



1. Airway

1.1 Tongue depressors

1.2 Suction catheters, 6F, 8F, 10F

1.3 Yankauer suction tips (4)

1.4 Magill forceps (small, medium, large)

1.5 Catheters for suction, 10F, 14F

1.6 Oropharyngeal airways, 4–10

1.7 Nasopharyngeal airways, 12F, 14F, 16F, 18F, 20F, 22F, 24F, 26F, 28F, 30F

1.8 Tracheostomy tubes, multiple sizes, types

1.9 Humidivent

1.10 Meconium aspirator

2. Breathing

2.1 Oxygen supply

2.2 Oxygen flow meter

2.3 Oxygen tubing

2.4 Cylinder key

2.5 Oxygen masks

2.6 Nasal cannula

2.7 Clear oxygen masks (Standard and nonrebreather)—infant, pediatric, adult

2.8 Nebulizer and administration equipment

2.9 Self-inflating bags with oxygen reservoir (adult, infant)

2.9.1 Infant child, adult facemasks

2.10 Anesthesia bags with reservoir (0.5 L, 1 L)

2.11 Laryngoscope handle (small, large)

2.12 Laryngoscope blades with extra batteries and bulbs

2.12.1 Miller 0, 1, 2, 3

2.12.2 MacIntosh 2, 3, 4

2.13 Videolaryngoscope (optional)

2.14 Capnography

2.14.1 Noninvasive (nasal cannula)—infant, child, adult

2.14.2 “In-line” sensor for intubated patients

2.15 Endotracheal tubes

2.15.1 Uncuffed sizes 2.5–3.5

2.15.2 Cuffed sizes 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0

2.16 Laryngeal mask airways sizes 1–5

2.17 Stylets (adult, infant)

2.18 Disposable Manometer, 15 mm, 22 mm

2.19 Cricothyroidotomy kit (pediatric and adult size)

3. Circulation

3.1 IV catheters with infusion tubing, needleless connectors

3.2 Central venous catheter kits 2.5F, 4F, 5.5F, 7F

3.3 Cutdown tray

3.4 Umbilical catheterization tray

3.5 Intraosseous needles—16, 18 gauge; EZ-IO (3 sizes)

3.6 Radial artery tray

3.7 Drugs, prepackaged

3.7.1 Epinephrine 1:1,000; 1:10,000; Epinephrine autoinjector (0.15 mg, 0.30 mg)

3.7.2 Dextrose (D 25%) (D 10%)

3.7.3 Atropine

3.7.4 Sodium bicarbonate

3.7.5 Calcium chloride

3.7.6 Lidocaine

3.8 Drugs

3.8.1 Acyclovir

3.8.2 Adenosine

3.8.3 Afrin nasal spray

3.8.4 Amiodarone

3.8.5 Ampicillin

3.8.6 Benadryl

3.8.7 Calcium gluconate

3.8.8 Cefotaxime

3.8.9 Ceftriaxone

3.8.10 Charcoal

3.8.11 Clindamycin

3.8.12 Cyanide kit (Hydroxocobalamin)

3.8.13 Dexamethasone

3.8.14 Diazepam

3.8.15 Diazoxide

3.8.16 Digoxin

3.8.17 Dilantin

3.8.18 Diphenhydramine

3.8.19 Dobutamine

3.8.20 Dopamine

3.8.21 Fentanyl

3.8.22 Flumazenil

3.8.23 Furosemide

3.8.24 Gastrografin

3.8.25 Gentamicin

3.8.26 Glucagon

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Aug 14, 2016 | Posted by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Equipment

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