Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA, USA
Cardiac failureSystolic heart failureNitroglycerinNon-invasive ventilation (NIV)Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)EchocardiographyFurosemideHeart failure (HF) is a serious condition affecting an estimated two million Americans and is a common reason for hospitalization. The prognosis of patients admitted to hospital with HF is poor with up to 64 % being re-admitted within the first 90 days after discharge and with a 1 year mortality approximating 20 % [1]. HF can present in patients without previously recognized cardiac dysfunction or as the acute decompensation of chronic congestive HF. Acute Decompensated Heart Failure (ADHF) refers broadly to new or worsening of signs and symptoms of HF that is progressing rapidly, whereby unscheduled medical care or hospital evaluation is necessary. A number of national registries have been developed in the last few decades which have provided invaluable epidemiological and clinical information to help guide the management of patients with ADHF. Currently the total number of patients in the Acute Decompensated Heart Failure National Registry (ADHERE), [2] the Organized Program to Initiate Lifesaving Treatment in Hospitalized Patients with Heart Failure (OPTIMIZE-HF) [3] and the EuroHeart Failure Survey (EHFS) [4] exceeds 250,000. The mean age of the patients in these registries is around 72 years with 50 % being women. Evidence of mild or no impairment of systolic function was found in approximately 45 % of patients. The most common co-morbid conditions were hypertension, coronary artery disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and diabetes. In-hospital mortality was approximately 4 % and the median hospital length of stay was 4.5 days.
Patients presenting with an acute deterioration of cardiac function are often admitted to the ICU. These patients are likely to benefit from treatment. However, patients with “end-stage” cardiac failure whose condition has progressed slowly and inexorably despite maximal medical therapy are poor candidates for admission to the ICU, unless they are candidates for cardiac transplantation or have suffered from an acute medical complication. The following patients with cardiac failure may benefit from admission to an ICU:
Worsening pulmonary edema with acute respiratory failure
Acute myocardial ischemia
Acute hemodynamic compromise due to arrhythmias
Severe complicating disease e.g. pneumonia
Confirm the Diagnosis of Cardiac Failure
An important priority in the management of patients with suspected ADHF is to confirm the diagnosis as well as to establish the presence of co-morbidities and precipitating medical factors. Once the diagnosis of HF has been established the causative factors should be established (i.e. ischemic heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, etc) as well the determination of whether the patient has HF with systolic dysfunction or heart failure with preserved systolic function. In the ADHERE Registry dyspnea occurred in about 89 % of all patients presenting with cardiac failure [5]. Dyspnea on exertion was the most sensitive symptom and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea the most the most specific (positive likelihood ratio 2.6). However, many other diseases may cause symptoms that mimic cardiac failure. Dyspnea can be caused by a wide range of conditions. It may be particularly difficult to distinguish dyspnea caused by HF from that caused by chronic respiratory diseases (such as COPD), and in many patients both conditions may coexist [6]. Wuerz and Meador compared the outcome of patients with suspected HF who received pre-hospital treatment with furosemide, morphine and nitroglycerine versus those given no medications [7]. In this study, the patients with asthma, COPD, pneumonia or bronchitis who were erroneously diagnosed with and treated for HF had as a higher than expected mortality. It is important to recognize that ADHF occurs due to left ventricular (LV) dysfunction whereas cor-pulmonale is a manifestation of right ventricular failure due to pulmonary hypertension. Both conditions may present with dyspnea, an elevated jugular venous pressure (JVP) and peripheral edema. However the management of these conditions is vastly different and cor-pulmonale should not be diagnosed or treated as “heart failure.”
