Obstetric care providers have two patients, the mother and the fetus. Although assessment of maternal health is relatively straightforward, assessment of fetal well-being is far more challenging. Several tests have been developed to assess the fetus during pregnancy, including some that are recommended for all pregnancies (e.g., ultrasonography for pregnancy dating) and others that are reserved only for women with pregnancy complications (e.g., middle cerebral artery Doppler velocimetry in pregnancies with isoimmunization). In addition, a limited number of fetal interventions are employed to improve fetal outcome, including some that are used more frequently and others rarely, such as maternal corticosteroid administration and intrauterine fetal procedures, respectively. A review is presented here of the tests available to assess fetal well-being in both low- and high-risk pregnancies and of the fetal therapies used during the antepartum period.
Pregnancy, Prenatal care, Antepartum fetal testing, Obstetric ultrasound, Fetal therapy, Aneuploidy risk assessment and testing
Chapter Outline
Prenatal Care in Low-Risk Pregnancies, 97
Determination of Gestational Age, 97
Routine Ultrasonography, 98
Evaluation of Fetal Growth, 99
Assessment of Fetal Well-Being, 101
Prenatal Care in High-Risk Pregnancies, 102
Special Techniques for Antepartum Fetal Surveillance, 110
Perinatal Ultrasonography, 110
Screening for Fetal Chromosomal Abnormalities, 111
Definitive Diagnosis of Fetal Chromosomal Abnormalities, 114
Other Tests, 116
Special Circumstances Requiring Additional Fetal Surveillance, 118
Abnormal Serum Analyte and Nuchal Translucency Screening with Normal Fetal Karyotype, 118
Hydrops Fetalis, 119
Postterm Pregnancy, 120
Intrauterine Fetal Demise, 121
Fetal Therapy, 122
Obstetric care providers have two patients, the mother and the fetus. Although assessment of maternal health is relatively straightforward, assessment of fetal well-being is far more challenging. Several tests have been developed to assess the fetus during pregnancy, including some that are recommended for all pregnancies (e.g., ultrasonography for pregnancy dating) and others that are reserved only for women with pregnancy complications (e.g., middle cerebral artery Doppler velocimetry in pregnancies with isoimmunization). In addition, a limited number of fetal interventions are employed to improve fetal outcome, including some that are used more frequently and others rarely, such as maternal corticosteroid administration and intrauterine fetal procedures, respectively. A review is presented here of the tests available to assess fetal well-being in both low- and high-risk pregnancies and of the fetal therapies used during the antepartum period.
Prenatal Care in Low-Risk Pregnancies
Determination of Gestational Age
The mean duration of a singleton pregnancy is 280 days (40 weeks) from the first day of the last normal menstrual period in women with regular 28-day menstrual cycles. Term, defined as the period from 37 weeks’ (259 days’) to 42 weeks’ (294 days’) gestation, is the optimal time for delivery. However, both preterm births (defined as delivery before 37 weeks’ gestation) and postterm births (delivery after 42 weeks’ gestation) are associated with increased perinatal and neonatal morbidity and mortality, with variation occurring within this 5-week gestational age range. For this reason, the designations of early term (37 0/7 to 38 6/7 weeks’ gestation), full term (39 0/7 to 40 6/7 weeks’ gestation), and late term (41 0/7 to 41 6/7 weeks’ gestation) were adopted. Evaluation of fetal growth, efficient use of screening and diagnostic tests, appropriate initiation of fetal surveillance, and optimal timing of delivery all depend on accurate dating of the pregnancy.
Recommendations for determining the gestational age and estimated due date (EDD) have been established by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, and the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine ( Box 6.1 ). Determination of gestational age is most accurate when ultrasonographic measurement of the fetus or embryo is performed in the first trimester (up to and including 13 6/7 weeks’ gestation). For pregnancies achieved by assisted reproductive technology (ART), the EDD should be assigned based on the age of the embryo and the date of transfer. Importantly, the EDD should be determined as soon as the last menstrual period (LMP) is recorded and the first accurate ultrasonographic examination is performed, and the EDD should be communicated to the patient and documented in the medical record. Assigning the EDD by the first day of the LMP is limited by inaccurate recall of the LMP, irregular cycle length, and variation in the timing of ovulation. One study reported that reliance on LMP alone leads to a false diagnosis of preterm birth and postterm pregnancy in one-fourth and one-eighth of cases, respectively. For these reasons, ultrasonographic measurement of the embryo or fetus can improve the accuracy of the EDD, even when the LMP is known, and the earlier in pregnancy the ultrasonographic examination is performed, the greater the accuracy. In the first trimester, before 14 0/7 weeks’ gestation, the mean of three crown-rump length (CRL) measurements should be used to establish or confirm the gestational age. In the second and third trimesters, at 14 0/7 weeks’ gestation and beyond, biometric measurements should be used for dating. Measurements of the biparietal diameter, head circumference, femur length, and the abdominal circumference are used in a regression formula to calculate the gestational age and EDD. Assessment of gestational age in the third trimester (28 0/7 weeks’ gestation and beyond) is the least accurate. Guidelines for revising the EDD of pregnancy are based on the initial ultrasonographic examination. If the CRL dating differs by more than 5 days from the LMP dating before 9 0/7 weeks’ gestation, then the EDD should be revised based on the CRL measurement. A difference of greater than 7 days between 9 0/7 and 15 6/7 weeks’ gestation, greater than 10 days between 16 0/7 and 21 6/7 weeks’ gestation, greater than 14 days between 22 0/7 and 27 6/7 weeks’ gestation, and greater than 21 days at 28 0/7 weeks’ gestation and beyond should be revised based on the ultrasonographic examination.
