Chapter Outline
Devices For Hemodynamic Support 247
Cardiopulmonary Bypass 248
Intraaortic Balloon Counterpulsation (IABP) 252
Device 252
Insertion Techniques 252
Clinical Indications and Physiology 253
Contraindications and Complications 253
Weaning and Removal 254
Problem Solving with IABP 254
Extracorporeal Membranous Oxygenation (ECMO) 254
Clinical Indications for ECMO 254
Technique and Physiology 255
Contraindications and Complications to ECMO 255
Weaning and Removal 256
Ventricular Assist Devices 256
Destination, Indications and Inclusion Criteria 256
General Function 256
Physiological Benefits to Ventricular Assist 256
Specific Devices 257
Percutaneous Ventricular Support Devices 259
Temporary Pacing Devices 260
External Defibrillators 261
The era of cardiovascular support began in the midtwentieth century. In 1952, Dr. Paul Zoll invented the first external cardiac pacemaker. Dr. John Gibbon culminated 19 years of research on cardiopulmonary bypass when he performed a closure of an atrial septal defect in an 18-year-old girl at Thomas Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia in 1953. In 1954, the American Society for Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO) was founded. Over the next 50 years surgeons such as Michael DeBakey, Denton Cooley, Domingo Liotta, and O.H. Frazier, along with brave patients such as Dr. Barney Clark reached many of the milestones in the development of devices to support the failing heart ( Table 18-1 ).
Year | Milestone |
1810 | Le Gallois proposes extracorporeal support |
1920s | Charles Lindbergh expresses interest in cardiovascular support |
1937 | Demikhov implants the first “artificial heart” in a dog |
1952 | First external pacemaker |
1953 | First use of cardiopulmonary bypass |
1954 | American Society for Artificial Internal Organs (ASAIO) conceived |
1954 | Cross circulation first used by Dr. Walt Lillehi |
1959 | First successful use of an internal cardiac pacemaker |
1962 | Dr. Clarence Dennis describes technique for removal of blood from the left atrium and return to the femoral artery via pump |
1963 | First successful implantation of a pneumatic ventricular assist device (VAD) by Dr. Michael DeBakey |
1964 | National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute begins to sponsor development of mechanical support devices |
1966 | First successful use of an LVAD as a successful bridge to recovery |
1967 | First heart transplantation by Dr. Christian Barnard |
1968 | First use of the intraaortic balloon pump (IABP) by Dr. Adrian Kantrowitz |
1969 | First implantation of an “artificial heart” by Dr. Denton Cooley |
1970 | Invention of first internal defibrillator |
1971 | Dr. Michael DeBakey published landmark article outlining challenges to development of heart support devices |
1976 | FDA begins regulating medical devices—Medical Device Amendment to the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act |
1979 | First percutaneous implantation of an IABP |
1980s | Introduction of cyclosporine leads to resurgence of heart transplantation |
1982 | Dr. Barney Clark became first patient to receive a permanent implant of an artificial heart as a destination device (Jarvik-7) |
1984 | Thoratec ventricular support device developed as a bridge to transplantation |
1984 | Novacor VAD first implanted |
1988 | Dr. O.H. Frazier implants the first HeartMate device as a bridge to transplantation |
1992 | FDA approves the Abiomed BVS 5000 for short-term use |
1994 | FDA calls for heightening efforts at ventricular assist |
2001 | REMATCH trial demonstrates the benefit of mechanical support over medical treatment for patients with end-stage heart failure |
2004 | ASAIO celebrates 50th anniversary |
2004 | FDA approves the CardioWest Total Artificial Heart as a bridge to transplant |
Today, nearly 5 million Americans suffer from heart failure and 500,000 develop congestive heart failure every year. Drugs alone cannot control the health and financial consequences. Those who develop end-stage heart failure, generally defined as persistent NYHA class IV symptoms, despite maximal medical therapy must hope for the “gold standard” treatment—heart transplantation. Unfortunately only a small percentage of patients will receive a heart. Mechanical support provides certain individuals awaiting heart transplantation, such as critically ill patients with temporary severe cardiac dysfunction along with others who do not qualify for transplantation, with hope.
Anesthesiologists performing procedures on patients coming for cardiac surgery will encounter a myriad of devices for cardiac support on a regular basis. These include cardiopulmonary bypass, temporary percutaneous support devices, temporary ventricular support, and long-term ventricular assist devices. The anesthesiologist must be familiar with the indications for such devices, their anesthetic implications, and common problems encountered in patients with cardiac support devices.
Anesthesiologists may also find themselves responsible for the placement and management of other devices used for temporary support, such as intraaortic balloon pumps, temporary pacing devices, and defibrillators.
Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Cardiopulmonary bypass is primarily used during procedures of the heart to allow the surgeon to operate on the external blood vessels (coronary artery bypass grafting), aorta (ascending or arch replacement), pulmonary arteries, or within the chambers of the heart (valve repair or replacement) while avoiding excessive blood in the operative field or risk of myocardial injury due to ischemia. The bypass circuit must accomplish four basic functions: (1) oxygenation of the blood and removal of carbon dioxide, (2) circulation of blood, (3) cooling and warming of the blood, and (4) maintenance of a “bloodless” field. The bypass circuit consists of several key components: venous or atrial cannulae, venous reservoir, pump system, oxygenator, heater/cooler, anesthetic vaporizer, gas analyzer, cardioplegia delivery system, aortic cannula, and other types of venting and suction.
Venous Cannulae and Reservoir
The wire reinforced, flexible venous cannula is placed within the right atrium or vena cava and drains blood returning to the heart into a venous reservoir. For many operations only one cannula is needed. This cannula is positioned with its distal tip in the inferior vena cava and a proximal port in the right atrium ( two stage cannula ). In circumstances where the right heart chambers must be opened or the heart must be retracted and manipulated extensively, separate canulae are placed into both the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava ( single stage cannula ). Surgical tape and tourniquets around such cannulas serve to ensure that no blood returns to the right atrium. Drainage of the heart into the reservoir is commonly by gravity. Mechanisms do exist to provide “vacuum assist” or suction drainage, commonly referred to as augmented venous return . Venous suction allows smaller cannulae to be used, primarily in minimally invasive cardiac procedures.
The venous reservoir may be either open (hard-shell) or closed (“collapsible bag”). The open reservoir is a large canister connected to the bypass machine that collects from the venous system ( Figure 18-1 ). The capacity varies depending on the manufacturer but is generally 3000 to 4000 mL. The venous reservoir may also receive blood removed from the left ventricle (vent) and from drains placed into the operative field (cardiotomy suction). Open systems have the capability to allow suction application and may overall be safer. Closed systems also do not require that entrained air be removed from the reservoir.

The “collapsible bag” of a closed system is less likely to allow the introduction of gaseous micro emboli (GME) into the circulation and potentially there is less activation of inflammatory factors.
Pump Systems
Two types of pump systems exist: roller pumps and centrifugal pumps. These are the “heart” of the bypass circuit. Roller pumps have a length of tubing located inside a curved “raceway.” The rollers intermittently compress the tubing, propelling the contents (blood) forward ( Figure 18-2 ). Each rotation of the pump head propels a fixed volume forward. Advantages include the ability to reuse the pump, ease of sterilization, and easy flow calculation. The disadvantage is blood trauma, hemolysis or microfragmentation of the inner surface of the tubing, and the ability to generate excessive pressure because the roller pump does not have an intrinsic ability to respond to distal pressure or resistance.

Centrifugal pumps consist of an impella or series of cones within a polycarbonate structure. These cones are rotated magnetically by a motor, propelling the blood forward. Blood trauma is less, there is minimal risk of overpressurization, and the systems are disposable. There may be benefit to centrifugal pumps as far as decreased emboli, potentially improved neurological outcome, less damage to blood elements, and improved safety, but the data supporting these contentions are not entirely clear.
Considerable debate exists about the benefit of pulsatile versus nonpulsatile perfusion while on bypass, and no recommendation can be made supporting one over the other.
Additional Pumps
Every bypass circuit will have additional pumps with which to perform other tasks. The cardiotomy suction allows the surgeon to remove any blood accumulating in the field and return it directly to the venous reservoir. Debate still exists about the benefits of cardiotomy suction because this blood contains fat, bone, lipids, and other debris that accumulates in the field. Debris from cardiotomy suction may ultimately activate systemic inflammation when in contact with blood elements and serve as a major source of cerebral emboli while on bypass. The longer the duration or cardiopulmonary bypass, the greater the embolic load. The cardioplegia pump facilitates delivery of solution with which to directly induce electromechanical cardiac standstilll and to provide substrate to the myocardium. A separate pump allows suction to be directed preferentially into a specific area or chamber, commonly the left ventricle ( vent or drain ).
The contact of blood with all the artificial components of the bypass circuit results in the activation of both humoral and cellular components including the coagulation cascade, kallikrein-kinin, fibrinolytic, complement, platelets, and leukocytes. Heparinizing the surface of CPB tubing has the potential benefit of a reduction in platelet activation, decrease in inflammation, decrease transfusion, and neurological outcome, along with a reduction in cost, although studies are small.