Physical examination has a low accuracy for diagnosing HF [8–10]. While widely considered a reliable sign of volume overload [11, 12], the JVP is a “measure” of right atrial pressure and provides no useful clinical information about left ventricular function or intravascular volume status [13, 14]. An elevated JVP has a very low sensitivity for the diagnosis of HF (0.22) [10]. Patients with severe chronic HF frequently lack pulmonary rales on examination or alveolar edema on chest radiograph despite high pulmonary venous pressure. This observation is explained by reduced pulmonary microvascular permeability as well as increased lymphatic flow in these patients. Furthermore, rales do not distinguish between a cardiac and respiratory cause of dyspnea [9]. Patients with peripheral edema may be inappropriately diagnosed as having HF when there is another cause for the edema [11]. Mueller and colleagues reported the sensitivity and specificity of rales for the diagnosis of HF to be 0.599 and 0.672, while those for lower extremity edema were 0.46 and 0.76 respectively [10]. This information suggests that physical examination alone has limited utility in the evaluation of patients presenting to the ED or a physician’s office with dyspnea and in establishing the diagnosis of HF. However, in patients with established HF, hypotension (SBP < 90 mmHg) is an important clinical sign which is associated with a low cardiac output state and which carries a poor prognosis [15].
Evaluation of the Patient with Cardiac Failure
B-Type Natriuretic Peptides
Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) and N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) are useful biomarkers to assist in the diagnosis of heart failure. BNP belongs to the natriuretic peptide family, which also includes atrial natriuretic peptide, C-type natriuretic peptide, and urodilantin. Although present in the human brain, BNP is mainly synthesized and secreted by ventricular myocardium. Myocardial wall stress is the most important stimulus for increased synthesis and secretion of BNP. It is released into the circulation as a pro-hormone and cleaved into the biologically active 32 amino acid BNP and the biologically inactive 76 amino acid NT-proBNP. The half-life of BNP is 20 min whereas NT-proBNP has a half-life of 120 min, which explains why NT-proBNP serum values are approximately six times higher than BNP values, even though both molecules are released in equimolar proportions [16, 17].
A large number of studies have demonstrated that BNP and NTproBNP are elevated in patients with heart failure, and the values were found to be related to disease severity as assessed by New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class, left ventricular ejection fraction, and left ventricular diastolic function [16, 17]. In the Breath Not Properly (BNP) trial 1,586 patients presenting to the emergency department with shortness of breath were investigated [18]. The main finding of this study was that BNP testing provided high test accuracy for the detection of heart failure, being superior to clinical judgement. At a cut-off value of 100 pg/mL BNP had a very high negative predictive value, thus making it especially applicable as a rule-out test for heart failure in this setting. Thus, the particular strength of these markers is their ability to rule out the diagnosis of heart failure. In general, heart failure is unlikely at BNP values < 100 pg/mL and is very likely at BNP values > 500 pg/mL. Independent of their diagnostic value, several large scale studies have shown that BNP and NT-proBNP provide strong prognostic information for an unfavorable outcome (death, cardiovascular death, readmission or cardiac events) in patients with heart failure or asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction [19].
It should be appreciated that acute right ventricular failure as occurs with acute pulmonary embolism and acute cor pulmonale (ARDS etc) will result in increased BNP and NT-PROBNP levels [20, 21]. BNP levels therefore have little utility in distinguishing cardiogenic from non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema [21].
Assessment of LV function is a critical step in the evaluation and management of patients with HF. With limited training, ED physicians, hospitalists, critical care physicians and medical residents can become competent in performing a focused, goal-directed echocardiographic (ECHO) examination at the time of presentation [22–25]. An immediate ECHO at the bedside makes it possible to visualize dilatation of the heart chambers, diffuse or regional abnormalities in contraction, functional mitral regurgitation as well as LV hypertrophy. The bedside ECHO examination should allow the clinician to rapidly assess LV function and make the distinction between HF due to systolic versus diastolic dysfunction. Once therapy has been initiated all patients with HF should undergo a complete formal ECHO examination, unless this investigation or angiography has been performed recently (within the last few months). ECHO can accurately assess systolic function, ejection fraction and detect wall motion abnormalities while tissue Doppler can accurately quantitate the degree of diastolic dysfunction. Doppler Quantitative assessment of left ventricular function is important in patients with systolic heart failure as the EF is the most important predictor of the 5 year survival rate in these patients.