- •
Reported date of last menstrual period (estimated due date can be calculated by subtracting 3 months and adding 7 days to the first day of the last normal menstrual period [Naegele’s rule]) or date of assisted reproductive technology (intrauterine insemination or embryo transfer)
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The size of the uterus as estimated on bimanual examination in the first trimester, which should be consistent with dates
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The perception of fetal movement (“quickening”), which usually occurs at 18 to 20 weeks in nulliparous women and at 16 to 18 weeks in parous women
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Fetal heart activity, which can be detected with a nonelectronic fetal stethoscope by 18 to 20 weeks and with Doppler ultrasonography by 10 to 12 weeks
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Fundal height, which at 20 weeks in a singleton pregnancy should be approximately 20 cm above the pubic symphysis (usually corresponding to the umbilicus)
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Ultrasonography to determine fetal crown-rump length during the first trimester, or fetal biometry (biparietal diameter, head circumference, and/or femur length) during the second trimester
Because the accuracy of gestational age assessment decreases with increasing gestational age, pregnancies without an ultrasonographic examination confirming or revising the EDD before 22 0/7 weeks’ gestation should be considered suboptimally dated. These pregnancies may benefit from a follow-up ultrasonographic examination 3 to 4 weeks after the initial ultrasonographic examination to confirm gestational age and assess interval growth to screen for fetal growth restriction.
Importantly, once the EDD is established it should rarely be revised, as discrepancies between gestational age and fetal measurements could indicate an abnormality in fetal growth, such as macrosomia or fetal growth restriction.
Routine Ultrasonography
An ultrasonographic examination is recommended for all pregnancies, given its ability to accurately determine gestational age, viability, fetal number, and placental location, and screen for fetal structural abnormalities in the second trimester.
Some studies have shown an improvement in perinatal outcome with the use of ultrasonography. In a prospective trial of 9310 low-risk women randomly assigned to an ultrasonographic examination for screening at 16 to 20 weeks’ gestation or for obstetric indications only, a significantly lower perinatal mortality rate was observed in the group undergoing screening (4.6 vs. 9.0 per 1000 births, respectively). The screening examination allowed for earlier detection of major fetal malformations and multiple gestations, which enabled more appropriate care, and improved pregnancy dating and a lower rate of labor inductions for postterm pregnancies. In contrast, a subsequent large multicenter randomized clinical trial involving 15,151 low-risk women in the United States, designated the RADIUS study, concluded that screening ultrasonography did not improve perinatal outcomes and had no impact on the management of the anomalous fetus. Although this trial was adequately powered, the highly selective entry criteria (less than 1% of pregnant women in the United States would have been eligible) and inappropriate primary outcomes for a low-risk population (perinatal morbidity and mortality) have been criticized. Importantly, in the routine ultrasonography group, only 17% of major congenital anomalies were detected before 24 weeks’ gestation. There is significant variability in the sensitivity of routine ultrasonographic examinations for the detection of fetal anomalies; in a large review of 36 studies with over 900,000 fetuses, the detection rate for fetal anomalies ranged from 15% to 80%. The detection rates for malformations are improved when performed by an experienced operator at a tertiary center, are higher for central nervous system and urinary tract versus cardiac anomalies, and are lower in patients with a high body mass index (BMI).
Evaluation of Fetal Growth
Normal fetal growth is a critical component of a healthy pregnancy and the subsequent long-term health of the child. An increased risk for delivering a small-for-gestational-age baby and/or having a preterm delivery is associated with low maternal gestational weight gain, while a higher risk for delivering a large-for-gestational-age baby and/or cesarean delivery is associated with excessive gestational weight gain. The current recommendations for maternal weight gain in pregnancy were revised by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in 2009 and are based on maternal prepregnancy BMI ( Table 6.1 ). The guidelines recommend that: (1) underweight and normal weight women gain approximately 1 pound (0.5 kg) per week in the second and third trimesters; (2) overweight and obese women gain approximately one-half pound (0.25 kg) per week in the second and third trimesters; and (3) all women try to be within the normal BMI range when they conceive.
