Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA, USA
FeverInfectionNon-infectious feverInfectious feverDrug feverProcalcitoninAnti-pyreticsAcetaminophenFebrile transfusion reactionMalignant hyperthermiaNeurolept malignant syndromeSerotonin syndromeHumanity has but three great enemies: fever, famine and war; of these by far the greatest, by far the most terrible, is fever…
—Sir William Osler, Physician (1849–1919)
Common Misconception and Fables [1]
Normal body temperature is fairly constant and is usually 37 °C (98.6 °F)
Normal oral temperature ranges from 35.6 °C (96.1 °F) to 38.2 °C (100.8 °F) with marked diurnal variations [2]
Fever is a bad thing and suppressing a fever will eliminates its bad effects
Fever should be treated because fever makes patients uncomfortable
Fever should be treated empirically with antibiotics
Reducing core temperature in febrile patients has no ill effects
Atelectasis is the most common cause of fever in the first few postoperative days
Fever is a common problem in the ICU. A prospective observational study in a general ICU reported fever (core temperature >38.3 °C) in 70 % of patients, caused equally by infective and non-infective processes [3]. In a large retrospective cohort study (24,204 ICU admission), Laupland et al. reported that 44 % of patients developed a fever of >38.2 °C during their ICU stay; 17 % of these patients had positive cultures [4]. The discovery of fever in an ICU patient has a significant impact on health care costs, as blood cultures, radiologic imaging and antibiotics routinely follow. It is therefore important to have a good understanding of the mechanisms and etiology of fever in ICU patients, how and when to initiate a diagnostic workup and when initiation of antibiotics is indicated.
The Society of Critical Care Medicine and the Infectious Disease Society of America considers a temperature of 38.3 °C or greater (101 °F) a fever in an ICU patient which warrants further evaluation [5]. This does not necessarily imply that a temperature below 38.3 °C (101 °F) does not require further investigation, as many variables determine a patient’s febrile response to an insult. In addition, it should be recognized that there is a daily fluctuation of temperature by 0.5–1.0 °C, with women having wider variations in temperature than men. Furthermore, with aging the maximal febrile response decreases by about 0.15 °C per decade.
Accurate and reproducible measurement of body temperature is important in detecting disease and in monitoring patients with an elevated temperature. A variety of methods are used to measure body temperature, combining different sites, instruments and techniques [2, 6]. Infrared ear thermometry has been demonstrated to provide values that are a few tenths of a degree below the temperature in the pulmonary artery and brain. Rectal temperatures obtained with a mercury thermometer or electronic probe are often a few tenths of a degree higher than core temperatures. However, patients perceive having rectal temperatures taken as unpleasant and intrusive. Furthermore, access to the rectum may be limited by patient position with an associated risk of rectal trauma. Many tachypneic patients are unable to keep their mouth closed to obtain an accurate oral temperature. Axillary measurements substantially underestimate core temperature and lack reproducibility. Body temperature is therefore most accurately measured by an intravascular thermistor; however, measurement by infrared ear thermometry or with an electronic probe in the rectum is an acceptable alternative.
Pathogenesis of Fever
Cytokines released by monocytic cells play a central role in the genesis of fever [7, 8]. The cytokines primarily involved in the development of fever include interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). These cytokines bind to their own specific receptors located in close proximity to the preoptic region of the anterior hypothalamus. Here the cytokine receptor interaction activates phospholipase A2, resulting in the liberation of plasma membrane arachidonic acid as substrate for the cyclooxygenase pathway. Some cytokines appear to increase cyclooxygenase expression directly, leading to the liberation of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2).
Fever appears to be a preserved evolutionary response within the animal kingdom [9, 10]. With few exceptions, reptiles, amphibians, fish and several invertebrate species, have been shown to manifest fever in response to challenge with microorganisms. Increased body temperature has been shown to enhance the resistance of animals to infection. Although fever has some harmful effects, it appears to be an adaptive response which has evolved to help rid the host of invading pathogens. Temperature elevation has been shown to enhance several parameters of immune function including antibody production, T-cell activation, production of cytokines and enhanced neutrophil and macrophage function. Furthermore, some pathogens such as Streptococcus pneumoniae are inhibited by febrile temperatures.