Laboratory Testing
Laboratory testing should include serum electrolytes and a complete blood count. In the ADHERE registry, a serum urea nitrogen (BUN) of greater than 43 mg/dL was the single best predictor for in hospital mortality, with a systolic blood pressure of less than 115 mmHg being second, and a creatinine of 2.75 mg/dL being third [5]. A high BUN is a poor prognostic marker in cardiac failure; this is often a consequence of over-diuresis and/or the cardio-renal syndrome (see below). Hyponatremia in a patient with cardiac failure is a sign of failing circulatory homeostasis and is associated with longer length of stay and higher in-hospital and early postdischarge mortality [26]. Anemia is also a poor prognostic marker [27].
Hemodynamic Monitoring
Invasive hemodynamic monitoring in cardiac failure has come under close scrutiny, and its value has been questioned, especially after the results of the ESCAPE trial [28] In this study, patients were randomized to routine care or treatment guided by a PAC. In-hospital adverse events were more common among patients in the PAC group, however, there were no significant differences in 30-day mortality or clinical outcomes or adverse events at 6 months between the two groups of patients. This study, in keeping with the general critical care literature has demonstrated the PAC to be of limited clinical utility [29].
Precipitating Factors
It is important to determine the precipitating factor(s) that have led to a deterioration of cardiac function. The most important include:
myocardial ischemia
poorly controlled hypertension
arrhythmias, particularly atrial arrhythmias
poor compliance with medication
drug reactions/side effects
fluid overload due to deterioration of renal function
intercurrent illness, particularly infections (pneumonia)
The treatment of ADHF involves both rapid relief of symptoms and treatment of pulmonary edema, hemodynamic stabilization, management of comorbidities and precipitating factors and initiation of long-term therapy.
Acute Phase of Treatment
While the management and outcome of patients with chronic systolic heart failure has improved in recent years largely due to a number of large well conducted RCT’s, the management of ADHF remains problematic with few evidence based interventions available. Indeed, emerging data suggests that the “conventional” therapeutic interventions for ADHF including morphine, high dose furosemide and inotropic agents may be harmful. The treated of ADHF centers on the use of nitroglycerin, oxygen/NIPPV and low dose diuretics.
Patients require supplemental oxygen, this should be titrated by pulse oximetry to target an arterial saturation between 92 and 96 % (see Chap. 17). Strong evidence supports the use of NPPV to treat acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema (see Chap. 20). Positive pressure ventilation is “good for the left ventricle”; it reduces the work of breathing, reduces preload and reduces LV afterload. Both CPAP and BiPAP lower intubation and mortality rates compared to conventional therapy with oxygen [30, 31]. However, CPAP should be considered as the first line intervention as it is as efficacious as BiPAP and CPAP is cheaper and easier to implement in clinical practice [30, 31].
Morphine sulfate has long been used to treat ADHF on the basis that it is a potent venodilator with additional anxiolytic properties. However, data from the ADHERE registry suggests that the use of morphine is associated with an increased risk for intubation and is an independent predictor of mortality (OR 4.84) [32]. Based on this data morphine should be avoided in patients with ADHF.
It is important to recognize that patients with “congestive heart failure” have volume overload due to sodium retention primarily as a result of activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). Agents which improve cardiac performance and renal blood flow, decrease activation of the RAAS and result in a diuresis. Indeed in 1776, William Withering described a patient who was “cured from dropsy” after she self-administered an old cure of a garden plant called foxglove (Digitalis purpurea). Withering conducted experiments in patients with dropsy (congestive heart failure) and showed that foxglove increased urination [33]. It was believed at the time that digitalis was a diuretic which removed “poisons” from the blood stream.