Mother’s Body Mass Index | Recommended Weight Gain |
18.5–24.9 kg/m 2 (normal weight) | 11.2–15.9 kg (25–35 lb) |
25–29.9 kg/m 2 (overweight) | 6.8–11.2 kg (15–25 lb) |
> 30 kg/m 2 (obese) | 5.0–9.0 kg (11–20 lb) |
The size, presentation, and lie of the fetus can be assessed with abdominal palpation. A systematic method of examination of the gravid abdomen was first described by Leopold and Sporlin in 1894. Although the abdominal examination has several limitations (especially in the setting of a small fetus, maternal obesity, multiple pregnancy, uterine fibroids, or polyhydramnios), it is safe, is well tolerated, and may add valuable information to assist in antepartum management. Palpation is divided into four separate Leopold maneuvers ( Fig. 6.1 ). Each maneuver is designed to identify specific fetal landmarks or to reveal a specific relationship between the fetus and mother. The first maneuver, for example, involves measurement of the fundal height. The uterus can be palpated above the pelvic brim at approximately 12 weeks’ gestation. Thereafter, fundal height should increase by approximately 1 cm per week, reaching the level of the umbilicus at 20 to 22 weeks’ gestation ( Fig. 6.2 ). Between 20 and 32 weeks’ gestation, the fundal height (in centimeters) is approximately equal to the gestational age (in weeks) in healthy women of average weight with an appropriately growing fetus. However, there is a wide range of normal fundal height measurements. In one study, a 6-cm difference was noted between the 10th and 90th percentiles at each week of gestation after 20 weeks. Moreover, maximal fundal height occurs at approximately 36 weeks’ gestation, after which time the fetus drops into the pelvis in preparation for labor. For all of these reasons, reliance on fundal height measurements alone fails to identify more than 50% of fetuses with fetal growth restriction (also known as intrauterine growth restriction). Serial fundal height measurements by an experienced obstetric care provider are more accurate than a single measurement and will lead to better diagnosis of fetal growth restriction, with reported sensitivities as high as 86%.

If clinical findings suggest a fetal growth discrepancy between size and dates, ultrasonography is the modality of choice to evaluate and offer alternative explanations, such as multifetal pregnancy, polyhydramnios, fetal demise, and uterine fibroids. For many years, obstetric ultrasonography has used fetal biometry to define fetal size by weight estimations. This approach has a number of limitations. First, regression equations used to create weight estimation formulas are derived primarily from cross-sectional data for infants being delivered within an arbitrary period after the ultrasonographic examination. Second, these equations assume that body proportions (fat, muscle, bone) are the same for all fetuses. Finally, growth curves for “normal” infants between 24 and 37 weeks’ gestation rely on data collected from pregnancies delivered preterm, which are abnormal and probably complicated by some element of uteroplacental insufficiency, regardless of whether the delivery was spontaneous or iatrogenic. Despite these limitations, if the gestational age is well validated, the prevailing data suggest that prenatal ultrasonography can be used to verify an alteration in fetal growth in 80% of cases and to exclude abnormal growth in 90% of cases.
Ultrasonographic estimates of fetal weight are commonly derived from mathematical formulas that use a combination of fetal measurements, especially the biparietal diameter, abdominal circumference, and femur length. The abdominal circumference is the single most important measurement and is weighted more heavily in these formulas. Unfortunately, the abdominal circumference is also the most difficult measurement to acquire, and small differences in the measured value result in large changes in the estimated fetal weight (EFW). The accuracy of the EFW depends on a number of variables, including gestational age (in absolute terms, EFW is more accurate in preterm or growth-restricted fetuses than in term or macrosomic fetuses), operator experience, maternal body habitus, and amniotic fluid volume (ultrasound measurements are more difficult to acquire if the amniotic fluid volume is low). The EFW may differ from the birthweight by up to 20% in 95% of cases, and greater than 20% in the remaining cases. Indeed, an ultrasonographic EFW at term is no more accurate than a clinical estimate of fetal weight made by an experienced obstetric care provider or the mother’s estimate of fetal weight if she has delivered before. Ultrasonographic estimates of fetal weight must therefore be evaluated within the context of the clinical situation and balanced against the clinical estimates. Serial ultrasonographic evaluations of fetal weight are more useful than a single measurement in diagnosing abnormal fetal growth. The ideal interval for fetal growth evaluations is every 3 to 4 weeks, because more frequent determinations may be misleading due to variations in the ultrasonographic measurements; however, in some cases, such as with fetuses suspected of growth restriction, evaluations can be performed every 2 weeks. The use of population-specific fetal growth curves based on maternal (e.g., weight or race ) or environmental factors have been demonstrated to improve the accuracy of ultrasonographic EFW, particularly in the setting of abnormal fetal growth. For example, growth curves derived from a population that lives at high altitude, where the fetus is exposed to lower oxygen tension, will be different from those derived from a population at sea level. However, the use of customized fetal growth curves has not yet been shown to improve outcomes. Abnormal fetal growth can be classified as insufficient (fetal growth restriction) or excessive (fetal macrosomia).
