44: Emergent Open Sternotomy (Assist)


Emergent Open Sternotomy (Assist)


• Knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system is necessary.

• Advanced cardiac life support knowledge and skills are needed.

• Understanding of signs and symptoms of cardiac tamponade is necessary.

• Emergency open sternotomy is performed for patients who have undergone a median sternotomy, usually within the first 2 weeks of cardiac surgery.

• Emergent open sternotomy is indicated for exsanguinating hemorrhage or cardiac tamponade with imminent cardiac arrest.5,6

• Knowledge and skills related to aseptic and sterile technique are needed.

• Internal defibrillation may be necessary if life-threatening dysrhythmias occur (see Procedure 42).


• Antiseptic solution (e.g., 2% chlorhexidine-based preparation)

• Head cover, masks, eye protection, sterile gown, sterile gloves, sterile drapes

• Sterile open-chest set and sternotomy tray

• Electrocautery equipment: Generator, cautery, electrical dispersing pad (e.g., grounding pad)

• Large sterile suction catheter (e.g., Yankauer)

• Suction containers, tubing, regulator, and suction source

• Radiopaque gauze or other surgical sponge materials

• Polypropylene (Prolene) suture (cutting needle), other suture material according to preference

• Clip applicator and clips

• Syringes: 3 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml, and 20 ml

• Knife blades: Nos. 10, 11, 15

• Sternal wires or bands

• Sterile stapler or sutures

• Sterile dressing supplies

• Emergency medication and resuscitation equipment

Additional equipment as needed includes the following:

Jun 4, 2016 | Posted by in CRITICAL CARE | Comments Off on 44: Emergent Open Sternotomy (Assist)

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