Diuretics have been the mainstay for the treatment of ADHF for the past four decades; indeed these drugs (particularly furosemide) are still widely used and recommended for this indication [11, 34]. The ADHERE study reported that 89 % of patients presented with symptoms of volume overload and that 88 % received intravenous diuretics. However, although patients are volume overloaded with features of “congestion” there is little data to support the use of loop diuretics; indeed high dose furosemide is associated with worse outcomes. It is important to note that loop diuretics are associated with a fall in GFR, this may further compromises renal function in patients with cardiac failure. High dose diuretics have a number of adverse effects in patients with heart failure which include:
Activation of the renin-angiotensin system
Increased AVP
Increased heart rate
Increased norepinephrine levels
Increased SVR
It is widely (although incorrectly) believed that diuresis improves cardiac function in patients with congestive cardiac failure. It has been postulated that diuretic induced changes in preload increase ventricular performance by two mechanisms; either by shifting the ventricle to a “more optimal position on the descending limb on the Starling Curve” or by reducing left ventricular size and thereby reducing systolic wall stress (afterload) by the LaPlace effect. However, it has been clearly demonstrated that in the physiological range there is NO descending limb of the left ventricular stroke volume-pressure curve (Frank-Starlings curve) in the mammalian heart (this includes humans). Furthermore, there is currently no evidence to support the contention that diuresis increases stroke volume or cardiac output in patients with congestive cardiac failure. Braunwald and colleagues demonstrated an average fall in cardiac output of 20 % following diuresis in patients with impaired cardiac function both at rest and during exercise [35]. Nelson and coworkers compared the hemodynamic effects of intravenous furosemide (1 mg/kg) with that of intravenous isosorbide dinitrate (50–200 μg/kg/min) in patients with LV failure following myocardial infarction [36]. The pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP) fell in both groups of patients’ however, the cardiac output was maintained in the nitrate group whereas it fell by about 10 % in the furosemide group. Similarly, Hutton and colleagues compared the effects of intravenous furosemide (0.5 mg/kg) and isosorbide 5-mononitrate (15 mg) at the time of cardiac catheterization in patients with LV dysfunction [37]. In this study furosemide induced acute vasoconstriction with a reduction in cardiac output. In contrast, isosorbide 5-mononitrate maintained cardiac output while reducing the PAOP.
It should therefore be no surprise that the use of high dose loop diuretics in patients with ADHF has been associated with adverse outcomes. Analysis of the ADHERE registry has provided compelling evidence regarding the harm of high dose diuretics in patients with ADHF [38]. Patients in the registry were stratified into a low-moderate (<160 mg) and high-dose group (≥160 mg) according to the cumulative dose of intravenous furosemide (or equivalent) administrated during the first 24 h of hospitalization. Patients in the high-dose group had a significantly greater decline in renal function, a longer length of stay and a higher in-hospital mortality rate (OR 0.87; 95 % CI 0.78–0.97, p = 0.01) when compared to the low-moderate group, even after adjustment for confounding factors. Similarly, in the ESCAPE trial, high dose furosemide was an independent predictor of hospital mortality and 6-month outcome [39]. Cotter et al. randomized 110 patients with cardiogenic pulmonary edema to either high dose nitrates or high dose furosemide (80 mg iv every 15 min until improvement) after receiving an initial 40 mg dose of furosemide [40]. Mechanical ventilation was required in seven (13 %) patients in the nitrate group and 21 (40 %) in the furosemide group (p = 0.0041). Myocardial infarction occurred in 9 (17 %) and 19 (37 %) patients (p = 0.047) and death in one and three patients (p = 0.61), respectively. One or more of these endpoints occurred in 13 (25 %) and 24 (46 %) patients, respectively (p = 0.041). Worsening renal function during hospitalization is a powerful independent prognostic factor for adverse outcomes. Metra and colleagues demonstrated that the daily furosemide dose was an independent predictor for worsening renal function, which itself was a predictor of death and rehospitalization [41]. The initial daily dose of furosemide was 82 mg in the group whose renal function remained stable as compared to 160 mg in those with worsening renal function. In a nested case-control study of 382 ADHF patients, Butler and colleagues showed that higher doses of loop diuretics were associated with an increased risk of worsening renal failure independent of the amount of fluid loss [42]. In a long term follow-up study Abdel-Qadir et al. demonstrated that in elderly patients with HF a dose of furosemide ≥120 mg/day was associated with worsened outcomes and was broadly predictive of death and morbidity [43].