Fetal Growth Restriction
Fetal growth restriction is associated with a number of significant adverse perinatal outcomes, including intrauterine demise, neonatal morbidity, and neonatal mortality. In addition, growth-restricted fetuses are at increased risk for cognitive delay in childhood and chronic diseases, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, and stroke in adulthood.
The definition of fetal growth restriction is an EFW less than the 10th percentile for gestational age; by contrast, the term small for gestational age (SGA) is reserved for newborns with a birth weight less than the 10th percentile for gestational age. Distinguishing the healthy, constitutionally-small-for-gestational age fetus from the pathologically growth-restricted fetus has been particularly difficult. Fetuses with an EFW less than the 10th percentile are not necessarily pathologically growth restricted or at risk for an adverse outcome. Conversely, an EFW above the 10th percentile does not necessarily mean that an individual fetus has achieved its growth potential, and such a fetus may still be at risk for perinatal mortality and morbidity.
Fetal growth restriction results from suboptimal uteroplacental perfusion and fetal nutrition caused by different conditions that can be divided into maternal, fetal, and placental etiologies ( Box 6.2 ). Maternal disorders associated with fetal growth restriction include any condition that can potentially result in vascular disease, such as pregestational diabetes, hypertension, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, autoimmune diseases and renal insufficiency, malnutrition, and substance abuse. Fetal conditions that may result in growth restriction include teratogen exposure, including certain medications; intrauterine infection; aneuploidy, most often trisomy 13 and trisomy 18; and some structural malformations, such as abdominal wall defects and congenital heart disease. Placental pathology resulting in poor placental perfusion can lead to fetal growth restriction. Umbilical cord abnormalities, such as velamentous or marginal cord insertion, have also been implicated in cases of fetal growth restriction. In more than half of cases of growth restriction, the etiology may be unclear even after a thorough investigation.
Maternal Factors
- •
Preeclampsia (gestational proteinuric hypertension)
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Chronic hypertension
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Diabetes mellitus (including gestational diabetes)
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Maternal cardiac disease
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Chronic renal disease
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Chronic pulmonary disease
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Active thromboembolic disease
Fetal Factors
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Nonreassuring fetal testing (fetal compromise)
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Fetal growth restriction
- •
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Intra-amniotic infection
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Known fetal structural anomaly
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Prior unexplained stillbirth
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Multiple pregnancy
Uteroplacental Factors
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Premature rupture of fetal membranes
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Unexplained oligohydramnios
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Prior classic (high vertical) hysterotomy
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Placenta previa
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Placental abruption
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Vasa previa
Fetal growth restriction is associated with an increased risk for stillbirth. When the EFW measures less than the 10th percentile, the risk for stillbirth is 1.5%, which is twice the background risk for appropriately grown fetuses. The risk for stillbirth increases to 2.5% when the EFW is less than the 5th percentile. The risk for stillbirth is further increased when fetal growth restriction occurs in the context of oligohydramnios or abnormal diastolic blood flow in the umbilical artery.
Early and accurate diagnosis of fetal growth restriction coupled with appropriate intervention leads to an improvement in perinatal outcome. If fetal growth restriction is suspected clinically and on the basis of ultrasonography, a thorough evaluation of the mother and fetus is indicated. Referral to a maternal-fetal medicine specialist should be considered. Every effort should be made to identify the cause of the fetal growth restriction and to modify or eliminate contributing factors. The growth-restricted fetus should be monitored closely because of the increased risk for perinatal mortality. Monitoring should include serial ultrasonographic examinations for growth and amniotic fluid volume, and antenatal surveillance with umbilical artery velocimetry and antepartum testing (nonstress tests or biophysical profiles). The timing of delivery should be based on gestational age, the underlying etiology if known, results of antepartum testing and interval growth scans, and any additional risk factors for an adverse outcome, including maternal co-morbidities.