Oxygenator/Cooler/Heater System
The oxygenator and heater/cooler systems are generally one single unit ( Figure 18-3 ). This is essentially the “lung” of the bypass circuit. Blood is directed through the oxygenator by the pump system. Venous blood enters into a mixing chamber where fresh gas is passed through in a bubble oxygenator . Small bubbles form allowing oxygen to enter the blood. This system is rarely used today because of the high occurrence of gaseous microemboli, platelet depletion, and hemolysis, all probably attributable to direct air-blood interactions. The membrane oxygenator consists of series of hollow fibers with micropores through which the gas flows and is most commonly used today ( Figure 18-4 ). Blood passes by in either a cross-current or counter current mechanism and diffusion occurs across the membrane. The gaseous microemboli are less than with a bubble oxygenator but such emboli are not entirely eliminated. The fraction of inspired oxygen and gas flow rate (equivalent to the minute ventilation) are controlled by the perfusionist with a device commonly referred to as a “ blender .” Heating and cooling are controlled by a circulating water system and occur via a countercurrent mechanism.

Anesthetic Vaporizer
All bypass circuits have an anesthetic vaporizer attached in the circuit. This allows maintenance of anesthesia while a patient is on cardiopulmonary bypass.
Arterial Filter
The arterial filter serves to remove both air and particulate matter from the bypass circuit before returning blood to the systemic circulation ( Figure 18-5 ). Studies have shown that smaller filters (20 μm) are superior to larger (40 μm) and that larger embolic loads are associated with worsened neurological outcomes.

In-Line Laboratory Analysis
Modern bypass machines have the capability of performing both arterial and venous real-time blood gas analysis or acid-base status and hemoglobin or hematocrit.
Anesthetic Management on CPB
Close interaction between the anesthesiologist and perfusionist is critical immediately before initiation, during maintenance, and while transitioning from bypass back to native circulation. The anesthesiologist must continually monitor arterial pressure, the EKG, blood gas analysis, cardioplegia delivery, and temperature.
Arterial Pressure
Considerable debate exists regarding the appropriate blood pressure to maintain while on bypass. The optimal mean arterial pressure has not been established. A balance between myocardial protection and organ perfusion must be met. Proponents of higher pressure argue that a higher pressure is needed to perfuse certain areas of the heart that are not well protected by cardioplegia. Advocates of lower pressure argue that less trauma occurs to blood cells during CPB at lower pressure, and that noncoronary collateral blood flow to the heart is limited. Most centers maintain a mean arterial pressure of 50 to 70 mm Hg while on bypass. Often the dilemma focuses upon adequate perfusion pressure to the brain and kidneys, both of which are subject to autoregulation. It is believed that the normal brain maintains autoregulation at a mean pressure between 50 and 150 mm Hg, thus a lower limit of 50 mm Hg is felt to be reasonable. Others argue that the lower limit of autoregulation is higher, especially in patients with hypertension, diabetes, or known cerebrovascular disease. Higher pressure may be necessary for such conditions.
The decision as to the ideal individual MAP while on bypass should be determined by the risks and benefits of higher and lower pressure, and the patient specific factors.
Systemic Flow Rates
Multiple factors determine the minimal safe flow rate during cardiopulmonary bypass, including body surface area, temperature, depth of anesthesia, and oxygen content of the blood. Most centers will start with a flow rate of 2.2 to 2.5 L/min/m 2 , which approximates the cardiac output of a normothermic, anesthetized individual. Lower flow rates may cause less trauma to blood cells and deliver less particulate emboli at the risk of potentially inadequate organ perfusion. There is no minimum, well-defined systemic flow rate.
The anesthesiologist must closely monitor the ECG while on bypass for three reasons: (1) assurance of electrical silence associated with adequate cardioplegia, (2) detection of ischemia during procedures performed “off-pump,” and (3) to detect the return of an adequate cardiac rhythm before separation from bypass. Adequate administration of cardioplegia is associated with complete electromechanical silence. The appearance of electrical activity after administration of cardioplegia should result in an immediate search for the cause. Electrical interference on the ECG is generally from the bypass circuit, although other sources have been reported. Interference often occurs at a very consistent rate equal to that of the roller pump. The ECG appears like ventricular tachycardia. This interference is often due to impedance mismatch caused by different impedances between skin ECG leads. The problem can often be rectified by replacement of skin leads and proper preparation of the skin site to ensure adequate contact.
Blood-Gas Management
The classic argument during cardiopulmonary bypass is whether to manage the acid-base status with an “ Alpha-stat ” technique or “ pH stat .”
Alpha-stat relies on the concept that intracellular pH must be normal at all temperatures. As the blood temperature decreases, CO 2 will dissolve in the blood. For instance at a temperature of 37 o C the Paco 2 may be 40 mm Hg while at 20 o C the Paco 2 may be 16 mm Hg. Alpha-stat management argues that this physiological “respiratory alkalosis” is appropriate. Proponents of pH-stat argue that neutrality is needed at all temperatures. To maintain neutrality, the perfusionist would add CO 2 to return the Paco 2 to 40 mm Hg with pH stat management.