Treatment of Fever
Data from a retrospective study of 636,051 patients showed that although the presence of fever in the first 24 h after ICU admission was associated with an increased risk of mortality in patients without infection, it was associated with a decreased risk of mortality in those with an infection [11]. In this study the adjusted in-hospital mortality risk progressively decreased with increasing peak temperature in patients with infection. Similarly, Weinstein and colleagues reported that patients with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis had improved survival if they had a temperature greater than 38 °C [12]. While fever is generally regarded as a beneficial response to infection, up to 70 % of ICU patients with a fever are treated with antipyretic agents [13]. Yet, the preponderance of data suggest that treating a fever in this setting is harmful. Schulman et al., investigated the benefit of fever control in patients admitted to a trauma ICU [14]. Patients were randomized to an active treatment group in which acetaminophen and cooling blankets were used to aggressively cool patients as compared to a permissive group in which fever was only treated once it reached 40 °C. In this study there was a strong trend towards increased mortality in the active treatment group; all the patients who died in the aggressive treatment group had an infectious etiology as the cause of the fever. Lee et al. performed a prospective observational study to determine the association between antipyretic treatment of fever and mortality in 1,425 critically ill patients with and without sepsis [15]. These authors demonstrated that that treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or acetaminophen independently increased 28-day mortality for septic patients (OR: NSAIDs: 2.61, p = 0.028, acetaminophen: 2.05, p = 0.01), but not for non-septic patients. Doran et al. demonstrated that children with varicella who were treated with acetaminophen had a more prolonged illness [16]. Bernard and colleagues conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of intravenous ibuprofen given every 6 h for 8 doses in 455 patients who had severe sepsis [17]. In this study treatment with ibuprofen decreased fever, tachycardia, oxygen consumption, and lactic acidosis, but it did not prevent the development of shock or ARDS and did not improve survival Against this background of convincing evidence demonstrating the harm of antipyresis in patients with sepsis, Schortgen and colleagues performed a multicenter, RCT in which vasopressor dependent febrile patients with septic shock were randomized to external cooling to achieve normothermia for 48 h or no external cooling [18]. In this study, there was a greater reduction of pressor use, more rapid shock reversal and a lower mortality at 14 days (19 vs. 34 %; p = 0.013) in the cooling group. However, the difference in mortality was no longer significant at ICU or hospital discharge. Based on the results of this single study and the fact that fever is widely believed to be beneficial in the setting of infection external cooling cannot be recommend at this time. This study however does raise the possibility that external cooling may be beneficial in vasodilatory shock while anti-pyretic agents may be harmful. The HEAT trial is an ongoing prospective, multicentre, concealed, RCT comparing the administration of acetaminophen for antipyresis with a permissive temperature strategy in critically ill patients with known or suspected infection [19]. The results of this study should hopefully help resolve this controversial issue.
In contrast to patients with infectious disorders, patients with acute cerebral insults (ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, SAH, head injury, post cardiac arrest) have worse outcomes with increased temperature. For these patients the current recommendation is to maintain the patient’s temperature in the normothermic range. Antipyresis must always include an anti-pyretic agent, as external cooling alone increases heat generations and catecholamine production [20]. Furthermore, acute hepatitis may occur in ICU patients with reduced glutathione reserves (alcoholics, malnourished etc.) who have received regular therapeutic doses of acetaminophen.
Fever from an infectious cause should not be treated unless the patient has limited cardio-respiratory reserve or the temperature exceeds 40 °C (104 °F).
Causes of Fever in the ICU
Any disease process that results in the release of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-α will result in the development of fever. While infections are common causes of fever in ICU patients, many non-infectious inflammatory conditions cause the release of the pro-inflammatory cytokines and induce a febrile response. Similarly, it is important to appreciate that not all patients with infections are febrile. Approximately 10 % of septic patients are hypothermic and 35 % normothermic at presentation. Septic patients who fail to develop a fever have a significantly higher mortality than febrile septic patients. The reason that patients with established infections fail to develop a febrile response is unclear, however, it appears that this aberrant response is not due to diminished cytokine production [21]. The approach to a patient who presents to hospital with a fever is different from that of a patient who develops a fever in the ICU. This chapter reviews fever that develops in the ICU; Chap. 12 summarizes the approach to the patient who presents to hospital with sepsis. As reviewed in Chap. 12 any one of the following features alone or in combination should alert the clinician to the increased likelihood of infection as a cause of fever:
Fever >38.9 °C
Systolic BP <90 mmHg
PCT >0.5 ng/mL
Bandemia >5 %
Lymphocytopenia <0.5 × 103 μL
Thrombocytopenia <150 × 103 μL
Lactate >1.6 meq/L
The diagnosis of the cause(s) of a fever which develop in the ICU patient can be a daunting task. Consequently, the presence of a fever in the ICU patient frequently triggers a battery of diagnostic tests that are costly, expose the patient to unnecessary risks and often produce misleading or inconclusive results. It is therefore important that fever in ICU patients be evaluated in a systematic, prudent, clinically appropriate and cost effective manner.