Fetal Macrosomia
Fetal macrosomia, defined as growth beyond an absolute birth weight of 4000 g or 4500 g regardless of gestational age, should be differentiated from the term large for gestational age (LGA), which implies a birth weight greater than or equal to the 90th percentile for a given gestational age. By definition, in the United States, 10% of all fetuses are LGA, 8% of all live-born infants weigh 4000 g or more, and 1.1% weigh more than 4500 g.
In general, the risk for labor abnormalities (e.g., cephalopelvic disproportion, dysfunctional labor), maternal morbidity (e.g., cesarean delivery, postpartum hemorrhage, significant vaginal lacerations), and newborn complications (e.g., Apgar score less than 4 at 5 minutes, birth injuries, assisted ventilation greater than 30 minutes, neonatal intensive care unit admission) increases with birth weights between 4000 and 4499 g; newborn and maternal morbidity increases significantly with birth weights between 4500 and 4999 g; and perinatal mortality (e.g., stillbirth and neonatal mortality) increase with birthweights greater than 5000 g. Shoulder dystocia, defined as a failure of delivery of the fetal shoulder(s) after initial attempts at downward traction, is the most serious consequence of fetal macrosomia, and requires additional maneuvers to effect delivery. The fetal injuries associated with shoulder dystocia include fracture of the clavicle and damage to the nerves of the brachial plexus, resulting in Erb-Duchenne paralysis, of which the vast majority resolve by 1 year of age. Compared with a prevalence of 0.2% to 3.0% for all vaginal deliveries, the risk for shoulder dystocia at birthweights of 4500 grams or more is 9% to 14%, and increases further in the setting of maternal diabetes to 20% to 50%.
Fetal macrosomia can be determined clinically by abdominal palpation (e.g., Leopold maneuvers) or with ultrasonography; although these two techniques appear to be equally accurate, the ability to predict fetal macrosomia is poor, with a false-positive rate of 35% and a false-negative rate of 10%. Estimated fetal weight measurements are less accurate in macrosomic fetuses than in normally grown fetuses, and factors such as low amniotic fluid volume, advancing gestational age, maternal obesity, and fetal position can compound these inaccuracies. Indeed, clinical examination has been shown to underestimate the birth weight by more than 0.5 kg in almost 80% of macrosomic fetuses. A number of alternative ultrasonographic measurements have therefore been proposed in an attempt to better identify the macrosomic fetus, including fetal abdominal circumference alone, umbilical cord circumference, cheek-to-cheek diameter, and subcutaneous fat in the mid humerus, thigh, abdominal wall, and shoulder. However, these measurements remain investigational.
Despite the inaccuracy in the prediction of fetal macrosomia, an EFW should be documented by either clinical estimation or ultrasonography in all high-risk women at approximately 38 weeks’ gestation. Suspected fetal macrosomia is not an indication for induction of labor, because induction does not improve maternal or fetal outcomes and may increase the risk for cesarean delivery. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends performance of an elective cesarean delivery when the suspected birth weight exceeds 4500 g in a diabetic woman or 5000 g in a nondiabetic woman. Similarly, a cesarean delivery is recommended in laboring women when the suspected birth weight exceeds 4500 g in the setting of a prolonged second stage of labor or arrest of descent in the second stage.
Assessment of Fetal Well-Being
All pregnant women should receive regular antenatal care throughout their pregnancy, and fetal well-being should be evaluated at every visit. Fetal heart activity should be assessed and the fetal heart rate (FHR) estimated. A low FHR (< 100 bpm) is associated with an increased risk for pregnancy loss, although congenital complete heart block should be excluded. In the latter half of pregnancy, physical examination of the abdomen should be performed to document fetal lie and presentation.
Fetal movements (“quickening”) are typically reported at 18 to 20 weeks’ gestation by nulliparous women and at 16 to 18 weeks’ gestation by parous women; the presence of fetal movements is strongly correlated with fetal health. Although the mother appreciates only 10% to 20% of total fetal movements, such movements are almost always present when she does report them. Factors associated with a diminution in perceived fetal movements include increasing gestational age, smoking, decreased amniotic fluid volume, anterior placentation, and antenatal corticosteroid therapy. Decreased fetal movements may also be a harbinger of an adverse pregnancy event (e.g., stillbirth) that can be averted if detected early. For these reasons, a subjective decrease in perceived fetal movements in the third trimester should prompt an immediate investigation.
