Disorders of Hemostasis

Chapter 122

Disorders of Hemostasis


Hemostasis depends on normal function and integration of the vasculature, platelets, and coagulation pathway.


Platelets have multiple and ever-expanding roles in our understanding of hemostasis. They are complex cytoplasmic fragments released from bone marrow megakaryocytes under the control of thrombopoietin. Platelets contain lysosomes, granules, a trilaminar plasma membrane, microtubules, and a canalicular system. Granules are an important component of hemostasis and contain platelet factor 4, adhesive and aggregation glycoproteins, coagulation factors, and fibrinolytic inhibitors. Each participates in the process of coagulation. The platelet’s role is termed primary hemostasis, and it serves as the initial defense against blood loss.1,2 A fibrin clot that incorporates coagulation factors usually reinforces a platelet clot. Platelet activity is summarized in Box 122-1. Any of the steps listed may be absent, altered, or inhibited by inherited or acquired disorders.

Coagulation Pathway

The coagulation pathway is a complex system of checks and balances that results in controlled formation of a fibrin clot. Coagulation factors have been given standard Roman numerals matching their order of discovery (Box 122-2).

A simplified version of the coagulation pathway is presented in Figure 122-1. The clotting cascade is traditionally depicted as consisting of intrinsic and extrinsic pathways. The intrinsic pathway is initiated by exposure of blood to a negatively charged surface, such as a glass surface in the activated partial thromboplastin clotting time. The extrinsic pathway is activated by tissue factor exposed at the site of vessel injury or thromboplastin. Both pathways converge to activate factor X, which then activates prothrombin to thrombin. The primary physiologic event that initiates clotting is exposure of tissue factor at the injured vessel site. Tissue factor is a critical cofactor that is required for activation of factor VII. Activated factor VII activates factor X directly as well as indirectly by activating factor IX.


Figure 122-1 Coagulation pathway.

Because of limited amounts of tissue factor and rapid inactivation by tissue factor pathway inhibitor, the extrinsic pathway initiates the clot process. Sustained generation of thrombin and clot formation depend on the intrinsic pathway through activation of factor IX by activated factor VII, which helps explain the bleeding problems associated with hemophilia.3 Intrinsic, extrinsic, and common pathways function normally for hemostasis to occur, and each may be evaluated with laboratory tests. The clinically important groups of coagulation factors are as follows:

Thrombin-sensitive factors are activated by thrombin and may give rise to a bleeding disorder if defective synthesis occurs. Vitamin K–sensitive factors may also cause bleeding from defective synthesis, as occurs with liver disease and warfarin anticoagulants. Heparin in combination with antithrombin III affects the coagulation pathway at multiple sites.

Clinical Features

History and Physical Examination

An outline of the history and physical examination is presented in Box 122-3. The history alone may be useful in differentiating between platelet and coagulation factor abnormalities. Platelet disorders are usually manifested as acquired petechiae, purpura, or mucosal bleeding and are more common in women. Coagulation problems are commonly congenital, are characterized by delayed deep muscle or joint bleeding, and are seen more often in men.

Ancillary Evaluation

A definitive diagnosis depends on laboratory evaluation. Tests pertinent to the ED are discussed in the following sections and listed in Box 122-4.

Bleeding Time

Bleeding time is the best test to determine both vascular integrity and platelet function that can be performed in the ED. The test is performed after two standard incisions, 1 mm deep and 1 cm long, are made on the volar aspect of the forearm under 40 mm Hg pressure by a blood pressure cuff with use of a template to ensure appropriate incisions. The time is measured from the incision to the moment when the blood oozing from the wound is no longer absorbed by filter paper. Some institutions have replaced the traditional bleeding time with a platelet function analyzer instrument, which is just as accurate and more convenient. A normal time is 8 minutes, a time of 8 to 10 minutes is borderline, and a time longer than 10 minutes is typically abnormal. Because of the high incidence of drug-induced platelet dysfunction, ask the patient about medications, particularly aspirin and other antiplatelet medications (e.g., clopidogrel). Platelet function testing is independent of the coagulation pathways. As mentioned previously, the bleeding time is prolonged with platelet counts below 100,000/mm3, but such prolongation does not represent platelet dysfunction. However, a prolonged bleeding time associated with platelet counts above 100,000/mm3 suggests impaired function.