Infectious Causes of Fever in the ICU
The prevalence of nosocomial infection in ICUs has been reported to vary from 3 to 31 %. The most common nosocomial infectious disorders are listed below [22, 23]:
Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP)
Central Line Assocaited Blood Stream Infection (CLABSI)
Primary septicemia
Clostridia difficile enterocolitis
Surgical site/wound infection
Infected decubitus ulcer
Suppurative thrombophlebitis
Note: Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) is an exceedingly uncommon cause for a patient developing a fever in the ICU (see Chap. 16—Hospital Acquired Infections)
Non-Infections Causes of Fever in the ICU
A large number of non-infectious conditions result in tissue injury with inflammation and a febrile reaction. Those non-infectious disorders which should be considered in ICU patients are listed below. For reasons that are not entirely clear most non-infectious disorders usually do not lead to a fever in excess of 38.9 °C (102 °F); therefore, if the temperature increases above this threshold the patient should be considered to have an infectious etiology as the cause of the fever [24]. However, patients with drug fever may have a temperature >102 °F. Similarly, fever secondary to blood transfusion may exceed 102 °F. In patients with a temperature above 40 °C (104 °F) neuroleptic malignant syndrome, malignant hyperthermia, the serotonin syndrome and subarachnoid hemorrhage must always be considered. Most of the clinical conditions listed below are clinically obvious and do not require additional diagnostic tests to confirm their presence. However, a few of these disorders require special consideration.
Non-Infectious Causes of Fever
Drug related
Drug fever
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Malignant hyperthermia
Serotonin syndrome
Drug withdrawal (including alcohol and recreational drugs)
IV contrast reaction
Post-transfusion fever
Intracranial hemorrhage
Cerebral infarction
Sub-arachnoid hemorrhage
Adrenal insufficiency
Crystal arthropathies
Collagen vascular diseases
Acalculous cholecystitis
Ischemic bowel
Gastrointestinal bleed
Aspiration pneumonitis
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Thromboembolic disease
Fat embolism syndrome
Myocardial infarction
Dressler’s syndrome
Neoplastic syndromes
The most common non-infectious causes of a fever in ICU patients include drug fever, transfusion of blood and blood products, alcohol withdrawal, postoperative fever and thromboembolic disease. Acalculous cholecystitis is a relatively uncommon cause of fever in ICU patients; however, as it may be associated with severe morbidity and mortality it should always be considered in the differential diagnosis.
Drug Fever
Most ICU patients receive numerous medications. All drugs have side effects, including fever. It is estimated that about 10 % of inpatients develop drug fever during their hospital stay [25]. The diagnosis of drug fever in ICU patients is challenging as the onset of fever can occur immediately after administration of the drug or it can occur days, weeks, months, or even years after the patient has been on the offending medication. Furthermore, once the implicated medication is discontinued the fever can persist in excess of 4–5 days. Associated rashes and leukocytosis occur in less than 20 % of cases. An eosinophilia is suggestive of drug fever. Penicillins, cephalosporins, anticonvulsants, heparin and histamine 2-blockers are commonly used medications in the ICU that are associated with drug fevers.
Alcohol and Drug Withdrawal
Withdrawal from alcohol and medications is a common cause of non-infectious fever in hospitalized patients and usually presents within the first few days of hospital admission (see Chap. 46).
Postoperative Fever
Surgery alone can cause fever which is self-limited and resolves spontaneously [26–28]. In the early postoperative period a patient’s temperature may increase up to 1.4 °C with the peak occurring approximately 11 h after surgery [26]. Fifty percent of postoperative patients will develop a fever greater than or equal to 38 °C with 25 % reaching 38.5 °C or higher. The fever typically lasts for 2–3 days. Postoperative fever is believed to be caused by tissue injury and inflammation with associated cytokine release [26]. The invasiveness of the procedure, as well as genetic factors, influences the degree of cytokine release and the febrile response. A good physical examination and history of the timing and sequence of events is crucial to help to differentiate postoperative fever from other infectious and noninfectious causes of fever. Reactions to medications (especially anesthesia), blood products and infections that might have existed prior to the surgery should also be considered during a patient’s early postoperative course. Nosocomial and surgical site infections usually develop 3–5 days following surgery.
Atelectasis is commonly implicated as a cause of postoperative fever [27]. Standard ICU texts list atelectasis as a cause of fever, although they provide no primary source. Indeed a major surgery text states that “fever is almost always present (in patients with atelectasis)” [29]. During rounds, many medical students and house-staff have been taught that atelectasis is one of the “five” main causes of postoperative fever. However, there is very little data to support his widely held belief (myth). Engeron studied 100 postoperative cardiac surgery patients and was unable to demonstrate a relationship between atelectasis and fever [30]. Furthermore, when atelectasis is induced in experimental animals by ligation of a main stem bronchus, fever does not occur [31]. The role of atelectasis as a cause of fever is unclear, however, atelectasis probably does not cause fever in the absence of pulmonary infection.

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