Published studies support the value of fetal movement charts (“kick counts”) in the detection and prevention of fetal complications (including stillbirth) in both high- and low-risk populations. The normal fetus exhibits an average of 20 to 50 (range of 0 to 130) gross body movements per hour, with fewer movements during the day and increased activity between 9:00 pm and 1:00 am . Several different schemes have been proposed to determine the baseline fetal activity pattern for an individual fetus after 28 weeks’ gestation and to evaluate activity patterns that may represent fetal compromise. One commonly used scheme (“count-to-10”) instructs the mother to rest quietly on her left side once each day in the evening (between 7:00 pm and 11:00 pm ) and to record the time interval required to feel 10 fetal movements. Most patients with a healthy fetus will feel 10 movements in approximately 20 minutes; 99.5% of women with a healthy fetus feel this amount of activity within 90 minutes. Under this scheme, failure to appreciate 10 fetal movements in 2 hours should prompt immediate fetal assessment. In one large clinical trial, institution of this fetal activity monitoring scheme resulted in a significant increase in hospital visits, labor induction, and cesarean deliveries, but also in a reduction in perinatal mortality from 44.5 to 10.3 per 1000 births. Taken together, these data suggest that daily or twice-daily fetal “kick counts” should be performed after 32 weeks’ gestation in high-risk pregnancies. Currently there is insufficient evidence to recommend this practice in low-risk pregnancies.
Prenatal Care in High-Risk Pregnancies
Approximately 20% of all pregnancies should be regarded as high risk (see Box 6.2 ). Because of the attendant risks to both the mother and fetus, additional efforts should be made to confirm fetal well-being throughout such pregnancies. In addition to the testing outlined previously, high-risk pregnancies should be monitored closely and regularly by a multidisciplinary team, including subspecialists in maternal-fetal medicine and neonatology, if indicated.
Goals of Antepartum Fetal Testing
The goal of antepartum fetal surveillance is the early identification of a fetus at risk for preventable neurologic injury or death. Numerous causes of neonatal cerebral injury exist, including congenital abnormalities, chromosomal abnormalities, intracerebral hemorrhage, hypoxia, infection, drugs, trauma, hypotension, and metabolic derangements (e.g., hypoglycemia, thyroid dysfunction). Antenatal fetal testing cannot reliably predict or detect all of these causes; however, those specifically associated with uteroplacental vascular insufficiency should be identified when possible. Antenatal fetal testing makes the following assumptions: (1) pregnancies may be complicated by progressive fetal asphyxia that can lead to fetal death or permanent neurologic handicap; (2) current antenatal tests can adequately discriminate between asphyxiated and nonasphyxiated fetuses; and (3) detection of asphyxia at an early stage can lead to an intervention that is capable of reducing the likelihood of an adverse perinatal outcome.
Unfortunately, it is not clear whether any of these assumptions are true, and nonreassuring fetal test results may reflect existing but not ongoing neurologic injury. At most, 15% of cases of cerebral palsy are thought to result from antepartum or intrapartum hypoxic-ischemic injury. Despite these limitations, a number of antepartum tests have been developed in an attempt to identify fetuses at risk. These include the nonstress test (NST), biophysical profile (BPP), and contraction stress test (CST). Such tests can be used either individually or in combination. There is no consensus as to which of these modalities is preferred, and no single method has been shown to be superior.
Antepartum Fetal Tests
All antepartum fetal tests should be interpreted in relation to the gestational age, the presence or absence of congenital anomalies, and underlying clinical risk factors. For example, a nonreassuring NST in a pregnancy complicated by severe fetal growth restriction and heavy vaginal bleeding at 32 weeks’ gestation has a much higher predictive value in identifying a fetus at risk for subsequent neurologic injury than an identical tracing in a well-grown fetus at 40 weeks, because of the higher prevalence of this condition in the former situation. It should be remembered that, in many cases, the efficacy of antenatal fetal testing in preventing long-term neurologic injury has not been validated by prospective randomized clinical trials. Indeed, because of ethical and medicolegal concerns, there are no studies of pregnancies at risk that include a nonmonitored control group, and it is highly unlikely that such trials will ever be performed.
Nonstress Test
The fetal NST, also known as fetal cardiotocography, investigates changes in the FHR pattern with time and reflects the maturity of the fetal autonomic nervous system; for this reason, it is less useful in the very preterm fetus (< 28 weeks’ gestation). The NST is noninvasive, simple to perform, inexpensive, and readily available in all obstetric units. However, interpretation of the NST is largely subjective. Although a number of different criteria have been used to evaluate these tracings, most obstetric care providers have used the definitions for FHR interpretation established in 1997, and updated in 2008, by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Research Planning Workshop ( Table 6.2 ).
Criterion | Definition |
Baseline fetal heart rate (FHR) | Defined as the approximate mean FHR during a 10-min segment and lasting at least 2 min. The normal FHR is defined as 110 to 160 bpm. |
Baseline FHR variability | Described as fluctuations in the baseline FHR of ≥ 2 cycles/min. It is quantified visually as the amplitude of peak-to-trough in bpm. Variability is classified as follows:
The normal baseline FHR variability is defined as moderate variability. |
Accelerations | Defined as an abrupt increase in FHR above baseline.
