Chemical Injuries

Chapter 64

Chemical Injuries


During the past century, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of chemicals produced. Worldwide, there are more than 5 million known chemicals, with an additional 10,000 to 20,000 new chemicals developed each year. Furthermore, an estimated 500,000 unique shipments of hazardous materials occur daily throughout the United States, resulting in thousands of exposures to hazardous materials annually.1 These chemicals, which include acids, alkalis, and other highly reactive substances, not only are found throughout industry but also are ingredients in many household products. Exposure to these substances can result in injuries to many organs, including the eyes, skin, and lungs.

Despite myriad potential exposures to chemicals each day, the number of actual exposures is relatively low, largely because of sound industry practices and state and federal regulations. The Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act contains extensive provisions for emergency planning.

A hazardous material (hazmat) is defined as any substance, including gases, solids, or liquids, that has the potential to cause harm to people or the environment. The Hazardous Substances Emergency Events Surveillance (HSEES) system collects information on chemical exposures from 14 states. According to the 2007-2008 HSEES report, more than 15,000 chemical events occurred in the United States during this 2-year span. The manufacturing sector accounted for nearly half of all chemical exposures in the United States. Transportation, communication, and other public utilities accounted for nearly one third of all exposures. Employees working with the chemicals were the most likely to be injured, followed by the general public.1 Both the current and the past HSEES reports can be found online at

The most commonly released hazardous substances are volatile organic compounds, herbicides, acids, and ammonia. Various household products, such as cement, drain cleaners, and gasoline, are also potentially quite hazardous, and exposure can result in severe disability or death.


Most chemical agents cause skin damage by producing a chemical reaction rather than a hyperthermic injury. Certain chemicals can generate significant heat production via an exothermic reaction. Nonetheless, the majority of dermal injuries result from direct damage to the skin rather than from a hyperthermic injury. The type of chemical reaction produced depends on the properties of the individual agent. In general, however, the degree of damage is directly correlated with the toxic agent’s concentration and duration of exposure. Several other factors also contribute to the degree of injury—for example, areas of the body where the skin is particularly thin are more at risk than areas of the body where the skin is thicker. Skin that is particularly thin or broken can contribute to more severe injury.

When acidic compounds interact with skin, protein denaturation and coagulative necrosis ensue. This coagulative necrosis produces an eschar, which limits the depth to which the acid can penetrate. Despite this eschar formation, acidic burns can, nonetheless, produce profound burns. Various acids produce eschars with characteristic colors. For example, nitric acid burns result in a yellow eschar, whereas sulfuric acid burns result in a black or brown eschar. Hydrochloric acid and phenol burns produce a white to gray-brown eschar.

Unlike the coagulative necrosis produced from most acids, alkalis produce saponification and liquefactive necrosis of body fat. Because there is no eschar to limit penetration, alkali burns tend to penetrate deeper into the tissues, which results in significant tissue damage.

Community Preparedness and Hazmat Response

Hazardous materials are found in residential, urban (e.g., manufacturing), and rural (e.g., agricultural) settings. Furthermore, because these substances are often transported on highways and railroads, a hazmat exposure could potentially occur in virtually any community. First responders, paramedics, and members of the hazmat response team must work together to identify toxic chemicals and assess hazardous environments. Placards, shipping papers, United Nations chemical identification numbers, and markings on shipping containers help identify the offending agent. In some cases, chemical analysis may be required to assist in the identification of the agent. The Chemical Transportation Emergency Center (CHEMTREC) in Arlington, Virginia, maintains a 24-hour telephone hotline (1-800-424-9300) to assist in the rapid identification and management of chemical agents. In addition, regional poison control centers (1-800-222-1222) provide specific health information regarding individual chemicals.

