Fig. 16.1
Needle tip: Angle-plane and needle-plane interactions. The upper image shows the proportion of visible needle tips on the y–axis relative to the angle of needle insertion on the x–axis for in-plane and out-of-plane orientations. Insertion of needles at wider angles in-plane and more shallow angles out-of-plane reduced tip visibility. The lower image shows the proportion of visible needle tips on the y–axis relative to in-plane and out-of-plane orientations. Both textured needles are more visible than the smooth surfaced Tuohy needle
In practice, when using the out-of-plane technique, experienced anaesthetists rely on visibility of tissue distortion secondary to needle travel and hydrolocation, 0.5–1 ml incremental boluses of local anaesthetic [3], rather than needle tip and shaft visibility, in order to position needle tips accurately. Low volumes of local anaesthetic are readily seen on the B-Mode image as a spreading anechogenic area and may be useful in separating anatomical planes as practionners carefully “dissect” down to the target.
16.2.1 Echogenic Needles
In order to improve ultrasonic needle visibility, manufacturers indented the surface of needles with angular depressions. Studies of single injection and Tuohy needles in Thiel embalmed human cadavers [2, 4] and patients have shown improved visibility of needle tip and needle shaft for both in-plane (Fig. 16.1) out-of-plane needle insertion. In a study conducted on the soft embalmed Thiel cadaver [2] the median (IQR) proportions of visible needle tips were 83 % (67–83 %) for the echogenic Tuohy needle, 75 % (67–83 %) for the echogenic single-shot needle and 33 % (33–46 %) for the smooth-surfaced Tuohy needle (p < 0.001). Median (IQR) needle shaft visibility (between 1 and 5) was rated as 4.0 (3.5–4.7) for the echogenic Tuohy needle, 4.0 (3.8–4.5) for the echogenic single-shot needle and 3.0 (2.4–3.3) for the smooth-surfaced Tuohy (p = 0.015).
Improved overall visibility can be explained by the circumferential placement of reflectors, in contrast to standard needles which scatter beams randomly and transmit them poorly back to the transducer [5]. Clinical experience confirms cadaver findings, although pain associated with needle movement can be problematic, and poor visibility persists when using high angles in-plane and narrow angles out-of-plane are used.
16.2.2 Needle Guidance System
The development of needle guidance systems has been driven by the need for accurate cancer biopsy [6] and diagnosis, particularly in liver and prostate cancer. For surgical procedures, including laparoscopy, ultrasound based systems using electromagnetic and/or robotic guidance [7, 8] have been shown to be more accurate than freehand targeting of lesions.
Perioperative interventional ultrasound procedures are also complex. The 3D alignment of the needle and position of the needle tip relative to the target is difficult to calculate, and using, hydrolocation, the incremental injection of small aliquots of local anaesthetic, tissue anatomy becomes distorted and the target moves. With these difficulties in mind, a needle guidance system (Sonix GPS, Ultrasonix, Vancouver, Canada) has been developed. The equipment consists of a transmitter and two sensors – at the needle tip and in the transducer – allowing real-time tracking in three dimensions. Before conducting the block, the sensor needle is positioned either in-plane or out-of-plane to the ultrasound transducer at an angle aiming for the target. From this information a white trajectory is plotted on the screen. During needle insertion, guidance is optimized with the aid of coloured orientation bars (where green represents good orientation and red represents poor orientation) and a schematic diagram of needle transducer alignment (Fig. 16.2). The advantages of this system are that the optimal needle orientation is decided before insertion, potentially reducing the number of needle passes, the needle tip is seen irrespective of plane or angle, and that it is applicable to linear and curvilinear transducers. Two clinical studies have reported on performance of spinal anaesthesia using electromagnetic guidance. Successful spinal anaesthesia was achieved in between 70 and 90 % of patients [9, 10], but on the first pass of the needle only in between 35 and 57 % of patients. These results show the potential utility of a GPS system, but one must bear in mind that these results were obtained in patients with BMI <35 who had no history of back surgery or spinal deformation – a low risk group! It is crucial, when introducing new technology to the market place in any speciality, that efficacy and side effects are investigated on a predefined population that encapsulates the population of patients with most to gain and/or at high risk of full or partial technical failure. Comparison between low risk and high risk groups is called stratification and offers a more precise evaluation of efficacy and side effects [11].