A prolonged acceleration is defined as an acceleration lasting ≥ 2 min but < 10 min. If the duration is longer than 10 min, it is referred to as a “change in baseline” and not a prolonged acceleration. |
Decelerations | Decelerations are not normal. However, some decelerations are a more serious sign of fetal compromise than others. The following three types of decelerations are recognized:
A prolonged deceleration is defined as a deceleration lasting ≥ 2 min but < 10 min. If the duration is longer than 10 min, it is referred to as a “change in baseline” and not a prolonged deceleration. Recurrent decelerations describe the presence of decelerations with more than 50% of uterine contractions in any 20-min period. |
By definition, an NST is performed before the onset of labor and does not involve invasive (intrauterine) monitoring. The test is performed by recording the FHR for a period of 20 to 40 minutes; the recording is then evaluated for the presence of periodic changes. The FHR is determined externally with use of Doppler ultrasonography, in which sound waves emitted from the transducer are deflected by movements of the heart and heart valves. The shift in frequency of these deflected waves is detected by a sensor and converted into heart rate. The FHR is printed on a strip-chart recorder running at 3 cm/min. A single mark on the FHR tracing therefore represents the average rate in beats per minute (bpm) of 6 fetal heart beats. The presence or absence of uterine contractions is typically recorded at the same time with an external tonometer. This tonometer records myometrial tone and provides information about the timing and duration of contractions, but it does not measure intrauterine pressure or the intensity of the contractions. Results of the NST are interpreted as reactive or nonreactive. An FHR tracing is designated reactive if there are two or more accelerations that peak, but not necessarily remain, at least 15 bpm for 15 seconds in a 20-minute period ( Fig. 6.3 ). For preterm fetuses (< 32 weeks’ gestation), an FHR tracing is designated as reactive if there are two or more accelerations of at least 10 bpm for 10 seconds. A reactive NST is regarded as evidence of fetal health.

A nonreactive NST does not achieve sufficient accelerations within a 40-minute period; this finding does not necessarily indicate a compromised fetus, as most often it is secondary to a fetal sleep cycle. The interpretation of a nonreactive NST must consider the gestational age, the underlying clinical circumstance, and the results of previous FHR tracings. Only 65% of fetuses have a reactive NST by 28 weeks’ gestation, whereas 95% do so by 32 weeks. However, once a reactive NST has been documented in a given pregnancy, the NST should remain reactive throughout the remainder of the pregnancy. A nonreactive NST at term is associated with poor perinatal outcome in only 20% of cases. The significance of such a result at term depends on the clinical endpoint under investigation. If the clinical endpoint of interest is a 5-minute Apgar score less than 7, a nonreactive NST at term has a sensitivity of 57%, a positive predictive value of 13%, and a negative predictive value of 98% (assuming a prevalence of 4%). If the clinical endpoint is permanent neurologic injury, a nonreactive NST at term has a 99.8% false-positive rate.
Visual interpretation of the FHR tracing involves the following components: (1) baseline FHR, (2) baseline FHR variability, (3) presence of accelerations, (4) presence of periodic or episodic decelerations, and (5) changes of FHR pattern over time. The definitions of each of these variables are summarized in Table 6.2 . The patterns are categorized as baseline, periodic (i.e., associated with uterine contractions), or episodic (i.e., not associated with uterine contractions). Periodic changes are described as abrupt or gradual (defined as onset-to-nadir time < 30 seconds or > 30 seconds, respectively). In contrast to earlier classifications, this classification makes no distinction between short-term and long-term variability, and certain characteristics (e.g., the definition of an acceleration) depend on gestational age.
A normal FHR tracing is defined as having a normal baseline rate (110 to 160 bpm), normal baseline variability (i.e., moderate variability, defined as 6 to 25 bpm from peak to trough), presence of accelerations, and absence of decelerations. FHR accelerations typically occur in response to fetal movement, and usually indicate fetal health and adequate oxygenation. At-risk FHR patterns demonstrate absence of baseline variability, combined with recurrent late or variable decelerations or substantial bradycardia ( Fig. 6.4 ). Intermediate FHR patterns have characteristics between the two extremes of normal and at-risk tracings already described.

Persistent fetal tachycardia (defined as an FHR > 160 bpm) may be associated with fetal hypoxia, maternal fever, chorioamnionitis (intrauterine infection), administration of an anticholinergic or beta-adrenergic receptor agonist, fetal anemia, or tachyarrhythmia (see Table 6.2 ). Persistent fetal bradycardia (FHR < 110 bpm) may be a result of congenital heart block, administration of a beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist, hypoglycemia, or hypothermia; it may also indicate fetal hypoxia. Both tachyarrhythmias and bradyarrhythmias require immediate evaluation.
