Embolic disease during pregnancy includes venous thromboembolism, amniotic fluid embolism, and venous air embolism. These entities vary in incidence, clinical course, and consequences. Embolic events account for almost one-sixth of all maternal deaths in the United States. Early recognition, diagnosis, and treatment are necessary to reduce associated morbidity and to avoid mortality.
Venous thromboembolism, Anticoagulation, Amniotic fluid embolism, Venous air embolism
Chapter Outline
Thromboembolic Disorders, 937
Incidence, 937
Risk Factors, 937
Pathophysiology, 938
Deep Vein Thrombosis, 938
Pulmonary Thromboembolism, 939
Management of Thromboembolic Disorders, 940
Amniotic Fluid Embolism, 943
Epidemiology, 943
Risk Factors, 944
Pathophysiology, 944
Clinical Presentation, 945
Confirmatory Tests, 946
Management, 947
Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes, 948
Venous Air Embolism, 949
Embolic disease during pregnancy includes venous thromboembolism, amniotic fluid embolism, and venous air embolism. Each of these entities varies in its incidence, clinical course, and consequences. Embolic events account for almost one-sixth of all maternal deaths in the United States. Early recognition, diagnosis, and treatment are necessary to reduce associated morbidity and to avoid mortality.
Thromboembolic Disorders
Venous thromboembolic events (VTE) in pregnancy refer to deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE). Analysis of administrative data from a nationally representative sample of U.S. hospital admissions that included 64,413,973 pregnancy-related hospitalizations (1994 to 2009) suggests a VTE event rate of 1.99 events per 1000 pregnancies. Among these events, the DVT event rate (1.26 per 1000 deliveries) is higher than the PTE event rate (0.73 per 1000 deliveries).
Compared with nonpregnant patients, pregnant women are at fivefold greater odds of thromboembolic events during pregnancy (odds ratio [OR], 4.6; 95% CI, 2.7 to 7.8) and at 60-fold greater odds during the postpartum period (OR 60.1, 95% CI, 26.5 to 135.9). The highest risk occurs immediately postpartum. Analysis from a 30-year population-based cohort ( n = 50,080 births) revealed the risk for both DVT and PTE was highest in the first week postpartum (incidence rate, 3573 per 100,000 woman-years; 95% CI, 2475 to 4993 per 100,000), with a progressive decline thereafter. Compared with 1 year postpartum, the odds of a thrombotic event in the first 6 weeks postpartum are tenfold higher (OR, 10.8; 95% CI, 7.8 to 15.1); the period of elevated risk persists until at least 12 weeks after delivery.
Multiple studies have demonstrated an increasing trend in VTE-associated hospitalizations. According to data from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (a stratified sample of inpatients from hospitals in the United States representing approximately 20% of discharges), the incidence increased by 72% between 1998 and 2009. Although VTE-related mortality, as reported by the Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths and Morbidity in the United Kingdom and Ireland, appeared to have been decreasing (0.85 deaths per 100,000 births in 2012 to 2014, compared with 1.26 per 100,000 births in 2009 to 2011), in the most recent report (2013 to 2015), the incidence of VTE-related mortality was 1.13 deaths per 100,000 births, making VTE the leading cause of direct maternal deaths. VTE-related maternal mortality appears to be stable in the United States, at 1.49 deaths per 100,000 births.
Risk Factors
The two most important risk factors for thromboembolic events in pregnancy and the postpartum period are a previous history of thromboembolism and a diagnosis of thrombophilia. Essentially all known thrombophilias increase the risk for VTE in pregnancy, with the greatest risk increase noted in women homozygous for the factor V Leiden mutation. Other common risk factors include advanced maternal age, race/ethnicity, obesity, hypertensive disorders, and smoking status. Obstetric complications, such as postpartum hemorrhage and postpartum infections, are also associated with increased risk; this is likely mediated through their effects on maternal coagulation and inflammation. Cesarean delivery increases the risk for postpartum venous thromboembolism. In a meta-analysis of 28 studies (pooled n greater than 53,000 postpartum VTE events), the odds ratio of postpartum VTE after a cesarean delivery compared with a vaginal delivery was 3.7 (95% CI, 3.0 to 4.6). Greater increases were noted after emergency compared with elective cesarean deliveries. The American College of Chest Physicians has defined major and minor risk factors for postcesarean VTE ( Box 38.1 ). The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that all pregnant women should be screened for risk factors for VTE early in pregnancy.