Diuretics however may improve renal function in patients with cardio-renal syndrome and high venous pressures (see Chap. 12, Dangers of a high CVP). A high central venous pressure is transmitted backwards where it increases renal venous pressure and renal interstitial pressure; these effects markedly reduce renal blood flow and GFR. In patients with ADHF, Mullens et al. demonstrated a near linear relationship between increasing CVP and worsening renal function [44]. In this study worsening renal function occurred significantly less frequently in patients with a CVP < 8 mmHg. Furthermore, the CVP was the only hemodynamic parameter that predicted worsening renal failure, with the CI, systolic blood pressure and PCWP being similar between those patients who maintained renal function as compared to those with worsening renal function. The effect of diuresis on renal function likely depends on the balance of reduced stroke volume (following diuresis) which decreases renal function versus reduced central venous pressure which will reduce renal venous and interstitial pressure and may improve renal function. It is difficult to predict which patients will benefit or be harmed by diuresis. However, it is possible that renal function may improve following diuresis in patients with a high CVP. Renal function should be closely monitored in all patients with ADHF receiving diuretics and the dose reduced or stopped in those with worsening renal function. Based on this data patients with ADHF should receive no more than 40–80 mg furosemide per day and that this dose should be reduced in patient with worsening renal function. Administration of the diuretic as a continuous infusion does not appear to have any advantages over giving the drug as bolus doses [45].
Diuretics are appropriate therapy in patients with symptomatic cardiogenic pulmonary edema. However, it is important to realize that patients with failing hearts (chronic) are able to tolerate high pulmonary venous pressures without developing pulmonary edema. Patients with severe chronic left heart failure frequently lack pulmonary rales on examination or alveolar edema on chest x-ay, despite high pulmonary venous pressure (and features of pulmonary venous hypertension on chest x-ray); these patients may have pulmonary venous pressures > 30 mmHg. This observation is explained by reduced pulmonary microvascular permeability as well as increased lymphatic flow in these patients.
Nitroglycerin is the most commonly used vasodilator in the setting of acute heart failure; however it should be used with caution in hypotensive patients. Nitroglycerin’s effects are mediated through the relaxation of vascular smooth muscle; it reduces preload and afterload. Nitroglycerine increase cardiac output, decreases systemic vascular resistance and improves microcirculating perfusion [46]. Nitroglycerin can be given orally, topically, or intravenously, as long as blood pressure is maintained. This is one of the few agents which has been shown to improve outcome in ADHF, [40] and it is likely that this agent is underutilized for the treatment of this condition. The IV route is recommended in patients admitted to the ICU. The dosing of nitroglycerin is often suboptimal and may need to reach doses of about 160 mg/kg/min to achieve optimal effects. Headache is a common adverse effect but is generally ameliorated with acetaminophen.
Due to its toxicity nitroprusside is best avoided. The role of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) in ADHF has not been studied. Intravenous ACE inhibitors should be avoided [47]. A low dose of an oral ACE inhibitor can be considered in patients with stable renal function but should be avoided in patients with declining renal function.
Nesiritide is identical to the endogenous BNP produced by the body. It acts as a vasodilator (arterial and venous) and antagonizes the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone and sympathetic nervous systems. Nesiritide is given as a 2 mg/kg bolus, followed by an infusion of 0.01 mg/kg/min. Pooled analyses have raised concerns about the safety of this agent, with the drug being linked to worsening renal function and increased mortality [35, 48]. Chen et al. compared low-Dose Dopamine, Low-Dose Nesiritide and placebo in patients with ADHF and renal dysfunction (The ROSE Acute Heart Failure Randomized Trial). Neither dopamine nor nesiritide improved urine output or renal function (primary end-points) nor there was there any benefit on the secondary end points reflective of decongestion, renal function, or clinical outcomes. Based on this data nesiritide cannot be recommended in patients with ADHF.