Contingency Plan

The contingency plan for hazmat management is divided into two parts: initiation of the site plan and evacuation. Initiation of the site plan begins after the specific offending agent has been identified and the surrounding environment has been assessed. Only after the substance has been identified can the risks to the public and the environment accurately be identified. First responders should be trained to recognize the potential for a hazmat incident and should establish a perimeter. The hazmat technicians are specifically trained in the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), establishing entry into a hazmat scene, victim rescue, and determining the type and extent of a hazmat emergency. A central command post should be used to coordinate the activities of the hazmat team with those of the emergency medical services personnel, firefighters, police officers, and other relevant personnel.

Coping with Hazmat Incidents

In dealing with a hazmat incident, two distinct processes occur simultaneously. First, the scene is secured, which involves containing the substance, extinguishing fires, and controlling other environmental hazards. The second process involves treatment, which begins with decontamination. The exact decontamination depends on the specific agent and route of exposure. In general, all decontamination should be performed before arrival in the emergency department. Individuals who are not exposed to the hazardous material are kept away from the scene to prevent subsequent exposure.

At the outset of any contamination event, the offending agent may not be known. Therefore first responders and those having direct contact with ill patients must wear appropriate PPE. Once the first responder is dressed appropriately, decontamination begins by removing the patient’s contaminated clothes. Dry (anhydrous) chemicals can be brushed off the patient’s skin, followed by copious irrigation with water delivered under low pressure. Ideally, the contaminated water will be contained on the scene for appropriate disposal. Liquid chemicals can be copiously irrigated directly. If decontamination was indicated and not performed on the scene, the patient should be decontaminated before entering the ED. The primary and secondary survey can occur simultaneously with decontamination.

Although the exact requirements for PPE among hospital personnel are somewhat controversial, at a minimum, all personnel involved with decontamination should wear chemical-resistant clothing with a hood, boots, eyewear, at least two layers of gloves, and some form of respiratory protection.


The initial management of the chemically burned patient involves removing the individual from the hostile environment. All clothing is promptly removed and placed in plastic bags, if not already done. Dry chemical agents, such as lye, should be brushed away before hydrotherapy is instituted. The priority of decontamination is to progress from cleansing of contaminated wounds to eyes, mucous membranes, skin, and hair.

Chemical burns continue to destroy tissue until the causative agent is inactivated or removed. Therefore the more quickly the agent is removed from the skin, the less severe the injury. Prompt treatment results in a return of the skin pH to normal or near-normal conditions.


Hydrotherapy involves the application of large amounts of water or saline to the affected skin. Gentle irrigation of a large volume of water under low pressure for a prolonged time dilutes the toxic agent and washes it out of the skin. High-pressure irrigation should not be used because it is possible to drive the chemical deeper into the skin. Furthermore, the use of high-pressure irrigation can result in splattering of the chemical into the eyes of the patient or rescuer.

Elemental metals (e.g., sodium) may produce profound exothermic reactions when combined with water. To minimize the exothermic reaction from such compounds, mineral oil is applied to the skin first, if it is immediately available. However, hydrotherapy should not be delayed while waiting for mineral oil. In addition, some have argued that phenol (carbolic acid) should not be irrigated with water owing to concern for enhanced skin penetration after exposure to water. However, the use of a substance that has both hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties (i.e., polyethylene glycol [PEG]) has not been proven to exhibit clear benefit over water alone; therefore hydrotherapy should not be delayed while waiting for PEG.2 If PEG solution is used for decontamination, the molecular weight of the preferred solution should be 200 to 400 daltons, which is different from the molecular weight of the PEG solution used for colonoscopy preparations.

After exposure to strong alkalis, prolonged hydrotherapy is especially important to limit the severity of the injury. In experimental animal models, the pH of chemically burned skin does not approach a normal concentration unless continuous irrigation has been maintained for more than 1 hour, and the pH often does not return to normal for 12 hours despite hydrotherapy. In contrast, with hydrochloric acid skin burns, the pH usually returns to normal within 2 hours after initiation of hydrotherapy.3 The mechanism by which sodium hydroxide (NaOH) maintains an alkaline pH despite treatment is related to the byproducts of its chemical reaction to skin. Alkalis combine with proteins or fats in tissues to form soluble protein complexes or soaps. These complexes permit passage of hydroxyl ions deep into the tissue, limiting their contact with the water diluent on the skin surface. On the other hand, acids do not form complexes, and their free hydrogen ions are easily neutralized.