Major Risk Factors a
a The presence of at least one major risk factor or two minor risk factors is an indication for prophylactic therapy for venous thromboembolism (see text).
- •
Immobility (strict bed rest for greater than or equal to 1 week in the antepartum period)
- •
Previous venous thromboembolism
- •
Preeclampsia with fetal growth restriction
- •
- •
Antithrombin III deficiency
- •
Factor V Leiden (homozygous or heterozygous)
- •
Prothrombin G20210A (homozygous or heterozygous)
- •
- •
Medical conditions
- •
Systematic lupus erythematous
- •
Heart disease
- •
Sickle cell disease
- •
- •
Postpartum hemorrhage greater than or equal to 1000 mL and surgery
- •
Blood transfusion
- •
Postpartum infection
Minor Risk Factors a
- •
Body mass index greater than 30 kg/m 2
- •
Emergency cesarean delivery
- •
Multiple pregnancy
- •
Postpartum hemorrhage greater than 1000 mL
- •
Smoking greater than 10 cigarettes/day
- •
Fetal growth restriction
- •
- •
Protein C deficiency
- •
Protein S deficiency
- •
- •
Virchow’s triad describes three factors that contribute to an increased risk for thromboembolism: (1) venous stasis , (2) vascular damage , and (3) hypercoagulability. The incidence of each factor is increased during pregnancy or in the postpartum period. Venous stasis occurs as a result of venocaval compression and possibly decreased mobility later in pregnancy. Separation of the placenta from the uterine wall traumatizes the endometrium, which accelerates the coagulation cascade. Additionally, pregnancy is a relatively hypercoagulable state, associated with enhanced platelet turnover, coagulation, and fibrinolysis. Thrombin generation and the concentration of clotting factors increase during pregnancy, including factors I (fibrinogen), V, VII, VIII, IX, X, and XII. Platelet count typically remains unchanged or is decreased during pregnancy. Fibrinolytic activity decreases during the 48 hours after delivery and enhances clot stability in the early postpartum period.
The prognosis of PTE depends on the following factors: (1) the size and number of emboli, (2) concurrent cardiopulmonary function, (3) the rate of clot fragmentation and lysis, (4) the presence or absence of a source for recurrent emboli, and (5) the location of the embolism (proximal or main pulmonary artery embolism is more symptomatic than segmental embolization). Massive PTE can occlude the pulmonary vasculature and precipitate cardiopulmonary arrest; smaller emboli may also lead to cardiopulmonary failure by triggering pulmonary arterial vasospasm and secondary pulmonary edema. Local platelets embedded in the clot release serotonin, adenosine diphosphate, and thrombin, factors that promote both vasoconstriction and bronchoconstriction. Redistribution in pulmonary blood flow leads to “hyperperfusion” of otherwise low V˙/Q˙ zones in unaffected areas of the lung; the resulting intrapulmonary shunts cause hypoxemia disproportionate to the cross-sectional area occluded by clot. At the same time, regional hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction exacerbates pulmonary hypertension initiated by mechanical and humoral factors. Intracardiac shunting may develop when elevated right ventricular pressure forces blood across a probe-patent foramen ovale. The increase in right ventricular pressure leads to right ventricular dilation, with increased wall tension and oxygen demand, and a leftward shift of the interventricular septum. Compression of the left ventricle combined with a decrease in preload impairs left ventricular function, cardiac output, and coronary arterial perfusion, with eventual myocardial ischemia and cardiopulmonary failure.
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Clinical Presentation
The signs and symptoms of DVT are nonspecific and often mimic normal symptoms of pregnancy, specifically lower leg edema and pain. A systematic review of the anatomic distribution of DVT in symptomatic pregnant patients (six studies, pooled n = 124) identified left leg thrombus in 88% of pregnant women in whom the side of the DVT was reported. Most thrombi were proximally located in the iliac or femoral veins, or both. This distribution is different from the anatomic distribution in nonpregnant patients, who are more likely to have thrombi in the distal calf vessels. A prospective observational study of serial ultrasonographic examinations in pregnant women ( n = 24) found an increase in vessel diameter and a decrease in flow velocity in the proximal deep leg veins with increasing gestation; this finding was most notable in the common femoral vein. The flow velocity was slower in the left leg than in the right leg, presumably caused by uterine compression of the left iliac vein where it crosses the right iliac artery.