Prothrombin Time

The prothrombin time (PT) tests the factors of the extrinsic and common pathways. The patient’s anticoagulated plasma is combined with calcium and tissue factor prepared from rabbit or human brain tissue. Sensitivity to factor deficiencies depends on the source of the tissue factor. The PT detects deficiencies in fibrinogen, prothrombin (factor II), factor V, factor VII, and factor X. It is used to test the extrinsic pathway. A normal control sample is simultaneously run, and the clotting times of both are recorded. The time in seconds is usually given over the normal control time, for example, 12.5/11.5. A PT of 2 seconds or more above the control time is considered significant. Results are usually reported as the international normalized ratio (INR), which compensates for differences in sensitivity of various thromboplastin reagents to the effects of warfarin. The test is helpful in monitoring the use of coumarin anticoagulants, and the time may be prolonged in patients with liver disease and other abnormalities of vitamin K–sensitive factors.

Partial Thromboplastin Time

The partial thromboplastin time (PTT) tests the components of the intrinsic and common pathways, that is, essentially all factors but VII and XIII in the entire clotting cascade. In this test, a phospholipid source and a contact-activating agent (kaolin) are added to anticoagulated citrate plasma. After an incubation period that allows factor XII to become activated, calcium is added and the clotting time is recorded. A normal control sample is run simultaneously. Normal ranges may vary, and each hospital laboratory should be checked. The average time is 25 to 29 seconds. The sensitivity of the test varies from factor to factor, but factor levels usually are less than 40% before the PTT is prolonged. The test may be altered by clotting factor inhibitors of external origin (e.g., heparin) or internal origin (e.g., anti-VIII antibody). Inappropriately high values may occur if the plasma is too turbid or icteric. The activated PTT is most sensitive to abnormalities in the sequence of the coagulation cascade that precedes activation of factor X.

Differential Diagnosis and Management

When a bleeding disorder is diagnosed or suggested, the assessment initially includes stabilization, which may necessitate volume, RBC, and coagulation factor replacement. If the disorder is known, clinical complications associated with its underlying pathophysiologic condition needs to be considered. If the disorder is unknown, a rapid differential diagnosis must be made. A clinically useful scheme approaches bleeding disorders in terms of three constituents: vascular integrity, platelets, and coagulation factors. This differential diagnostic approach can be further divided into inherited and acquired disorders.

Platelet Disorders

General Approach

Platelet abnormalities can be caused by congenital disorders, but most are from acquired conditions.5 The bleeding source is usually capillary, with resultant cutaneous and mucosal petechiae or ecchymosis. Epistaxis, menorrhagia, and gastrointestinal bleeding are common initial symptoms. The bleeding is generally mild and occurs immediately after surgery or dental extractions. Petechiae and purpura may be noted on physical examination, and superficial ecchymoses may be found around a venipuncture site. The purpura associated with platelet disorders is typically asymptomatic and not palpable. This is in contrast to purpura associated with vasculitis, which can burn or itch and is palpable.6 Deep muscle hematomas and hemarthroses are not aspects of the clinical picture. The bleeding time is prolonged, and the platelet count may be low, normal, or high. The differential diagnosis of platelet disorders is listed in Box 122-6.


Increased Destruction:

Immune Thrombocytopenia.: Thrombocytopenia associated with increased peripheral destruction of platelets and shortened platelet survival caused by an antiplatelet antibody is seen in a number of diseases. In most cases a cause is identifiable.