Water is the agent of choice for decontaminating dermal burns from either acidic or alkali substances. The deleterious effects of attempting to neutralize acid and alkali burns were first noted in experimental models in 1927. In nearly every instance, animals with either acid or alkali burns that underwent initial irrigation with water survived longer than animals treated with chemical neutralizers. The striking difference between the results of these two treatment methods is attributed to the additional trauma of the heat generated by the neutralization reaction superimposed on the existing burn. Although the same effect may occur when certain chemicals come in contact with water, large volumes of water tend to limit the exothermic reaction.

However, scientists are beginning to question the belief that neutralization of an alkaline burn of the skin with acid does indeed increase tissue damage because of the exothermic nature of acid-base reactions.4 Using an animal model with 5% topical acetic acid (i.e., household vinegar), researchers demonstrated that the application of acetic acid to alkaline burns resulted in rapid neutralization of the tissue and reduction of the tissue injury in comparison with water irrigation alone. However, these data are preliminary and limited, and therefore irrigation with water alone is acceptable.

Ocular Injury

Chemical burns to the eye require emergent management. Alkali burns are more common than acidic burns, and unilateral involvement is more common than bilateral involvement.5 Common causes include inadvertent handling of chemicals with resultant splash injury, exploding batteries, airbag deployment, and intentional assaults. Alkali burns can initially appear trivial, but because of an interaction with lipids in the corneal epithelial cells, a coagulative necrosis results, and deep penetration through the corneal stroma can ensue. The injury can occur rapidly; for example, anhydrous ammonia can penetrate into the anterior chamber in less than 1 minute, resulting in complete blindness.

Similar to cutaneous burns, ocular burns are classified into four grades, with grade IV being the most severe. Grade I and II burns are associated with hyperemia, conjunctival ecchymosis, and defects in the corneal epithelium. Grade III and IV burns are associated with deeper penetration and therefore are associated with mydriasis, a gray discoloration of the iris, and early cataract formation.

Grade II burns are differentiated from grade I burns by the hazy appearance of the cornea in the former. Blood vessel thrombosis in the anterior chamber occurs in both grade III and grade IV burns, and as a result, limbus ischemia occurs. The degree of ischemia differentiates grade III from grade IV burns: ischemia occurs in less than half of the limbus in grade III, whereas ischemia occurs in more than half of the limbus in grade IV. In addition, grade IV burns are associated with necrosis of the bulbar and tarsal conjunctiva and significant limbal ischemia.5,6


When a chemical injury to the eye is suspected, copious irrigation is started immediately. At the scene, it is recommended that the victim submerge the eyes in running tap water and continuously open and close the eyes with the head turned such that the affected eye is lower than the unaffected eye to minimize any contamination into the unaffected eye. In the emergency department, tap water irrigation can be continued during preparation for a more definitive irrigation system. The repeated application of topical anesthetics such as proparacaine can decrease pain and facilitate irrigation. Hydrotherapy can also be accomplished by connecting intravenous tubing to a bag containing normal saline or lactated Ringer’s solution. The initial therapy consists of continual irrigation of the eye with 2 L of normal saline during the first 30 minutes. A Morgan lens can be used for irrigation, although there is a theoretic risk of trapping the chemical between the conjunctiva and the Morgan lens, thereby increasing the burn. If a Morgan lens is used, we recommend replacing the lens between saline applications. After 2 L has been infused, litmus paper is inserted into the conjunctiva to determine the pH; irrigation is continued until the pH is at a near-physiologic level (pH of 7.4). Alkali burns are likely to require more irrigation than acidic burns. For very severe acid or alkali burns, prolonged irrigation may be needed regardless of a normal ocular pH. It is important to also evert the upper eyelid and visually inspect the area for any lodged particulate matter, which may be hidden. A slit-lamp examination with fluorescence staining should be performed to assess for any corneal abrasion. Although of undetermined benefit, ocular antibiotics can be considered after decontamination if a corneal abrasion is present.

