1. Attach syringe to iv catheter and needle, and assemble emergency airway device (Fig. 15-4) by inserting the dilator through the airway catheter until the handle stops against the connector of the airway catheter.
2. Identify cricothyroid membrane between cricoid and thyroid cartilages (Fig. 15-1).
3. Nondominant hand stabilizes cricothyroid membrane.
4. Dominant hand makes a vertical midline incision (Fig. 15-5).
5. Dominant hand advances syringe with catheter/needle at a 45° caudad angle through incision until air bubbles can be aspirated (tracheal lumen) (Fig. 15-5).
6. Remove syringe and needle, leaving catheter in place.
7. Advance soft end of guidewire into catheter several cm past end of catheter.
8. Remove catheter.
9. Advance the dilator/airway catheter assembly over the guidewire into the trachea, keeping proximal end of guidewire visible at all times. If difficult to pass dilator/airway, withdraw from incision, use hemostat to dilate cricothyroid membrane with guidewire in place, and reattempt to advance assembly. (Consider replacing angiocatheter over guidewire, removing guidewire, and verifying position with capnography.) Remove guidewire and dilator, leaving airway catheter in place.
10. Ventilate patient and monitor capnogram if possible.
11. Secure airway with umbilical or twill tape around neck. |