Fig. 16.2
Real-time 3D tracking system (Image courtesy of Sonix GPS, Ultrasonix, Vancouver, Canada) The white trajectory plotted on the screen, aims for the target pre-block. During needle insertion, guidance is optimized with the aid of coloured orientation bars (where green represents good orientation and red represents poor orientation) and a schematic diagram of needle transducer alignment
The GPS system was also evaluated in 26 medical students who conducted 30 simulated ultrasound nerve blocks on a pork simulator [12]. Students were randomised into GPS tracking or control groups, and block success or failure recorded. The GPS group had fewer attempts and conducted blocks in a shorter length of time compared to those using standard B-Mode ultrasound. It would appear that the GPS system may have benefits to training novice practionners.
16.2.3 Optical Needles
Knowledge of real-time tissue properties during needle movement could potentially improve the accuracy of regional anaesthesia and cancer biopsy. The optical characteristics of tissues, measured using spectroscopy, have been investigated as a means of differentiating between different tissues and may indicate the position of the needle tip. Integrated optical fibres transmit near infra red light from the tip of the needle or introducer. Spectroscopic analysis of reflected light estimates the scattering coefficient and the absorption coefficient of tissue such as haemoglobin, oxygenated haemoglobin, water and adipose tissue. Each tissue has a characteristic narrow absorption peak; oxyhaemoglobin absorbs light in the visible spectrum, whereas lipid and water absorb light in the near-infrared spectrum.
Experiments conducted in pigs have identified the ligamentum flavum and epidural space [13] and transitions from muscle to nerve in the axillary region [14]. Proximity to peripheral nerves was associated with higher lipid and lower hemoglobin values in pigs [14] and patients [15]. Future benefits may include detection of tissue vascularity [16] and reduction in accidental intravascular injection.
Although clinically appealing, several issues need to be resolved before commercialization. Adipose tissue stores vary between patients and with age, sex and BMI; spectral change from muscle to nerve is more acute than adipose tissue to nerve; and false positive results may arise from blood accumulation at the needle tip due to repeated injections. Spectral analysis may also be altered by transducer compression, reducing the distance between the skin and nerve target, and needle angulation. Future clinical trials will establish diagnostic accuracy by measuring the sensitivity and specificity of the test compared to traditional loss of resistance techniques.
16.2.4 Optical Coherence Tomography
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a laser based imaging technology already used clinically to image retinal disease. Resolution is remarkable down to between 10 and 30 μm. However, backscatter and absorption of the laser beam limit imaging to the first 2–3 mm of tissue. Incorporation of OCT into an epidural needle [17–19] has the potential to Image anatomy in deep spaces with very high resolution, delineate anatomical boundaries and reconstruct images in 3-D.
16.2.5 Vibrating Needles
Vibration of needles at ultra-high frequencies has been investigated as a means of visualising interventional needle. Actuation of peizo-electric crystals up to 20,000 Hz has recently demonstrated full visibility of needles using colour Doppler ultrasound (Fig. 16.3). Initial cadaver work have shown improved visualisation along the length of needle and at the needle tip at any angle, tissue depth and plane relative to the ultrasound transducer [20]. Added advantages include reduced force of tissue penetration and less deflection.

Fig. 16.3
Vibrating needle. Left hand image shows B-Mode image with echogenic needle poorly visible. Activation of the vibrating needle shows the same needle in colour visible using colour doppler imaging (Image courtesy of Dr M Sadiq PhD)
16.3 Transducer
16.3.1 Beam Steering
In order to improve image resolution, the ultrasound beam may be steered electronically by firing individual elements [21]. As the furthermost elements have further to travel, they are fired earlier while maintaining a constant distance between each line (Fig. 16.4). A common application of beam steering is spatial compounding whereby several beams are fired at several small angles then combined to form a smooth image. When imaging needles in-plane to the ultrasound beam, increasing the angle of needle insertion results in greater echo scatter, reducing needle visibility. Beam steering [22] increases visibility of needles and reduces artifacts by changing the relative angle of the needle to the beam.