Some experimental settings have found benefit from the application of N-acetylcysteine or cysteine to eyes subjected to chemical injury.7 These collagenase inhibitors are thought to prevent loss of the corneal stroma by limiting the amount of collagenase released from the injured tissue. In one retrospective study, the application of steroids, ascorbate, citrate, and antibiotics resulted in improved outcomes in grade III, but not grade IV, burns compared with steroids and antibiotics alone.6 It is hypothesized that the citrate suppresses neutrophils and inhibits collagenase, thereby reducing the inflammatory response. Ascorbate has been hypothesized to promote new collagen deposition. Topical antibiotics (e.g., sulfacetamide, gentamicin, and ciprofloxacin) are recommended for any corneal injury, but this practice is not supported by strong evidence. Mobility of the eye should be encouraged to minimize the formation of adhesions (symblepharon). With the exception of the antibiotics, there are insufficient data at this time to recommend use of any of the pharmaceutical agents mentioned in this paragraph as part of routine practice.

Immediate ophthalmologic consultation and close follow-up are indicated for all significant exposures. Patients with grade I and II injuries can often be managed as outpatients, but patients with higher-grade injuries should be admitted to the hospital. All but the mildest burns should be treated with a long-acting cycloplegic, a mydriatic. After discussion with an ophthalmologist, a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor may be used for 2 weeks (or until the pain disappears). These medications decrease the potential for pupillary constriction, increased intraocular pressure, and early glaucoma. Procedures such as amniotic membrane patching, anterior chamber paracentesis, and corneal transplant have been used for chemical injuries to the eye, and these are undertaken by the ophthalmologic consultant.

Hydrofluoric Acid

Hydrofluoric acid (HF) is an acidic aqueous solution made from the element fluorine. It is commonly used in the petroleum industry to manufacture high-octane gasoline. It is also commonly used in the production of microelectronics and for etching glass, removing rust, and cleaning cement and bricks. Absorption of HF can occur after exposure to the lung, skin, and eyes. In an 11-year review of all HF deaths reported to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, four deaths resulted strictly from dermal exposure, and five deaths resulted from both inhalational and dermal exposure. Several of these deaths were associated with inadequate medical therapy, and all of the cases were associated with unsafe workplace practices.8 HF solutions with a concentration exceeding 50% will produce near immediate pain, whereas burns from more dilute concentrations can be delayed for hours.

HF is unique in its mechanism of action. Despite being an acid, it is capable of causing a liquefactive necrosis, similar to alkalis. However, the free fluoride ion is actually responsible for most of the damage associated with HF exposure. The free fluoride ion scavenges cations, such as calcium and magnesium, thereby resulting in systemic hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia. In addition, free fluoride ions can inhibit sodium, potassium–ATPase (Na+,K+-ATPase) and the Krebs cycle. The combination of cellular destruction and inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase can also result in hyperkalemia, a preterminal finding. As a result of the numerous electrolyte disturbances, QT prolongation, hypotension, and ventricular arrhythmias can occur. The severity of injury depends on the concentration of the substance and the duration of exposure.

Dermal Exposure

Dermal exposure is perhaps the most common route of injury. Relatively dilute solutions of HF (0.6-12%) are available to the general public in the form of rust removal and aluminum cleaning products. During handling of containers in which HF is stored, contamination of inadequately protected fingers and hands often results in a chemical burn injury. The HF skin burn has a distinct characteristic: the exposure causes progressive tissue destruction. Intense pain can occur quickly or be delayed for several hours, but it can persist for days if untreated. The skin at the site of contact develops a tough coagulated appearance. Eschar formation can occur.7 If untreated, the burn can progress to an indurated, whitish appearance with vesicle formation. In the digits, HF has a predilection for subungual tissue. Severe untreated burns can progress to full-thickness burns and can even result in loss of digits.

