
Placement of the nasogastric (NG) tube allows for bowel decompression after intubation and in instances of acute bowel obstruction, confirmation of transdiaphragmatic hernia in trauma, lavage of pill fragments in acute overdose, or removal of blood in acute gastrointestinal bleeding.
Relative contraindications for this procedure include facial fractures, coagulopathy, history of esophageal strictures or caustic ingestion, esophageal varices, coma or lethargy with an unsecured airway, recent stomach or esophageal surgery, gastrectomy, and suspicion for elevated intracranial pressure.
Preparation and Pre-procedural Evaluation
An initial evaluation of the patient’s bilateral nares for patency is necessary to decrease patient discomfort during the procedure. Additionally, estimation of the required length for the NGT to be placed is required to ensure intragastric placement. This is done by placing the tube up against the patient’s face from the tip of the nose to the patient’s ear and then from the ear to the xiphoid process. This length plus 5 cm, a total length of approximately 55–65 cm, should correspond to the proper length for intragastric insertion. Mark this length on the NGT with a permanent marker. NGT size is selected for comfort and purpose. For the commonly used Levine tube, sizes range from 2 to 18 French; 2–12 French is for neonates, infants, children, and adult patients with small nares, while 14–18 French is for the typical adult.
Equipment/Probe Selection
Towels (if patient gags and vomits)
Tincture of benzoin
Adhesive tape
Appropriate sized Levine nasogastric tube
Cetacaine spray or 4% nebulized lidocaine
Neosynephrine 0.5% or Afrin 0.5% spray
Wall suction set up with adapter for connection to NGT tube
Emesis basin
Small cup of water with a straw
Instill a topical vasoconstrictor such as neosynephrine 0.5% or Afrin 0.05% into both nares to decrease risk of epistaxis secondary to nasal trauma and wait for 5 minutes. Apply Cetacaine spray or 4% nebulized lidocaine delivered via facemask 5 minutes prior to the procedure to anesthetize the oropharynx.

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