Cerebrovascular Disease
Majaz Moonis
John P. Weaver
Marc Fisher
Cerebrovascular disease encompasses ischemic stroke from thrombosis or embolism, and hemorrhagic stroke including intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and subarachnoid hemorrhage. Many patients require management in the intensive care unit (ICU) due to the severity of disease or for monitoring after acute thrombolytic therapy. This chapter reviews the basic concepts of pathogenesis, diagnosis, evaluation, and management for patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease (ICVD) and ICH. Subarachnoid hemorrhage is discussed in Chapter 78.
Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease
ICVD comprises 85% of all strokes and is the most common neurologic problem that leads to acute hospitalization. Admission to the ICU is indicated in patients with (a) impaired consciousness; (b) associated comorbid conditions, particularly myocardial infarction; (c) stroke after coronary artery bypass grafting; (d) symptomatic secondary hemorrhagic conversion with neurologic deterioration; (e) for the initial 24 hours after administration of intravenous (IV) recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA); and (f) after intra-arterial thrombolysis, angioplasty, stenting, or thrombectomy.
To ensure accurate diagnosis and appropriate therapy, ICVD is categorized along three axes: degree of completeness, anatomic territory, and underlying mechanism.
Degree of Completeness
Three degrees of completeness can be recognized: transient ischemic attack (TIA), stroke-in-evolution, and completed stroke. A TIA is an episode of temporary focal cerebral dysfunction occurring on a vascular basis. It typically resolves within minutes but may last up to 24 hours. A new definition was proposed and accepted when it was recognized that a significant percentage of patients whose deficits last up to 24 hours have minor stroke, not TIA. The new definition states TIA to be an acute vascular neurological deficit that is reversible within 60 minutes with no evidence of infarction on CT or MRI. A stroke-in-evolution is a neurovascular event that worsens over several hours to several days. In a completed stroke, the deficit remains fixed for at least 24 hours in the carotid system and for up to 72 hours in the vertebral-basilar system.
Anatomic Territory
Two broad clinical anatomic categories of ICVD syndromes are recognized, based on division of the cerebrovascular supply into those areas supplied by the carotid system (anterior circulation) and those supplied by the vertebral-basilar system (posterior circulation).
Symptoms commonly encountered in carotid system disease include aphasia, monoparesis or hemiparesis, monoparesthesias or hemiparesthesias, binocular visual field disturbance (hemianopia), or monocular visual loss. Symptoms that may be seen in vertebral-basilar system disease include hemianopia, cortical blindness, diplopia, vertigo, dysarthria, ataxia, and limb paresis or paresthesias, frequently with ipsilateral involvement of cranial nerve functions, and contralateral body involvement. Loss of consciousness or isolated vertigo rarely occurs without other vertebral-basilar symptoms. Other isolated symptoms, such as diplopia, amnesia, dysarthria, and light-headedness, usually do not serve as a basis for the diagnosis of vertebral-basilar disease; however, association with other brainstem symptoms may support this diagnosis [1].
Underlying Mechanism
Acute ICVD can be categorized as large vessel thrombosis, small vessel thrombosis, cardioembolism, or stroke of
undetermined etiology. Large vessel atherothrombotic occlusion is due to atherosclerosis in the carotid or vertebral-basilar arteries and is a common cause of acute ICVD. The pattern and severity of the neurologic deficit depend on the arterial territory, completeness of occlusion, and collateral flow [1]. Small vessel occlusion occurs due to lipohyalinosis of the lenticulostriate arteries or basilar penetrators, and results in a small area of cerebral infarction called a lacune (Fig. 173.1). If a lacune is strategically placed in the internal capsule, thalamus, or basis pontis, substantial neurologic deficits occur. The most common lacunar syndromes are pure motor hemiparesis, pure sensory loss, ataxic hemiparesis, and dysarthria-clumsy hand syndrome [2].
undetermined etiology. Large vessel atherothrombotic occlusion is due to atherosclerosis in the carotid or vertebral-basilar arteries and is a common cause of acute ICVD. The pattern and severity of the neurologic deficit depend on the arterial territory, completeness of occlusion, and collateral flow [1]. Small vessel occlusion occurs due to lipohyalinosis of the lenticulostriate arteries or basilar penetrators, and results in a small area of cerebral infarction called a lacune (Fig. 173.1). If a lacune is strategically placed in the internal capsule, thalamus, or basis pontis, substantial neurologic deficits occur. The most common lacunar syndromes are pure motor hemiparesis, pure sensory loss, ataxic hemiparesis, and dysarthria-clumsy hand syndrome [2].