For patients with new-onset signs or symptoms suggestive of DVT, the ACOG recommends compression ultrasonography of proximal veins as the initial diagnostic test. If the test is negative, and involvement of the iliac vessels is not suspected, no further action other than routine surveillance is necessary. A positive result warrants treatment (see later discussion). If the results are negative or equivocal, and iliac vein thrombosis is suspected, clinicians may opt for Doppler ultrasonography of the iliac vein, venography, or magnetic resonance imaging or presumptive anticoagulation.
The d -dimer test is useful in nonpregnant patients because it has a high sensitivity and a high negative predictive value. Unfortunately, d -dimer levels are increased in pregnancy, making interpretation of elevated levels difficult in pregnant women. In one prospective, longitudinal study, serial d -dimer levels were evaluated in 89 healthy pregnant women; values exceeded the normal nonpregnant reference range in all but one woman in the third trimester. Therefore, the d -dimer test is not currently recommended for diagnosis of DVT in pregnancy, although future work may delineate pregnancy-specific thresholds.
Pulmonary Thromboembolism
Clinical Presentation
Clinical suspicion for PTE is critical to ensure timely diagnosis and treatment. Physical signs and symptoms may be subtle and limited to symptoms (e.g., shortness of breath) that mimic normal pregnancy ( Table 38.1 ). Palpitations, anxiety, pleuritic chest pain, cyanosis, diaphoresis, and cough with or without hemoptysis may all indicate PTE. Physical examination of the patient commonly reveals tachypnea, crackles, decreased breath sounds, and tachycardia. Signs of right ventricular failure, including an accentuated or split-second heart sound, jugular venous distention, a parasternal heave, and hepatic enlargement, may be apparent. Although the Pa o 2 is generally low (less than 80 mm Hg), as many as 30% of all patients with a pulmonary embolus have an arterial Pa o 2 greater than 80 mm Hg; thus, the diagnosis of PTE cannot be excluded on the basis of an apparently normal Pa o 2 . Left ventricular failure may occur secondary to poor left ventricular filling and arterial hypoxemia. One or more signs of DVT (calf or thigh edema, erythema, tenderness, palpable cord) generally accompanies the pulmonary or cardiovascular findings. The electrocardiogram may show signs of right ventricular strain, including a right-axis shift, P pulmonale, ST-segment abnormalities, and T-wave inversion, as well as supraventricular arrhythmias. Transthoracic echocardiography may reveal signs of right ventricular dysfunction or other findings consistent with acute pulmonary embolism, such as hypokinesis of the right ventricular free wall with normal contraction of the apical segment (McConnell’s sign).
Finding | Patients Affected (%) |
Dyspnea | 79 |
Pleuritic chest pain | 47 |
Cough | 43 |
Calf or thigh pain | 42 |
Tachypnea | 57 |
Tachycardia | 26 |
Localized rales | 21 |
Accentuated second heart sound | 15 |
Diagnosing PTE in pregnancy is challenging given the lack of validated criteria specific for the peripartum period. The American Thoracic Society developed an evidence-based guideline for the evaluation of suspected PTE in pregnancy, which has been endorsed by the ACOG. A diagnostic algorithm for suspected PTE is shown in Fig. 38.1 . If the pregnant patient has signs or symptoms suggestive of DVT, in addition to the signs or symptoms of PTE, compression ultrasonography should be done. If the results are positive, treatment should ensue. However, if the results are negative, further imaging is necessary. If there are no signs or symptoms of DVT, a chest radiograph should be performed, both to exclude alternative diagnoses, and to guide decision-making for the next most appropriate test. If the chest radiograph is normal, V/Q scanning should be performed. A retrospective study of 304 women who underwent computed tomographic angiography (CTA) or V/Q scanning at a single institution between 2001 and 2006 demonstrated that pregnant women with a normal chest radiograph have a fivefold higher rate of a nondiagnostic result from a CTA compared with a V/Q scan (relative risk [RR], 5.3; 95% CI, 2.1 to 13.8). The use of chest radiography as a screening procedure may also minimize the amount of radiation to which a pregnant woman and her fetus are exposed if the pregnant patient is a candidate for V/Q scanning. If the chest radiograph is abnormal, CTA is the next appropriate test because the proportion of nondiagnostic V/Q scans in the presence of an abnormal chest radiograph has been reported to be as high as 48%. If either the V/Q scan or CTA is positive, anticoagulation should ensue. The use of magnetic resonance pulmonary angiography has not been validated in the pregnant population.

Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) is another diagnostic modality that has been evaluated in pregnant women. In a nonpregnant patient population, the V/Q SPECT demonstrated 100% sensitivity and 94% specificity compared with CTA as the “gold standard.” A retrospective analysis of 127 women who underwent evaluation for PTE with V/Q SPECT identified PTE in 11 women (9%). The negative predictive value was 100%, and the calculated fetal and breast absorbed radiation doses were low (less than 0.014 mGy and 0.25 mGy, respectively).
Perhaps the greatest concern with diagnostic imaging for PTE is maternal and fetal exposure to ionizing radiation. The teratogenic effects of ionizing radiation are discussed in Chapter 17 . Both V/Q scanning and CTA are associated with low doses of fetal radiation exposure (less than 1 mGy). V/Q scanning delivers a higher fetal dose of radiation than CTA; however, the maternal radiation exposure is higher with CTA, particularly radiation to the breast tissue. A patient’s lifetime breast cancer risk may increase as much as 14% after CTA. Maternal radiation exposure is lower with V/Q SPECT than with CTA.
Management of Thromboembolic Disorders
All women with a new-onset thromboembolic event in pregnancy should be therapeutically anticoagulated. Patients with a previous history of thrombosis, certain high-risk populations (e.g., patients with acquired or inherited thrombophilias), or patients with a mechanical heart valve should be anticoagulated during pregnancy as well as the postpartum period. The ACOG practice bulletin on thromboembolism in pregnancy summarizes which patients should receive prophylactic versus therapeutic anticoagulation. Given the significant morbidity and mortality associated with VTE, the National Partnership for Maternal Safety, a multidisciplinary body that develops evidence-based safety bundles, published a consensus bundle on VTE in 2016. This bundle broadens the indications for antepartum and postpartum pharmacologic anticoagulation beyond the ACOG practice guidelines, including recommending daily thromboprophylaxis for antepartum patients hospitalized for greater than 72 hours. This expanded use of pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis has anesthetic implications (see later discussion).
Although the exact dose and regimen for anticoagulation remain controversial, two classes of drugs are typically used to initiate anticoagulation: unfractionated heparin (UFH) and low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH). Table 38.2 lists anticoagulation regimens commonly used in pregnancy. Both the ACOG and the American College of Chest Physicians recommend LMWH rather than UFH for prophylactic and therapeutic anticoagulation for pregnant women. No differences in symptomatic thrombotic events (RR 0.47; 95% CI, 0.09 to 2.49) were identified in a 2014 Cochrane review that compared antenatal prophylaxis with UFH or LMWH (four trials, pooled n = 404).
Drug | Dose |
Prophylactic LMWH | Enoxaparin 40 mg SC once daily |
Dalteparin 5000 units SC once daily | |
Tinzaparin 4500 units SC once daily | |
Nadroparin 2850 units SC once daily | |
Intermediate-dose LMWH | Enoxaparin 40 mg SC every 12 hours |
Dalteparin 5000 units SC every 12 hours | |
Therapeutic LMWH (weight-adjusted treatment dose) a | Enoxaparin 1 mg/kg q12h |
Dalteparin 200 units/kg once daily | |
Tinzaparin 175 units/kg once daily | |
Dalteparin 100 units/kg q12h | |
Prophylactic UFH in the first trimester | UFH 5000–7500 units SC every 12 hours |
Prophylactic UFH in the second trimester | UFH 7500–10,000 units SC every 12 hours |
Prophylactic UFH in the third trimester | UFH 10,000 units SC every 12 hours (unless aPTT is elevated) |
Therapeutic (adjusted-dose) UFH b | UFH 10,000 units or more SC every 12 hours |
Postpartum anticoagulation c | Prophylactic LMWH for 6–8 weeks |
a Target anti-Xa level 4 hours after last injection for twice-daily regimen: 0.6–1.0 unit/mL. Slightly higher doses may be necessary for once-daily dosing.
b Adjust dose to target aPTT (1.5–2.5 times the normal range 6 h after injection).
c Oral anticoagulants may be considered based on planned duration of therapy, lactation, and patient preference.
