
3. Acromegaly


Acromegaly is the abnormal enlargement of limbs and facial features as a result of hypersecretion of growth hormone after maturity. The disease is usually the result of a pituitary tumor.


The incidence of acromegaly is estimated to be 3:1,000,000 to 4:1,000,000.


More than 95% of growth hormone–releasing hormone (GHRH) independent cases of acromegaly are the result of growth hormone (GH)–secreting pituitary adenoma. These adenomas are either macroadenomas (>1 cm) or microadenomas (<1 cm). Macroadenomas predominate, accounting for more than 80% of the tumors.

Signs and Symptoms

• Arthritis

• Bitemporal hemianopia

• Congestive heart failure

• Enlarged thyroid

• Enlarging extremities

• Facial feature coarsening

• Frontal bossing

• Headaches

• Hypercalciuria

• Hyperhidrosis

• Hyperphosphatemia

• Hypertriglyceridemia

• Increased incidence of CHF

• Increased incidence of colonic polyps

Aug 5, 2016 | Posted by in ANESTHESIA | Comments Off on Acromegaly

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