Baseline FHR variability, perhaps the most important component of the NST, is determined on a beat-to-beat basis by the competing influences of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems on the fetal sinoatrial node. A variable FHR tracing, characterized by fluctuations that are irregular in both amplitude and frequency, indicates that the autonomic nervous system is functioning and that the fetus has normal acid-base status. Variability is defined as absent, minimal, moderate, or marked ( Fig. 6.5 ). The older terms short-term variability and long-term variability are no longer used. Normal (moderate) variability indicates the absence of cerebral hypoxia. With acute hypoxia, variability may be minimal or marked. Persistent or chronic hypoxia is typically associated with loss of variability. Reduced variability also may be the result of other factors, including maternal drug administration ( Table 6.3 ), fetal arrhythmia, and neurologic abnormality (e.g., anencephaly).

Effect on the Fetus | Drug |
Fetal tachycardia | Atropine |
Epinephrine (adrenaline) | |
Beta-adrenergic agonists (ritodrine, terbutaline) | |
Fetal bradycardia | Antithyroid medications (including propylthiouracil) |
Beta-adrenergic antagonists (e.g., propranolol) | |
Intrathecal or epidural analgesia | |
Methylergonovine (contraindicated before delivery) | |
Oxytocin (if associated with excessive uterine activity) | |
Sinusoidal fetal heart rate pattern | Systemic opioid analgesia |
Diminished variability | Atropine |
Anticonvulsants (but not phenytoin) | |
Beta-adrenergic antagonists | |
Antenatal corticosteroids (betamethasone, dexamethasone) | |
Ethanol | |
General anesthesia | |
Hypnotics (including diazepam) | |
Insulin (if associated with hypoglycemia) | |
Magnesium sulfate | |
Systemic opioid analgesia | |
Promethazine |
Vibroacoustic Stimulation
Fetal vibroacoustic stimulation (VAS) refers to the response of the FHR to a vibroacoustic stimulus (82 to 95 dB) applied to the maternal abdomen for 1 to 2 seconds in the region of the fetal head. An FHR acceleration in response to VAS represents a positive result and is suggestive of fetal health. If VAS fails to produce an acceleration in the FHR, it may be repeated up to three times for progressively longer durations of up to 3 seconds.
VAS is a useful adjunct to shorten the time needed to achieve a reactive NST and to decrease the proportion of nonreactive NSTs at term, thereby precluding the need for further testing. In one study of low-risk women at term, VAS reduced the proportion of nonreactive NSTs over a 30-minute period by 50% (from 14% to 9%) and shortened the time needed to achieve a reactive NST by an average of 4.5 minutes. VAS has no adverse effect on fetal hearing. The absence of an FHR acceleration in response to VAS at term is associated with an 18-fold higher risk for nonreassuring fetal testing in labor and a 6-fold higher risk for cesarean delivery.
Biophysical Profile
An NST alone may not be sufficient to confirm fetal well-being. In such cases, a biophysical profile (BPP) may be performed. The BPP combines an NST with an ultrasonographic scoring system performed over a 30-minute period. Initially described for testing of the postterm fetus, the BPP has since been validated for use in both term and preterm fetuses, but not during active labor. The five variables described in the original BPP were (1) gross fetal body movements, (2) fetal tone (i.e., flexion and extension of limbs), (3) amniotic fluid volume, (4) fetal breathing movements, and (5) the NST ( Table 6.4 ). More recently, the BPP has been interpreted without the NST.
Biophysical Variable | Normal Score (Score = 2) | Abnormal Score (Score = 0) |
FBM | At least one episode of FBM lasting at least 30 sec | Absence of FBM altogether or no episode of FBM lasting ≥ 30 sec |
Gross body movements | At least three discrete body/limb movements in 30 min (episodes of active continuous movements should be regarded as a single movement) | Fewer than three episodes of body/limb movements over a 30-min period |
Fetal tone | At least one episode of active extension with return to flexion of fetal limbs or trunk; opening and closing of hand are considered normal tone | Slow extension with return to partial flexion, movement of limb in full extension, or absence of fetal movements |
Qualitative AF volume | At least one pocket of AF that measures ≥ 1 cm in two perpendicular planes | No AF pockets or an AF pocket measuring < 1 cm in two perpendicular planes |
Reactive nonstress test | At least two episodes of FHR acceleration of ≥ 15 bpm lasting ≥ 15 sec associated with fetal movements over 30 min of observation | Fewer than two episodes of FHR acceleration or accelerations of < 15 bpm over 30 min of observation |

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