LMWH has an enhanced ratio of antithrombotic (anti–factor Xa) to anticoagulant (anti–factor IIa) activity compared with UFH and does not affect activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) measurement. A 2005 systematic review (64 studies, pooled n = 2777) evaluated the efficacy and safety of LMWH in pregnancy. The rate of VTE in women receiving LMWH for thromboprophylaxis, prevention of adverse pregnancy outcome, or for unspecified indications was 0.9% (95% CI, 0.6% to 1.3%), and the rate of significant maternal bleeding was 2.0% (95% CI, 1.5% to 2.6%). There were no reported cases of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia when LMWH was used for any indication in pregnancy. An older systematic review (1999) did not identify any increase in osteoporosis in pregnant women treated with LMWH compared with nonpregnant controls.
The pharmacokinetics of LMWH are altered during pregnancy. When LMWH is used for therapeutic anticoagulation, dosing can be adjusted based on anti–factor Xa activity. The desired peak level is 0.6 to 1.0 U/mL measured 4 hours after injection ; however, because of the cost of the assays, routine monitoring of anti–factor Xa activity is not recommended during therapy in pregnancy. Viscoelastic monitoring provides an alternative method to assess LMWH activity. Carroll et al. demonstrated that the delta reaction time (ΔR) measured by thromboelastography correlates with anti–factor Xa levels in the pregnant woman and allows LMWH doses to be adjusted to ensure anticoagulation or, conversely, confirms the absence of anticoagulation. LMWH is cleared by the kidney; therefore, dose reduction may be required in patients with renal failure.
UFH therapy may be used to initiate anticoagulation or to maintain therapy as the patient nears delivery (see later discussion). UFH exerts its anticoagulant activity by binding to antithrombin III and potentiates inactivation of other coagulation factors, including thrombin (factor IIa); factors IXa, Xa, XIa, and XIIa; and kallikrein. Typically, UFH is administered as a subcutaneous injection for both prophylactic and therapeutic therapy. The aPTT measured 6 hours after an injection or dose adjustment should be maintained at 1.5 to 2.5 times the normal range. In pregnancy, the bioavailability of UFH decreases as a result of an increase in heparin-binding proteins, increased plasma volume, increased renal clearance, and increased degradation by plasma heparinases. Based on pharmacodynamic studies, even a twice-daily dose of subcutaneous UFH is often inadequate to achieve prophylactic plasma heparin concentrations in the second half of pregnancy, possibly because of the presence of a heparin-neutralizing protein or the presence of increased factor VIII and fibrinogen levels in pregnancy. For therapeuti c anticoagulation, the ACOG currently recommends a subcutaneous, twice-daily UFH dose of 10,000 units or greater, with aPTT monitoring and dose adjustment. In the event of an antepartum massive PTE resulting in hemodynamic instability, thrombolytic therapy should be considered as it is associated with high maternal and fetal survival. However, in the postpartum period, other options, including thrombectomy, should be considered because thrombolysis is associated with a significant risk for hemorrhage.
In patients who develop heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, or severe cutaneous reactions to heparin, fondaparinux is the preferred anticoagulant because it has minimal cross-reactivity with UFH. Anticoagulation with other classes of drugs such as vitamin K antagonists, thienopyridines, direct factor Xa inhibitors, and direct thrombin inhibitors is possible in pregnancy, but the use of these medications is less common. Animal studies with rivaroxaban, a direct factor Xa inhibitor, and dabigatran, a direct thrombin inhibitor, have found teratogenic effects, reduced fetal viability, hemorrhagic changes, and placental abnormalities; thus, their use in pregnancy is not recommended.
Antithrombotic Therapy and Anesthetic Implications
In 2018, the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA) published updated guidelines for regional anesthesia in patients receiving antithrombotic or thrombolytic therapy. Owing to the relative paucity of outcome data in pregnant women, the ASRA suggests following the guidelines for surgical patients when developing clinical policy for obstetric patients with regard to initiation of neuraxial procedures and postpartum thromboprophylaxis. The ASRA-recommended time intervals between anticoagulant administration and the initiation of neuraxial anesthesia are summarized in Table 38.3 .