![]() Figure 173.1. Lacunar infarct involving the left internal capsule seen on a computed tomography scan. |
The typical presentation of a cardioembolic stroke is with maximal deficit at onset, although a small minority may have a stuttering clinical course. Diagnosis may be difficult if the patient has coexistent large arterial lesions; as many as one third of patients with a cardiac embolic source have another potential explanation for their strokes [3]. The most common cardiac sources associated with cerebral embolic events are outlined in Table 173.1. Nonvalvular embolic source with atrial fibrillation is associated with a stroke risk of 4% to 5% per year, increasing with advancing age, the presence of paroxysmal/chronic atrial fibrillation, and an enlarged left atrium [4]. Transmyocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation, and mechanical valves are associated with a high risk, while the risk is lower in patients with bioprosthetic valves. Patent right-to-left cardiac shunts have been recognized by contrast echocardiography with increasing frequency in younger stroke patients. In the absence of a hypercoagulable state or atrial septal aneurysm, a patent foramen ovale (PFO) is not a significant risk factor for cardioembolic stroke, as up to 5% of the healthy population have a small PFO [5].
Table 173.1 Cardiac Sources for Cerebral Emboli | |
Watershed infarction is due to globally diminished cerebral blood flow resulting from cardiac arrest or systemic hypotension, with focal infarction and deficits occurring in well-described patterns in the endarterial distribution between major vessels [6] (Fig. 173.2). In the carotid circulation, watershed infarcts occur between the distribution of the middle cerebral artery and either the anterior or posterior cerebral arteries. The usual anterior infarction causes contralateral weakness and sensory loss sparing the face; in posterior watershed infarcts, homonymous hemianopia with little or no weakness is most common. Quadriparesis, cortical blindness, or bilateral arm weakness (the “man-in-the-barrel” syndrome) may also be seen.
The eventual prognosis of a completed stroke in either the carotid or vertebral-basilar distribution cannot be predicted with certainty during the initial phase of the ictus. The overall mortality varies from 3% to 20% in both vascular distributions [7]. Patients presenting with an altered level of consciousness, conjugate gaze paresis associated with contralateral dense hemiplegia, or decerebrate posturing have a poorer prognosis. However, functional outcome varies widely, with a favorable outcome observed in 20% to 70% of cases [8]. Lacunar syndromes are associated with very low 1-month mortality (approximately 1%) and good functional recovery in 75% to 80% of patients 1 to 3 months after stroke. The clinical course varies: One third of patients with large-artery atherothrombotic strokes have a progressive or fluctuating course, whereas less than one fifth of patients with cardioembolic disease follow a similar pattern [9]. More than 40% of patients with vertebral-basilar symptoms attributable to large-artery thrombosis have a progressive course.
Differential Diagnosis
The history and neurologic examination along with brain imaging enable the physician to differentiate among the major subtypes of ICVD: degree of completeness, territory involved, and ischemic mechanism. It is especially important to differentiate ICVD patients from those with primary ICH. Patients with cerebral hemorrhage typically have a progressive course, with evolution of symptoms over hours [10]. With recent improvement in imaging techniques (spiral computed tomography [CT], magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]), symptoms considered classic for ICH such as early obtundation, coma, seizures, headache, and vomiting are now known to be less reliable in making that diagnosis, since a similar presentation can be seen with ischemic stroke. Urgent imaging should remain the goal in all stroke patients presenting early within the first 3 hours of stroke onset, or those demonstrating worsening neurologic status. Conditions other than cerebrovascular events can occasionally cause acute focal neurologic deficits and must be considered. Primary or metastatic brain tumors with hemorrhage into the tumor may resemble a stroke (Fig. 173.3). Subdural hematomas may rarely present with acute focal neurologic deficits and must be considered in elderly patients, even without a history of head trauma. Patients with migraine headaches sometimes develop focal neurologic symptoms either before or during the early phase of the headache. Rarely, these deficits may occur in the absence of a headache (acephalgic migraine) or may persist (migrainous infarction). Patients with focal seizures may develop sensory, motor, and aphasic symptoms that can mimic ICVD, although they are usually stereotyped and transient. Occasionally, focal neurologic deficits may follow seizures and persist for 24 hours or longer (Todd’s paralysis). In these cases, MR angiogram (MRA) or CT angiogram (CTA) can demonstrate arterial occlusion, making it more likely to be a stroke than Todd’s paralysis. An important, uncommon, and reversible cause of acute neurological deficits is hypoglycemia, which should always be looked for before any aggressive treatment is initiated for a presumed ischemic stroke. Similarly in young patients or patients with a psychiatric history, objective neurological signs or corroborative radiological evidence must be established to avoid treating a functional paralysis with relatively aggressive therapy. Finally, worsening of an old deficit should prompt a metabolic/infectious evaluation, because the damaged cortex may act as a locus minoris resistentiae, with focal clinical worsening of a chronic deficit.