Fig. 16.4
Electronic beam steering. Programmed variation in firing of individual or groups of ultrasound elements steers the direction of ultrasound beams and improves imaging. A common example of use is transthoracic 3D echocardiography
Transducer design is limited by the configuration of ultrasound elements and anatomy. For example, transducers with a smaller footprint or diameter are often useful when visualizing needle insertion underneath the clavicle. Traditional linear or curvilinear arrays, although used regularly by radiologists for diagnostic work, dictate the orientation and angulation of needles during perioperative interventional work. There is a clear need for a clinical interventional transducer that can accommodate full angulation and manipulation of the needle, enhance visibility of needles and tissue interactions and minimize the distance from skin to target nerve, reducing tissue trauma.
In order to accommodate the needs of the anaesthetist, the design of the ultrasound transducer has been adapted in various ways. Designs incorporating a gap within the middle of a linear array [23] or between two linear arrays have been patented [24, 25]. The principal advantage of such adaptations is that the needle may be inserted directly over the target and the distance from skin to nerve reduced. However, two major disadvantages arise: the central gap invariably masks visibility of the nerve, and the smaller the size of the gap, the more difficult it is to manipulate the needle.
An alternative design has been patented which comprises two linear arrays angled between 120° and 140° to each other to form a “V” shape [26]. Several advantages arise from this configuration (Fig. 16.5). The transducer may conform to the shape of body surfaces, the angulation being specific for each anatomical region; a central gap allows needle manipulation; and needle visibility is improved because the relative angle of the needle inserted perpendicular to the transducer is reduced from 90° to between 60° and 70°. Incorporation of beam steering within the arrays further reduces the angle to 45° with good visibility of the needle. Overlapping arrays also reduce the superficial gap, allowing needle visibility. Potential applications beyond UGRA include breast and axillary biopsy, and joint or varicose vein injection under direct vision.

Fig. 16.5
New bi-array ultrasound transducer. Two linear arrays angled 130° to each other. A central gap allows needle manipulation; Incorporation of beam steering within the arrays reduces angle between needle and transducer to 45°, and improves needle visibility
16.3.2 Three/Four Dimensional Ultrasound
Current 2-D imaging during regional anaesthesia has several limitations: 3-D anatomy must be inferred from 2-D knowledge and experience; once the transducer has moved, areas of interest are difficult to relocate; measurement of 2-D areas of interest do not necessarily correlate with 3-D volumes of interest; and needle visibility is only possible when the needle lies within the narrow line of the beam.
Two types of transducer are used in the creation of 3D images over time, otherwise termed 4D ultrasound [27]. Mechanical 3D transducers generate a series of 2-D images by sweeping a linear transducer fan-like around a pivot over the volume of interest. However, this mechanism has an in-built flaw. When acquiring images from greater depths, increased physical separation occurs between images and resolution degrades.
New 2D matrix transducers with several thousand elements in a square configuration show better resolution. Using this technology, a stationary 2D phased array sweeps out a pyramid-like volume, and displays a set of multiple planes in real time. With 4D ultrasound the transducer is held still and real-time visualization of the needle and local anaesthetic spread is possible in multiple planes.
Three dimensional images are visualized using two techniques. The first, multi-planar reformatting, presents images as a 3D crossed plane (Fig. 16.6). With crossed planes, flat 2D planes are visualized in three orthogonal or perpendicular planes and each plane moved relative to the others in order to select the optimal image (Fig. 16.6, bottom right image).

Fig. 16.6
3D image of male volunteers neck. The multiplanar image (white square) is constructed from a sagittal plane (blue square) and a coronal plane (green square). In the sagittal plane the interscalene groove and C5 and C6 nerve roots are visible, along with the scalenus medius (SM) and scalenus anterior (SA) muscles. The nerve roots are more difficult to see in the coronal plane. The multiplanar view offers little extra information and the rendered view (red square) is uninterpretable
The second, volume rendering, is a process which projects 3D data onto a 2D surface by using a technique termed ray-casting in order to optimize the projection effect, degree of translucency and surface shadowing of the image (Fig. 16.6, bottom left image). Rendering works best in situations where fluid provides a contrast to tissue planes such as foetal imaging and cardiac 4D transthoracic imaging. A good example in anaesthesia is the preoperative real-time visualization of heart valve and ventricular wall motion [28].