Multiple large, randomized controlled trials have demonstrated that certain beta-blockers (carvedilol, metoprolol succinate and bisoprolol) reduce mortality by about 35 % in patients with chronic HF and systolic LV dysfunction [49, 50]. Until recently it has been unclear if beta-blocker therapy should be continued, withdrawn or the dose reduced in patients admitted to hospital with ADHF. An analysis of the OPTIMIZE-HF registry and the Carvedilol or Metoporlol European Trial (COMET) demonstrated a longer hospital length of stay and a higher risk of death in patients in whom beta-blocker therapy was discontinued or the dose reduced as compared to those patients in whom the beta-blocker was continued or therapy with a beta-blocker initiated [51, 52]. In the Carvedilol Prospective Randomized Cumulative Survival (COPERNICUS) study beta-blocker therapy reduced the risk of death and hospitalization in the subgroup of patients with recent or recurrent decompensation [50]. This data suggests that all patients with ADHF should continue to be treated with a beta-blocker unless specifically contraindicated. It should be noted that beta-blockers are not contraindicated in patients with concomitant COPD; indeed, evidence suggests that beta-blockers may improve survival even in those COPD patients without overt cardiovascular disease [53]. In patients not previously treated with a beta-blocker initiation of low dose treatment should be considered.
Inotropic Agents
Dobutamine may have a role in patients with acute left ventricular failure due to myocardial ischemia. In this setting dobutamine may recruit hibernating myocardium and improve cardiac function. Furthermore, dobutamine should be considered in patients with sepsis induced acute systolic dysfunction. The role of dobutamine in patients with chronic heart failure is unclear. Chronic heart failure is characterized by sympathetic hyper-activation and β-receptor downregulation. Short term infusions or continuous β-stimulant therapies have not been demonstrated to be beneficial in these patients [54]. Tacon et al. performed a meta-analysis of RCT that evaluated the role of dobutamine in patients with ADHF [55]. In this study the odds ratio for mortality for patients treated with dobutamine compared with standard care or placebo was 1.47 (CI 0.98–2.21, p = 0.06). This meta-analysis demonstrated that dobutamine is not associated with improved outcome in patients with heart failure, but was associated with a strong trend towards increased mortality. β-blockers have been demonstrated to improve outcome in patients with compensated heart failure and it therefore appears counterintuitive that β-stimulant therapy would have a role in ADHF.
Milrinone acts by inhibiting the phosphodiesterase III isoenzyme, which leads to increased cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and enhanced inotropy. It differs from dobutamine, because it elevates cAMP by preventing its degradation as opposed to dobutamine, which increases cAMP production. In the OPTIME-CHF study the use of milrinone in patients with an ischemic cardiomyopathy was associated with an increase in the composite of death or rehospitalization (42 vs. 36 % for placebo, p = 0.01) [56]. Furthermore, in the ESCAPE heart failure trial, the use of an inotrope was associated with an increased risk of death; RR of 2.14, (95 % CI 1.10–4.15) [57]. This data suggests that both dobutamine and milrinone have a limited role in the management of patients with ADHF.
Vasopressin Antagonists
Vasopressin levels are inappropriately high in both acute and chronic HF [58]. Along with activation of the sympathetic nervous system and the RAAS, non-osmotic release of vasopressin is thought to represent a maladaptive response that is central to the pathophysiology of HF. Vasopressin antagonists has been investigated in patients with both acute and chronic heart failure. Although these agents are associated with a greater net fluid loss than placebo and normalization of the serum sodium they have not been associated with improved clinical outcomes [59].
Peripheral ultrafiltration is an alternative to diuretics for sodium and water removal. The Ultrafiltration Versus Intravenous Diuretics for Patients Hospitalized for Acute Decompensated Heart Failure (UNLOAD) trial enrolled 200 patients with ADHF and showed that ultrafiltration compared with diuretics increased weight loss at 48 h (5.0 vs. 3.1 kg; p < 0.001), decreased the need for vasoactive drugs (3 vs. 13 %; p = 0.02) and reduced the rate of readmission to hospital at 90 days (18 vs. 32 %; p = 0.02) [60]. More recently, Bart et al. tested the efficacy and safety of ultrafiltration in patients with ADHF complicated by persistent congestion and worsened renal function [61]. They randomized 188 patients to a strategy of stepped pharmacologic therapy or ultrafiltration. Ultrafiltration was inferior to pharmacologic therapy with respect to the end points of the change in the serum creatinine level and body weight 96 h after enrollment. A higher percentage of patients in the ultrafiltration group had serious adverse events. The changes from baseline in the creatinine level remained significantly different between the groups up to 60 days. While these two studies provide contradictory results they suggest that ultrafiltration should be avoided in patients with cardio-renal syndrome.
