The femoral triangle is a hollow area in the anterior thigh providing relatively easy access to the femoral neurovascular bundle (Figure 6.1). Boundaries Contents (lateral to medial) Why is the femoral triangle important to the anaesthetist? It is an important anatomical landmark for anaesthetists to be able to access the neurovascular bundle. How do you locate the femoral artery on an actor? Where do the nerve and vein lie in relation to this? The femoral artery is palpable at the mid-inguinal point, which is situated halfway between the pubic symphysis and the ASIS. The nerve lies lateral to the artery, and the femoral vein lies medial to the artery. The popliteal fossa is a diamond-shaped area posterior to the knee joint. This is the site for popliteal nerve block for providing analgesia for procedures performed in the lower leg (Figure 6.2). Boundaries Contents (medial to lateral) The main blood supply to the lower limb is by the femoral artery, which is the continuation of the external iliac artery. The femoral artery continues as the popliteal artery in the lower leg (Table 6.1 and Figure 6.3). Table 6.1 Arterial Supply of Lower Limb Thigh – femoral artery Course: the external iliac artery continues as the femoral artery when it crosses the midpoint of inguinal ligament to enter the thigh. It treks down the anteromedial side of the thigh and passes through the adductor canal. At the junction of middle and lower one third of the thigh, it exits to the popliteal fossa through the opening in the adductor magnus and continues as the popliteal artery. Branches and supply Knee and lower leg – popliteal artery Course: the popliteal artery passes through the popliteal fossa at the lower border of the popliteus muscle and terminates by branching into the anterior and posterior tibial arteries. Branches and supply: Ankle and foot – tarsal, malleolar, plantar and dorsalis pedis arteries Course: dorsalis pedis and plantar branches are continuation of posterior and anterior tibial arteries, respectively, and these, along with their branches, supply the ankle and foot. See Femoral Triangle and Popliteal Fossa respectively for the relations of femoral artery and the popliteal artery. What are the causes of limb ischaemia? Emboli rank first for being the culprit for acute limb ischaemia and most commonly arise from the heart, a proximal arterial aneurysm or atherosclerosis. Thrombosis may be induced by any of the three factors of Virchow’s triad: static or turbulent blood flow, hypercoagulability and endothelial injury. Other causes include vasculitis, trauma, compartment syndrome, fibrodysplasia and iatrogenic interventions (e.g. cannulation of vessels). What are the features of an ischaemic limb? What are the management options for an acutely ischaemic limb? The management of a patient presenting with an acutely ischaemic limb begins with taking a thorough history and examination. Acute ischaemia caused by complete arterial blockage can cause irreversible damage in 6 hours. Anaesthetic management Patients are usually systemically ill, and the surgical procedure is often urgent, but a thorough anaesthetic and medical history and examination is carried out and system optimisation should be considered within the time available. Surgeons may choose to perform an embolectomy under local anaesthesia but given the high perioperative risks, anaesthetic presence is usually necessary. If more invasive surgery is planned, general anaesthesia is the preferred choice for various reasons (use of therapeutic doses of anticoagulant drug, non-fasted state, etc.) Points to remember The venous drainage of the lower limb can be divided into two groups What might be the indications for cannulating the femoral vein? What are the possible complications of femoral vein cannulation? Immediate Delayed What clinical features would make you suspect IVC thrombosis in a patient with a femoral vein catheter? Features of local obstruction Features of clot migration Features of venous hypertension Figures 6.4 and 6.5 show the dermatomal and peripheral nerve distribution of the anterior and posterior parts of the lower limb. The lumbar plexus is a network of nerve fibres that provide motor and sensory innervation to the lower limb. They are formed of the anterior rami of the lumbar spinal nerves from L1–L4 with 50% of cases receiving contribution from T12. The plexus is found anterior to the transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae within the psoas major muscle compartment. These spinal nerves divide into cords and combine to form six major peripheral nerves (Table 6.2 and Figure 6.6). L1 and, in 50% of cases, a branch of T12 splits into two divisions – upper and lower. Upper division gives rise to iliohypogastric and ilio-inguinal nerves. The lower division forms the genitofemoral nerve after joining with a branch from L2 anterior rami. The rest of L2–L3 and some branches of L4 rami divide into two divisions – dorsal and ventral. Dorsal divisions of L2–L3 form the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh and that of L2–L4 form the femoral nerve. The ventral divisions of L2–L4 join to form the obturator nerve. All nerves apart from the obturator emerge between the quadratus lumborum and the psoas muscles. The obturator nerve passes medially and travels under the iliac vessels to the lower limbs. Table 6.2 Summary of Lumbar Plexus Lumbar plexus Origin Anterior rami of L1–L4 and some contribution from T12 Course Emerges from intervertebral foramina and lies within the psoas muscle, anterior to the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae Supplies Motor: all the muscles of the lower limb Sensory: innervation to inguinal/groin region, anterior thigh, medial aspect of leg Six branches Indulgent Ian Got Leftovers On Fridays Two nerves with one root, two nerves with two roots and two nerves with three roots Iliohypogastric (L1) Ilioinguinal (L1) Genitofemoral (L1–L2) Lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh (L2–L3) Obturator (L2–L4) Femoral (L2–L4) Blocks Lumbar plexus block/psoas compartment block What do the branches of the lumbar plexus supply and what (if any) are their functions? Table 6.3 Summary of Function of the Branches of the Lumbar Plexus Nerve Function Iliohypogastric L1 ± T12 Motor: transversus abdominis and internal oblique Sensory: skin of posterolateral gluteal region Ilioinguinal L1 Motor: transversus abdominis and internal oblique Sensory: skin of middle thigh and anterior scrotum (males) and mons pubis (females) Genitofemoral L1–2 Motor: cremaster muscle Sensory: skin of anterior thigh and anterior scrotum (males) and mons pubis (females) Lateral cutaneous N of thigh L2–3 Motor: none Sensory: anterior and posterior branches supply the skin of anterolateral and lateral aspect of mid thigh respectively Obturator L2 –L4 Motor: obturator externus, adductor longus and brevis, gracilis, pectineus Sensory: skin of medial thigh Femoral L2–L4 Motor: abductors – iliacus, sartorius, quadriceps femoris Sensory: skin of anterior and medial thigh The femoral nerve arises from primary rami of L2–L4 (dorsal divisions) within the lumbar plexus. It supplies Course of the nerve The nerve emerges from the lateral margin of the psoas muscle, passing inferiorly between the psoas and iliacus muscles and crosses beneath the inguinal ligament to enter the thigh. The nerve resides in the femoral triangle, lateral to the femoral artery and is invested in the fascia of iliacus muscle which separates it from the femoral sheath. It divides into its terminal branches at the base of the triangle. Terminal branches These stem from anterior and posterior divisions. Anterior division Posterior division
Lower Limb
Nervous System
Femoral Triangle
Popliteal Fossa
Arterial Supply of Lower Limb
Venous Drainage of Lower Limb
Nervous System
Dermatomes and Nerve Distribution
The Lumbar Plexus
Femoral Nerve

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