Few studies have investigated the role of 3D imaging in regional anaesthesia. In separate volunteer studies, the 3D anatomy of the brachial plexus [29] and paravertebral region [30] has been described, whereas, clinically, 3D ultrasound has been used to place popliteal [31] and infraclavicular catheters [32]. However, transducer selection was limited to low frequency devices designed to visualize deep structures for non-anaesthetic application such as breast imaging. In a study of 16 patients, the ligamentum flavum/dura complex was visualized in all except 2 patients. Loss of resistance and epidural catheter insertion were successful in all patients but epidural local anaesthetic spread was only seen in 5 out of 16 patients. However, the authors [33] state that “for the best results, good 2D image scanning should be achieved”, indicating a new technology that superficially appears helpful, is still dependant on current B-Mode ultrasound technology, and moreover subject to the same biological and technical constraints, Thus, one would anticipate the poor visibility of 2D B-Mode ultrasound through the acoustic window in an obese patient would translate to poor 4D visibility.
16.4 Micro-ultrasound
As ultrasound waves pass through tissue, acoustic intensity diminishes as energy is attenuated within tissue. The greater the distance travelled and the higher the transducer frequency the more energy is lost. Attenuation of ultrasound energy occurs through absorption, scattering, reflection or refraction of ultrasound. Reflection and refraction of ultrasound waves occurs at the interface of tissues with different acoustic impedance, the product of density (σ) and speed of sound of acoustic waves (c). The greater the relative difference in impedance, the greater the reflection and the less the transmission of ultrasound waves [34]. The brightness of the image on the screen is dependant on the amount of acoustic energy returning back to the transducer; surfaces such as periosteum, tendons, pleura are hyperechoic because they reflect more energy, whereas interscalene nerve roots, blood and fluids are hypoechoic because they reflect less energy. Thus, in current clinical practice, linear array high transducer frequencies between 8 and 15 MHz are recommended order to image superficial anatomy whereas to image deeper structures convex low frequency 2–6 MHz transducers are used, albeit with less resolution.
In basic science, there is a need to scan small animal models in the fields of developmental biology, genomics and cancer in order to characterize anatomy. Both CT and MRI provide high quality images but are expensive and cumbersome. In order to observe changes in tissue configuration, a high resolution of 20–100 μm is needed, corresponding to ultrasound frequencies between 150 and 30 MHz. Mechanical single element transducers with a capacity to generate frequencies up to 100 MHz have traditionally been used, but are now being replaced by linear transducer arrays with greater functionality. As well as investigating the molecular basis of disease, micro-ultrasound will, in future, be used clinically to characterize the ultrasound signatures of organs such as breast, prostate and skin in order to detect and treat pre-cancerous tissue changes.
Application of micro-ultrasound to UGRA may not be immediately obvious until one recognizes that, although the widespread application of B-Mode ultrasound to UGRA has improved the efficacy of nerve block, the incidence of transient neuropraxia has remained unchanged compared to peripheral nerve stimulation techniques [35]. As described above, the greater the distance between transducer and target, the greater the energy attenuation and the poorer image resolution. Experimentation with different shaped transducers using a wide range of frequencies is unlikely to resolve this clinical dilemma as obesity levels are rising within Western economies. One solution is to develop active ultrasound needles with peizo-electric crystals at the tip in order to more accurately identify relevant anatomy and target local anaesthetic injection. For clinical application we would propose using a combination of an active needle with a traditional ultrasound transducer and two images. The needle would be guided to, for example, within 1–1.5 cm of the target nerve, then the micro-image activated, nerve and connective tissue identified and the needle tip guided precisely to its destination. Two studies have been published on the application of microultrasound in regional anaesthesia. Scanning fresh cadaver nerves using 30 MHz frequencies, laboratory images [36] were able to delineate the epineurium, the size of the nerve, the number and size of fascicles, as well as visualise needle insertion and intraneural tissue trauma. Ultrasound images showed fascicles down to 0.5 mm diameter (Fig. 16.7), and splitting or rotation of fascicles when a needle was inserted into a nerve. In the second study [33], a single crystal 40 MHz ultrasound transducer was placed within an 18 g Tuohy needle in order to locate the epidural space of experimental pigs. All spaces were successfully identified and catherised using the paramedian approach in five pigs. Injected contrast confirmed anatomical spread.