Management of Atrial Fibrillation (AF)
AF may occur in up to 50 % of patients with severe heart failure. If AF causes sudden severe worsening of heart failure immediate cardioversion may be necessary. However, most patients can be stabilized by using amiodarone or digoxin to control heart rate. Approximately 60 % of patients with acute AF (less 1 week) will spontaneously revert back to sinus rhythm. A randomized placebo controlled study demonstrated that the rate of conversion of acute AF to sinus rhythm was similar in a group of patients treated with amiodarone compared to the group receiving placebo [62]. It had previously been assumed that the prognosis of patients with heart failure and AF was improved if these patients were converted to sinus rhythm. However a recent RCT demonstrated that a strategy of rhythm control does not reduce the rate of death or cardiovascular complications as compared to a rate-control strategy [63].
Management of Hypertension
Reduction of blood pressure may in itself have a beneficial effect on the signs and symptoms of heart failure. Hypertension is a relative concept in patients with heart failure. Although a blood pressure of 135/85 mmHg may be acceptable for a patient with a normal EF, that same blood pressure may be harmful for patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction. Intravenous nicardipine or fenoldopam (see Chap. 28) followed by treatment with on oral ACE inhibitor, ARB’s or amlodipine is recommended for blood pressure control in these patients.
Routine anticoagulation is not recommended. Patients with a history of systemic or pulmonary embolism, recent atrial fibrillation, or mobile left-ventricular thrombi should be anticoagulated aiming to achieve a prothrombin time ratio of 1.2–1.8 times control (INR 2.0–3.0).
Anemia is common and a poor prognostic indicator in HF [27, 64]. Multiple factors contribute to the anemia of HF including decreased erythropoietin production due to kidney injury, ACE inhibitors (inhibit erythropoietin production), increased levels of pro-inflammatory mediators, GI blood loss due to anti-platelet drugs, as well as iron deficiency [64]. Blood transfusions, however, do not improve outcome. Blood transfusion should only be considered in patients with a Hb < 7 g/dL (see Chap. 38). Intravenous iron (200 mg ferric carboxymaltose) has been demonstrated to improve symptoms in NYHA class II or III patients who had an ejection fraction of less than 45 % and had an iron deficiency anemia (ferritin < 100 μg/L and a hemoglobin less than 13.5 g/dL) [65]. Intravenous iron should therefore be considered in patients (non-septic) with ADHF who have an iron deficiency anemia. Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESA’s) appear to have limited clinical benefits in anemic patients with heart failure [66].
Treatment of ADHF: Summary
CPAP + oxygen
Intravenous nitroglycerin, titrate up to 160 mg/kg/min (hold/stop for hypotension)
Furosemide 40–80 mg initially (on presentation) and then 40–80 mg daily. Stop if BUN increases.
Treat complications
Low dose beta-blocker (carvedilol)
? low dose oral ACE inhibitor
Intravenous iron for iron deficiency (not if septic)
DVT prophylaxis
Nutritional optimization (thiamine etc)
NO morphine, nitroprusside, nesiritide or inotropic agents
Avoid blood transfusion
Anticoagulation for chronic AF
Long-Term Management
Once the patients’ condition has stabilized (i.e. resolution of features of pulmonary edema and the patient is normotensive with stable renal function) chronic therapy can be reinstated or initiated. At this point it is important to determine if the patient has predominantly systolic (low EF) or diastolic (normal EF) heart failure, as this has some impact of the long term therapeutic plan. While a considerable number of large RCT’s have evaluated the utility of various interventions in patients with systolic heart failure the optimal management of patients with diastolic heart failure is somewhat less clear [34].

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