Cardioplegia Delivery
Anterograde cardioplegia is administered into a small cannula placed in the ascending aorta or directly into the coronary ostia. Retrograde cardioplegia is delivered through a catheter placed through the right atrium into the coronary sinus. Cardioplegia is then delivered into the venous system of the heart. The coronary sinus is a thin-walled structure located in the posterior atrioventricular groove of the heart. Damage to the sinus is difficult to repair and associated with significant morbidity. The anesthesiologist must monitor the pressure with which the cardioplegia is delivered. Pressures exceeding 40 mm Hg may result in injury to the coronary sinus and an increase in myocardial edema.
Left Ventricular Pressure/Distention
The three components of myocardial protection are: (1) hypothermia and decrease in cellular metabolism, (2) induction of electromechanical silence, and (3) reduction of wall tension within the left ventricle. The left ventricle may be drained through a vent placed in the apex (rarely used), a vent placed in the right upper pulmonary vein and positioned in the ventricle across the mitral valve, via a cannula placed in the aortic root through which suction is applied, or through a cannula placed in the pulmonary artery. The anesthesiologist may monitor the pressure in the left ventricle directly through the cannula. Alternatively, pulmonary artery catheter pressure will reflect the pressure within the ventricle because electrical silence results in mitral valve incompetence and continual fluid column between the ventricle and pulmonary artery.
Many believe that adequate myocardial and organ protection requires the induction of some degree of hypothermia, but this is debatable. Hypothermia may be mild (32 °C) or profound (<20 °C). The benefit of hypothermia is a reduction in cellular metabolism and oxygen consumption. Generally oxygen consumption is decreased 5% to 7% for every 1 °C reduction in body temperature. Decreased body temperature may allow lower systemic flow rates, less blood trauma, less emboli, and improved myocardial protection but at the risk of coagulopathy, especially platelet dysfunction.
Problem Solving on CPB
A concerted team effort among the surgeon, anesthesiologist, perfusionist, and other members of the cardiac care team is necessary when problems are encountered ( Table 18-2 ).
Problem | Potential Cause | Correction |
Hypotension (MAP <50 mm Hg) | Inadequate flow rate | Increase flows |
Inadequate roller head occlusion | Increase occlusion | |
Excess anesthesia | Decrease anesthesia | |
Vasodilation | Increase vascular tone | |
Aortic catheter malposition | Reposition/rule out dissection | |
Hypertension (MAP >80 mm Hg) | Excess flow rate | Decrease flow |
Inadequate anesthesia | Increase anesthesia depth | |
Excessive vascular tone | Add vasodilator | |
Low systemic flow rate (Flows <30 cc/kg/min) | Inadequate set flow rate | Increase flow |
Excessive vascular tone | Increase anesthesia add vasodilator | |
High systemic flow rate (Flow >70 cc/kg/min) | Vasoplegia | Increase vascular tone |
Excessive anesthesia depth | Decrease depth of anesthesia | |
Persistent electrical activity | Impaired cardioplegia delivery | Increase cardioplegia |
Increase potassium in cardioplegia | ||
Decrease temp of cardioplegia | ||
Check position of cannula | ||
Add retrograde | ||
Monitoring interference | Replace ECG leads | |
Check interference from circuit | ||
High retrograde pressure (>40 mm Hg) | Excessive flows | Decrease flows |
Catheter malposition | Reposition | |
Low retrograde pressure | Catheter malposition | Reposition |
Excessive LV pressure (>5 mm Hg) | Inadequate vent rate | Increase vent |
Surgical retraction | Reposition or wait | |
Excessive aortic regurgitation | Reposition cross clamp | |
Failure to decrease temperature | Cooling mechanism failure | Correct |
Failure to warm | Heating failure | Correct |
Intraaortic Balloon Counterpulsation (IABP)
Dr. Dwight Harkin first described the concept of counterpulsation as a means to improve coronary pressure and perfusion during diastole and decrease afterload during systole. The intraaortic balloon pump was first used clinically by Adrian Kantrowitz in 1968 as a means to provide temporary support to the failing heart after a myocardial infarction. The underlying principle of the IABP is to provide a synchronized method to augment diastolic blood pressure while reducing afterload on the failing heart during systole.
The IABP system consists of a balloon with a volume of 30 to 50 cc mounted on a flexible catheter, connected to a console with pressure wave and ECG displays, and a gas reservoir. The balloon may be inflated with either helium (low density) or CO 2 (high blood solubility and low risk of embolization). Carbon dioxide is rarely used anymore. The appropriate size of the IABP must be selected ( Table 18-3 ) before insertion. The console allows the operator to select two different modes of control—autopilot or operator mode ( Figure 18-6 ). The autopilot mode allows the console to select the available trigger mode based upon the patient’s condition and signal availability; all timing setting and adjustments are under control of the console. Operator mode is the most common mode in clinical use. The clinician selects the trigger signal and then adjusts the appropriate timing.