70: Central Venous/Right Atrial Pressure Monitoring


Central Venous/Right Atrial Pressure Monitoring


• Knowledge of the normal anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system is needed.

• Knowledge of the principles of aseptic technique and infection control is necessary.

• Knowledge is needed of the principles of hemodynamic monitoring.

• The central venous pressure (CVP)/right atrial pressure (RAP) represents right-sided heart preload or the volume of blood found in the right ventricle at the end of diastole.

• CVP/RAP influences and is influenced by venous return and cardiac function. Although the CVP/RAP is used as a measure of changes in the right ventricle, the relationship is not linear. Because the right ventricle has the ability to expand and alter its compliance, changes in volume can occur with little change in pressure.

• The CVP/RAP normally ranges from 2 to 8 mm Hg in the adult.

• The central venous catheter is inserted in a central vein with the tip of the catheter placed in the proximal superior vena cava.

• Knowledge is needed of the setup, leveling, and zeroing of the hemodynamic monitoring system (see Procedure 76).

• Understanding of a, c, and v waves is necessary. The a wave reflects right atrial contraction. The c wave reflects closure of the tricuspid valve. The v wave reflects the right atrial filling during ventricular systole. The CVP/RAP measurement is the mean of the a wave.

• CVP/RAP values are useful in evaluation of volume status, effect of medication therapy (especially medication that decreases preload), and cardiac function (Table 70-1).

• Monitoring parameters from the femoral catheter is not recommended. The catheter is too distant from the right atrium to produce reliable data.

Jun 4, 2016 | Posted by in CRITICAL CARE | Comments Off on 70: Central Venous/Right Atrial Pressure Monitoring

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