80 Conduction Disturbances and Cardiac Pacemakers
Conduction Disturbances
Normal Cardiac Conduction
The impulse is generated by a specialized group of cells with the ability to depolarize spontaneously. Initial depolarization of the SA node is not seen on the electrocardiogram (ECG). The P wave is generated when the impulse spreads throughout the atria. There is no specific conduction system in the atria to convey the SA node impulse to the AV node.1 The impulse is transmitted by depolarization of adjacent atrial myofibrils. Approximately halfway through the P wave, the impulse reaches the AV node. The second half of the P wave is due to left atrial depolarization.
Failure of Impulse Conduction
Failure of conduction can occur anywhere along the conduction pathway. AV node block is most often caused by medications, increased parasympathetic tone, or ischemia. AV node blocks are usually reversible, except when infarction permanently damages a portion of the conduction pathway. Infranodal blocks are rarely caused by physiologic abnormalities. Structural heart disease and anatomic disruption of the conduction system are the main causes of infranodal heart block. Rare causes of infranodal block include disruption of the bundle of His from aortic valve calcification, Lenègre’s disease (idiopathic degeneration of Purkinje fibers), and Chagas’ disease.2
Clinical Presentation
Syncope and presyncope are the most dramatic symptoms of conduction disturbances; palpitations, dyspnea, angina, and fatigue are seen as well. Many patients are asymptomatic. A significant number of patients develop bradydysrhythmias after an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) (Table 80-1).3
TABLE 80-1 Incidence of Bradydysrhythmias in Acute Myocardial Infarction
Rhythm | Incidence (%) |
Any bradydysrhythmia | 25-30 |
Sinus bradycardia | 25 |
Junctional escape rhythm | 20 |
Idioventricular escape rhythm | 15 |
First-degree atrioventricular (AV) node block | 15 |
Second-degree AV block type I | 12 |
Second-degree AV block type II | 4 |
Third-degree block | 15 |
Right bundle branch block | 7 |
Left bundle branch block | 5 |
Left anterior fascicular block | 8 |
Left posterior fascicular block | 0.5 |
Diagnostic Evaluation
A high-quality ECG is paramount for the appropriate evaluation of P waves and various intervals. Routine monitoring in the ICU is usually accomplished with a single or three-lead display at the bedside. The lead chosen should clearly delineate the P waves and QRS complexes. Complex arrhythmias may require Lewis leads, intraatrial leads, or esophageal ECG monitoring. Calipers significantly aid in the diagnosis of AV blocks and are helpful to “march out” P waves and intervals. Holter or continuous loop monitoring can also be an important tool in the evaluation of AV block.4 These monitors allow one to evaluate the cardiac conduction system during a patient’s activities of daily living. A monitoring period of at least 24 hours is recommended so that both daytime and nighttime activities are included.
Sinus Node Abnormalities
Sinus Arrest
Sinus arrest occurs when the pacemaker cells in the SA node fail to depolarize. Pauses of less than 3 seconds may be seen in up to 11% of normal individuals and should not cause concern.5 There is a higher incidence of sinus pause in athletes. Pauses longer than 3 seconds are usually considered pathologic and should be evaluated.
SA exit block and sinus arrest appear similar on ECGs, but they should be distinguished if possible. The duration of the pause in exit block is a multiple of the P-P interval. High-grade exit block cannot be distinguished from sinus arrest. The treatment is the same for both conditions.6
Carotid Sinus Hypersensitivity
Carotid sinus hypersensitivity is diagnosed when ventricular asystole greater than 3 seconds’ duration (usually due to a sinus pause or arrest) or a drop in systolic blood pressure greater than 50 mm Hg occurs in response to carotid massage. If symptoms occur, a 30 mm Hg drop in systolic blood pressure defines a positive response. Treatment is permanent pacing in symptomatic patients only.7
Postsurgical Bradydysrhythmias
Bradyarrhythmias are common after cardiac surgery. Valve surgery and septal myectomy can cause significant damage to the conduction system. Prolonged ischemia during heart transplantation may also result in sinus node or conduction system damage. The decision to place a permanent pacer should not be made until 5 to 7 days postoperatively, however, because the bradyarrhythmia may be temporary. Medication administered during surgery or reversible ischemia is often implicated. Pacing is required in 3.2% to 8.5% of patients with valve surgery and approximately 10% of patients with transplants.8
Atrioventricular Node Dysfunction
There are many causes and several manifestations of AV node dysfunction. Box 80-1 lists the causes of AV node abnormalities.
Box 80-1
Causes of Atrioventricular Node Dysfunction
Adapted from Wolbrette DL, Naccarelli GV. Bradycardias: sinus nodal dysfunction and atrioventricular conduction disturbances. In: Topol EJ, editor. Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven; 1998, p. 1655.
First-Degree Atrioventricular Block
First-degree AV block is characterized by a prolonged PR interval greater than 0.20 second in adults and 0.18 second in children who are not taking medications that can prolong the PR interval (Figure 80-1). All the P waves are conducted to the ventricles, and the PR interval is typically fixed. Potential causes of first-degree AV block include delayed conduction through the atria from the SA node to the AV node, a delay in AV node conduction, or prolonged infranodal conduction.
Conduction delays from the SA node to the AV node are typically due to structural causes such as right atrial enlargement or an ostium primum atrial septal defect. A delay in AV node impulse conduction is the most common cause of first-degree AV block. Patients with delayed conduction in the AV node often have a PR interval greater than 0.30 second. Infranodal causes of first-degree AV block are rare and are typically associated with a wide QRS complex due to disease in the fascicles or the bundle of His. First-degree AV block can also occur when each of these conduction times is at the upper limit of normal and summate to produce an overall prolongation of the PR interval.7
Second-Degree Atrioventricular Block Type I
Second-degree AV block type I, or a Wenckebach (or Mobitz type I) rhythm, is defined by a progressive prolongation of the PR interval with each successive beat, with eventual failure of a P wave to conduct to the ventricles (Figure 80-2). This results in a dropped beat and failure of the ventricles to depolarize. The P waves occur at regular intervals. As the PR interval lengthens, the RR interval becomes shorter, which eventually results in decremental conduction. There is a reciprocal relationship between the RP interval and the PR interval.
Second-Degree Atrioventricular Block Type II
Second-degree AV block type II (or Mobitz type II block) is characterized by a sudden nonconducted P wave without a change in the PR interval. A P wave with no corresponding QRS complex is observed on the ECG (Figure 80-3). This is an inherently unstable rhythm, and serious pathology may be present. In contrast to the Mobitz type I rhythm, type II is described as a high degree of AV block, with P wave–to–QRS ratios of 3 : 1 and 4 : 1. A Mobitz type II rhythm is almost always due to an infranodal conduction disturbance. The conducted QRS complexes are often wide, and a bundle branch block pattern is often observed. Second-degree AV block can result from anterior wall MI. Type II second-degree AV block can progress to complete heart block.
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