Initial Therapy

The initial treatment of HF skin exposure is immediate irrigation with copious amounts of water for at least 15 to 30 minutes. Most exposures to dilute solutions of HF respond favorably to immediate irrigation. Severe pain or any pain that persists after irrigation denotes a more severe burn that requires detoxification of the fluoride ion. Detoxification is accomplished when an insoluble calcium salt is formed.

All blisters are removed because necrotic tissue may harbor fluoride ions; the fluoride ions can then be detoxified through topical treatment, local infiltrative therapy, or intra-arterial infusion of calcium. Calcium gluconate (2.5%) gel is the preferred topical agent.9,10 This gel is often not available in hospital pharmacies, but it can be made by mixing 3.5 g of calcium gluconate powder in 150 mL of a water-soluble lubricant (e.g., glycerin-hydroxyethyl cellulose lubricant [K-Y Jelly]). The gel is secured by an occlusive cover (e.g., powder-free latex glove). Because the skin is impermeable to calcium, topical treatment is effective only for mild, superficial burns.

Infiltration Therapy

Subcutaneous.: Infiltrative therapy is necessary for treatment of deep, painful HF burns. Calcium gluconate is the agent of choice and can be administered by either direct infiltration or intra-arterial injection. A common technique involves injecting 0.5 mL/cm2 of 10% calcium gluconate subcutaneously through a 27- or 30-gauge needle. The use of an equal volume mixture of 5% calcium gluconate and 0.9% normal saline has been shown to reduce irritation of tissues and decrease subsequent scarring. Patients treated in this manner should be hospitalized for observation and toxicologic consultation.

Despite its wide acceptance, the infiltration technique has disadvantages, especially in treating digits. A regional nerve block is recommended because the injections may be very painful. Removal of the nail to expose the nail bed is required if subungual tissue is involved. Vascular compromise can occur if excessive fluid is injected into the skin exposure sites, and unbound calcium ions have a direct toxic effect on tissue. Because of these disadvantages with subcutaneous infiltration, intra-arterial infusion of calcium is now recommended in most instances.

Intravenous and Intra-arterial.: Patients with pain refractory to local or subcutaneous calcium administration may benefit from regional anesthesia, either in the form of an intravenous infusion (e.g., Bier block), or intra-arterial. Various dilute solutions of calcium have been used, but perhaps the most commonly used solution is a mixture of 10 mL of solution of 10% calcium gluconate in 40 to 50 mL of normal saline infused over 4 hours.11 If more than 6 hours has elapsed since the time of HF exposure, tissue necrosis cannot be prevented, even though pain relief can be achieved up to 24 hours after exposure.

The intra-arterial infusion technique has potential disadvantages. Arterial spasm or thrombosis may result in significant skin loss. The intra-arterial procedure is more costly because it requires hospitalization for the use of the infusion pump and the monitoring of serum calcium concentrations if repeated infusions are used.

Systemic Toxicity

HF binds calcium and magnesium ions with strong affinity. Systemic manifestations of fluoride toxicity are at least partly related to hypocalcemia and include abdominal pain, muscle fasciculations, nausea, seizures, ventricular dysrhythmias, and cardiovascular collapse. Consequently, patients with significant HF exposure require hospitalization to monitor for cardiac dysrhythmias for 24 to 48 hours. Hypocalcemia can occur after significant exposure to HF and is corrected with the intravenous administration of a 10% calcium gluconate infusion. Calcium chloride can be used, but its administration requires central access. In addition, fluoride ion accumulation has cardiac and neurotoxic effects. Burns as small as 2.5% of the total body surface area have proven fatal in concentrated HF exposure.

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Jul 26, 2016 | Posted by in ANESTHESIA | Comments Off on Chemical Injuries

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