Laboratory and Radiologic Evaluation
A comprehensive workup to determine stroke subtype, severity, and identification of possible multiple risk factors is important to determine effective treatment options. Early imaging in most ICVD patients helps in the differential diagnosis and is key in protocols for therapeutic intervention with rt-PA. Both CT and MRI scans are reliable and sensitive means of differentiating between ICVD, hemorrhage, and other mass lesions. MRI scans are more sensitive than CT scans for the identification of brain tumors, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and subdural hematomas, and MRI can identify ischemic infarction at an earlier stage (within 4 to 24 hours). MRI is probably more sensitive than CT in detecting intracerebral hemorrhage [11]. Newer MRI techniques, such as diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and perfusion imaging (PI), have important bearings on acute stroke diagnosis and treatment [12]. With DWI, ischemic lesions can be seen within minutes of onset. PI identifies areas of reduced blood flow, whereas in most cases, DWI hyperintensity indicates an area of irreversible ischemic injury. If the PI deficit is greater than the DWI area (DWI–PI mismatch), it demonstrates an ischemic tissue that is potentially reversible (ischemic penumbra). Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), especially contrast-enhanced MRA (CEMRA), approaches the sensitivity of a four-vessel conventional angiogram. CEMRA has the added advantage of visualization of the vertebrobasilar system and the intracranial circulation with minimal increase in scan acquisition time. Early restoration of blood flow may result in normalization of this region, a reduced volume of infarction, and better stroke outcome. This is the basis of
thrombolytic therapy, and a persistent ischemic penumbra beyond 4.5 hours may be a reason to consider intra-arterial interventions [13,14] (Fig. 173.4).
thrombolytic therapy, and a persistent ischemic penumbra beyond 4.5 hours may be a reason to consider intra-arterial interventions [13,14] (Fig. 173.4).
An electrocardiogram should be obtained to assess possible underlying or concurrent cardiac rhythm or ischemic changes. Confusion may arise because T-wave, ST-segment, QRS complex changes, and rhythm disturbances may occur secondary to the cerebral ischemic event. Two-dimensional transthoracic, or transesophageal echocardiography, and telemetry/Holter monitoring should be done routinely because patients often have more than one potential underlying pathophysiology, and a cardiac structural or rhythm abnormality may change the treatment approach (Fig. 173.5). A transesophageal echocardiogram should especially be considered in younger patients, patients with an enlarged left atrium, and in cryptogenic stroke at all ages [14,15] (Fig. 173.6).
If an MRA has not been obtained to image the craniocervical vasculature, carotid artery ultrasound—a fast, reliable, and noninvasive technique—should be employed in suspected ischemic stroke of the carotid system as well as small vessel stroke, because of a high incidence of coexisting large vessel atherosclerotic stenosis. Transcranial Doppler ultrasound (TCD) can also provide information about the status of the intracranial vessels, both in the carotid and vertebral-basilar arterial territories [16,17]. Advances in CT angiography (CTA) provide high-resolution vascular imaging as well as the ischemic penumbra with perfusion CT (CTP) studies. With a combination of noncontrast CT (NCCT), CTA, and CTP, it is possible to rule out hemorrhage, assess the extent of early signs of infarction, and determine the site of arterial occlusion and ischemic penumbra. The latter two studies are important in making decisions in acute stroke management (i.e., to proceed with intravenous or intra-arterial interventions). This CT based combination allows a more rapid triage compared to MRI, since every minute wasted before thrombolysis is initiated results in a progressive reduction of salvageable tissue.