Collagen vascular diseases, particularly systemic lupus erythematosus, may cause an antiplatelet antibody-related platelet decrease. Similar associations have been noted with leukemia and lymphoma, particularly lymphocytic lymphoma. All evaluations of suggested immune thrombocytopenia should include a complete blood count, peripheral smear, antinuclear antibody test, and bone marrow examination. A number of drugs have been associated with thrombocytopenia of immunologic origin. Quinine and quinidine are common offenders that affect platelets through an “innocent bystander” mechanism. The platelet is coated with a drug-antibody complex, complement is fixed, and intravascular platelet lysis occurs. Because of its relatively high frequency, heparin is an important cause of drug-induced thrombocytopenia in hospitalized patients. Platelets are activated by the formation of an immunoglobulin G (IgG)–heparin complex.

Low-molecular-weight heparin may be associated with less thrombocytopenia than standard, unfractionated heparin is; however, both forms of heparin demonstrate cross-reactivity.7 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is a serious immune-mediated side effect associated with heparin.8,9 A meta-analysis including 7287 patients determined the incidence of HIT to be 2.6% for unfractionated heparin and 0.2% for low-molecular-weight heaprin.10 It usually occurs 5 to 7 days after the initiation of heparin treatment. Thrombus develops in approximately half the patients with HIT. The thrombotic complications can lead to loss of a limb in up to 20% and death in as many as 30%. The diagnosis is suggested in the presence of absolute thrombocytopenia or a greater than 50% reduction in platelets after the initiation of heparin. The most specific diagnostic tests for HIT are serotonin release assays, heparin-induced platelet aggregation assays, and solid-phase immunoassays. Platelet-associated IgG levels are commonly elevated, but this finding is less specific or sensitive than the other diagnostic tests. More concerning to the emergency physician is delayed-onset HIT. This form of HIT occurs a median of 14 days after the initiation of heparin, but it has been reported to occur up to 40 days after heparin is started.10 Arterial or venous thrombosis typically develops in patients with HIT after they receive heparin. The administration of heparin can result in the development of antibodies to the heparin and platelet factor 4 complex. The heparin–platelet factor 4–antibody complex is removed from the circulation, resulting in thrombocytopenia; however, this complex also results in the generation of microparticles that have procoagulant properties, which can lead to thrombus formation. Treatment of thrombotic complications in these patients involves the use of direct thrombin inhibitors (lepirudin, argatroban), factor Xa inhibitors (fondaparinux), or heparinoids (danaparoid).8

Digitoxin, sulfonamides, phenytoin, and aspirin are other drugs that may be associated with a thrombocytopenia. The patient has usually ingested the medication within 24 hours. An idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura type of syndrome has been reported in intravenous cocaine users.11 Clinical trials with platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonists suggest that intravenous glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors may confer an increased risk for associated thrombocytopenia, independent of heparin therapy.12 The platelet count may fall below 10,000/mm3 and be complicated by serious bleeding. Laboratory testing may confirm the presence of antibody, especially with the use of quinine and quinidine. After administration of the drug is stopped, the platelet count improves slowly during a period of 3 to 7 days. A short course of corticosteroid therapy, such as prednisone in a dose of 1 mg/kg with rapid tapering, may facilitate recovery.13,14

Postinfectious immune thrombocytopenia is usually associated with viral diseases such as rubella, rubeola, and varicella. Although many cases associated with sepsis have a mechanical origin, some immune mechanisms have been demonstrated.13

Post-transfusion thrombocytopenia is a rare disorder that causes a precipitous fall in platelets approximately 1 week after the transfusion. In 90% of cases, its origin is linked to the 98% of the population carrying a PLA1 antigen on platelets. Despite the fact that 2% of blood recipients are mismatched with respect to this antigen, it is fortunately a rare occurrence. On transfusion into a PLA1 antigen–negative patient, the platelets with attached PLA1 antibodies provoke an anamnestic response, but the actual mechanism of platelet destruction remains unknown. The platelet count often falls precipitously below 10,000/mm3, with a significant risk for major bleeding. Intracranial hemorrhage occurs in approximately 10% of such cases. Patients are usually middle-aged women with a history of pregnancy who may have been previously sensitized to the PLA1 antigen during pregnancy. Plasma exchange therapy is an effective intervention.13,15

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