No domain in life is without risks, and complications do occur during patient care and treatment. In this regard, anesthesia is no more an exception. The complications can range from mild anaphylactoid reaction to death in the worst scenario. This chapter is an overview of complications that may arise during anesthetic care, and one should be aware of them. These are listed below:
Evidence suggests that perioperative mortality due to anesthesia is between 1 in 13,000 and 1 in 15,000 cases, but the incidence of mortality exclusive due to anesthesia is rare. Certain patient and procedure-related factors add to increased mortality:
Extremes of age (neonates, children less than 1 year, and elderly patients).
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) III physical status or more.
Emergency surgeries during general anesthesia.
Cardiac surgery (followed by thoracic, vascular, abdominal, pediatric, and orthopedic surgeries).
The main causes of anesthesia-related mortality were airway management and cardiovascular events related to anesthesia and drug administration.
Respiratory Complications of Anesthesia
Pulmonary Aspiration
Aspiration is defined as the inhalation of oropharyngeal or gastric contents into the larynx and lower respiratory tract.
Mendelson’s syndrome is defined as a chemical injury of the lung due to the entry of acidic gastric content.
Aspiration pneumonia is defined as the infectious process caused by the entry of oropharyngeal secretions or enteral content, colonized by pathogenic bacteria, into the lung.
Protective Mechanism against Aspiration
The following structures help in preventing aspiration:
Upper esophageal sphincter (UES): It is formed by cricopharyngeous muscle, which is striated in nature. A conscious individual has a tone of around 25 to 38 cm of H2O. Anesthetic agents except ketamine reduce the tone of the sphincter.
Lower esophageal sphincter (LES): It lies at the junction of the stomach and esophagus. The resting end-expiratory LES is approximately 8 to 20 cm of H2O higher (barrier pressure) than resting end-expiratory intragastric pressure. Since succinylcholine increases both the pressures, as a result, the barrier pressure is maintained.
Gastroesophageal (GE) junction: Diaphragmatic fibers act as pinchcock, thus preventing the regurgitation of content.
Protective laryngeal reflexes: Protective reflexes like coughing, laryngospasm, etc., play important roles.
Risk Factors for Aspiration
The risk factors for pulmonary aspiration are summarized below:
Drugs like opioids and anticholinergics.
Condition of sympathetic nervous system stimulation like active labor, acute pain, or stress.
Loss of protective airway reflexes:
Prevention Measures for Aspiration
The preventive measures against pulmonary aspiration are summarized below:
Adherence to ASA preoperative fasting guidelines.
Mothers are allowed to alleviate thirst during labor with sips of water or clear fluids.
Intravenous (IV) hydration is preferred over oral intake in certain high-risk pregnancies with a difficult airway, difficult regional anesthesia, and high probability of cesarean section.
Solid or semisolid foods are avoided once the mother is in active labor or has received opioid analgesics.
Regulation of gastric acid secretion:
Preoperative gastric emptying:
Routine placement of the gastric tube is not recommended as it may impair the function of both LES and UES and does not guarantee an empty stomach.
Choosing the appropriate technique of anesthesia in full stomach patients:
Rapid Sequence Induction
It is done to protect the airway from aspiration of gastric content. It minimizes the interval between loss of consciousness and endotracheal intubation. The RSI includes:
Preoxygenation: Tidal volume breathing in 100% oxygen for 3 minutes or 4/8 vital capacity breaths in 30/60 seconds, respectively.
Predetermined dose of induction agents (thiopentone sodium).
Muscle relaxant: Scoline or rocuronium can be used.
Avoidance of positive pressure ventilation until the airway is secured with a cuffed endotracheal tube.
Modified Rapid Sequence Induction
Avoidance of positive pressure ventilation during conventional RSI precludes the ability of the clinician to check the airway and determine whether ventilation by the mask is possible. The failure to secure the airway during RSI may result in hypoxia, hypercarbia, and even death. Therefore, conventional RSI is modified. It consists of the following components:
Sellick’s Maneuver
Its main objective is to prevent aspiration by compressing the esophagus between the cricoid cartilage and body of C6 vertebra. The current recommendations regarding the amount of pressure are as follows:
Limitations of Cricoid Pressure
The cricoid pressure is not without limitations, and the ones mentioned below are noteworthy:
In an awake patient, it may induce vomiting due to reflex relaxation of LES.
Coughing or retching may lead to rupture of the esophagus.
It may worsen laryngoscopy view.
Pressure > 40 N may distort airway anatomy, obstruct the airway, impair intubation, or mask ventilation.
It may not occlude esophagus completely.
It hinders successful placement of laryngeal mask airway (LMA).
It may impede tracheal intubation through intubating LMA.
Pulmonary Embolism
Pulmonary embolism (PE) is defined as a blockage of the pulmonary artery or one of its branches by a thrombus that had originated in the venous system or right side of the heart.
The immediate objective is to stabilize the cardiopulmonary system.
Oxygen is administered immediately to relieve hypoxemia, respiratory distress, and central cyanosis.
Vasopressors, inotropic agents, and antidysrhythmic agents may be indicated to support circulation.
Perfusion scan, hemodynamic monitoring, and serial arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis is needed to monitor the response to treatment.
The patient may need intubation and mechanical ventilation, depending upon the clinical picture and ABG result.
Small doses of IV morphine or sedative may be administered to relieve patient anxiety.
Elastic compression stocking or intermittent pneumatic leg compression devices may be used to reduce venous stasis.
Pharmacologic and surgical therapy:
Anticoagulation therapy: Heparin and warfarin have traditionally been the primary method for managing acute deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and PE.
Thrombolytic therapy (urokinase, streptokinase, alteplase, and reteplase): Thrombolytic therapy resolves the thrombi or emboli and restores the pulmonary circulation’s normal hemodynamic functioning, thereby reducing pulmonary hypertension and improving perfusion, oxygenation, and cardiac output.
Surgical management: A surgical “embolectomy” is rarely performed but may be indicated if the patient has a massive PE or hemodynamic instability or if there are contraindications to thrombolytic therapy.
Hypoxia is defined as the failure of oxygenation at the tissue level, while hypoxemia is defined as a condition where the arterial oxygen tension is below normal (normal PaO2 = 80–100 mm Hg). The hypoxemia can be of the following types:
Hypoxemic hypoxia: Insufficient oxygen is reaching the blood.
Stagnant or circulatory hypoxia: Decreased blood flow to the tissues, leading to reduced oxygen delivery to the tissue.
Anemic hypoxia: Due to the decreased oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.
Histologic hypoxia: Due to impaired utilization of oxygen by the tissues.
The hypoxemia can occur due to the causes listed in Table 38.1.
Abbreviation: HPV, hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction.
Hypocapnia occurs when the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood is less than 35 mm of Hg. Causes of hypocapnia are as follows:
Increased minute ventilation in patients on controlled ventilation.
Increased minute ventilation in spontaneously ventilating patients in response to the following:
Decreased dead space ventilation.
Hypercapnia occurs when the level of CO2 in the blood is more than 45 mm Hg. Causes of hypercapnia are as follows:
Reduced minute ventilation in patients on controlled ventilation.
Decreased minute ventilation in spontaneously ventilating patients due to drug-induced depression of the ventilatory response to CO2. Common agents are opioids, benzodiazepines, sedative-hypnotics (propofol), and halogenated inhalational agents.
Increased dead space ventilation.

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