132: Small-Bore Feeding Tube Insertion Using an Electromagnetic Guidance System (CORTRAK®)


Small-Bore Feeding Tube Insertion Using an Electromagnetic Guidance System (CORTRAK®)


• Explain the essential role adequate nutritional status plays in promoting wound healing and recovery from illness. imageRationale: Explanation may elicit cooperation and allay patient anxiety.

• Explain why a feeding tube is needed to ensure adequate nutritional intake. imageRationale: Explanation may elicit cooperation and facilitate tube insertion.

• Outline the steps in the procedure and the patient’s role during feeding tube insertion (e.g., position, swallowing as instructed). imageRationale: Patient cooperation may facilitate insertion.

• Describe the typical sensations experienced during feeding tube insertion. imageRationale: Explanation may alleviate anxiety and promote patient cooperation.

• Inform patient and family of the need for postinsertion radiograph. imageRationale: Information may provide reassurance regarding expected course of events.

Jun 4, 2016 | Posted by in CRITICAL CARE | Comments Off on 132: Small-Bore Feeding Tube Insertion Using an Electromagnetic Guidance System (CORTRAK®)

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