![]() Figure 173.5. Echocardiogram in a patient with cardioembolic stroke, demonstrating a large thrombus (arrow) attached to the left mitral valve. |
Complete blood count, partial thromboplastin time (PTT), prothrombin time (PT), comprehensive blood chemistry, chest radiograph, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, syphilis serology, and urinalysis should be obtained on day 1. Of these, if thrombolytic therapy is being contemplated, the blood glucose, PTT, PT, and platelet count should be obtained immediately. Fasting lipid profile, homocysteine, and C-reactive protein should be obtained by day 2 in all cases. Other blood studies, including anticardiolipin antibodies, hypercoagulable workup (protein S, protein C, antithrombin 3, factor V Leiden, prothrombin-2 gene mutation), serum viscosity, serum protein electrophoresis, and fibrinogen, should be completed in younger patients and in patients with a history of cancer, recurrent deep vein thrombosis, or a family history suggestive of an autosomal-dominant pattern of stroke. A lumbar puncture should be performed only if meningitis is suspected, in suspected vasculitis of the nervous system, or when aneurysm rupture is a consideration, despite a negative result in a brain imaging study (NCCT or MRI). Electroencephalography may be helpful when associated seizure activity is suspected.
The treatment of ICVD can be divided into four major categories: prevention, acute interventions, supportive therapy, and newer approaches.
Stroke Prevention
Stroke prevention has improved as risk factors have been identified and treatments developed [18]. The treatment of hypertension and smoking cessation are helpful in the prevention of stroke. Systolic blood pressure reduction by 5 to 10 mm Hg may reduce relative risk of ischemic stroke by 20% to 25%. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers may offer additional protection against first or recurrent ischemic stroke. Patients with hyperglycemia should be aggressively treated to maintain euglycemic control (fasting blood glucose of less than 100 mg per dL). Use of HMG CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) reduces the risk of ischemic stroke by 25% to 30% in patients with underlying ischemic heart disease and possibly improves the outcome after AIS. The American College of Chest Physicians and American Stroke Association guidelines recommend starting all in-patients with hyperlipidemia (low-density lipoprotein [LDL] greater than 100 mg per dL) on statins. More recent trials of statins suggest that reducing LDL cholesterol to 70 mg per dL is safe and may have a plaque stabilization effect [19]. Patients with TIA have a substantial risk of stroke and should be completely investigated before discharge from the hospital. This is especially true for patients older than 60 years, those presenting with aphasia, motor deficits, or with associated diabetes. Patients with symptomatic carotid artery stenosis of greater than 70% benefit from carotid endarterectomy, provided the combined mortality and morbidity of the surgical procedure in the treating institution is less than 5.65% [20]. In nonsurgical TIA patients, antiplatelet therapy with aspirin, aspirin and extended-release dipyridamole (25/200 mg) twice daily, clopidogrel 75 mg once daily, or ticlopidine 250 mg twice daily is beneficial [21,22]. Indirect comparison of newer antiplatelet agents as compared to aspirin suggests that aspirin/extended-release dipyridamole (25/200 mg) (ERDP/ASA) twice daily is 23% more effective than aspirin alone, while clopidogrel offers no advantage over aspirin. However, the recently completed head-to-head comparative trial of clopidogrel vs ERDP/ASA failed to demonstrate a significant difference between the two medications. The combination of ERDP/ASA was associated with nonsignificantly fewer ischemic events, but with a greater number of intra- and extracerebral hemorrhages. On the other hand, there was a nonsignificant trend toward less congestive heart failure with this combination [23]. Atrial fibrillation with or without valvular heart disease is associated with a high stroke risk. Anticoagulation using warfarin reduces the absolute recurrent stroke relative risk by 8% in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. The annual risk of symptomatic hemorrhage is 1%, which can be minimized by keeping the international normalized ratio (INR) between 2 and 3 [15]. Ximelagatran, a thrombin inhibitor, in a head-to-head study with warfarin, failed to show noninferiority in reducing ischemic recurrent events and did not require INR monitoring, but the drug was not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) because of concerns of significant hepatic toxicity [24].

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